Olburgseweg 17, 7225 NA, Olburgen Netherlands. From December 29th until January 9th and 10th 2022 Sangers Pigeons sold their famous Van Den Bulck and Lambrechts breeding team together with the entire racing team and young birds from special pairings! Fantastic results on One Loft Races where the cherry on top of the cake. Pigeon Bids late Wilfried Villmar. World Pigeon Bid the International Pigeon Auction Website Pigeondepot.com. but unfortunately they W GROUP 1Auction is for 4Mark Caudwell Van Reets, and 2 Frans Zwol, these are very well bred Young Birds,these are very nice Birds. +31 (0)6 44 23 25 09 Just an amazing reference the best we can get !! Indicative shipping costs. Already meer specialized in the sale of racing pigeons of the highest quality for over 15 years. Easy to order through our webshop. This varied from national ace pigeon to national victories, provincial victories, or ace pigeons. 23/02/2023 14:00 - After multiple National podium spots, a series of top results on the marathon races from Narbonne, Bergerac and Agen, a sensational result from Perpignan followed. The UK seller for all php products from the natural brand of pigeon health and performance, used and recommended by Jos Thone. 20/02/2023 14:00 - Monday the 20th of February these new auctions will start: Nadir Cobanoglu, Jos & Lars Vercammen, Carlo Gyselbrecht, Team Euregio, Rudi De Saer, Lubomir Kubacek, Kristof Mortelmans & Cuffel & Sons. His record in the NFC is outstanding when you consider how small his team is, together with working full time and having a young family. This is where the world comes for Pigeons! Remember the number one pigeon product Vior is still available from Elimar, the only product we sell. Hens, cocks, bluebar, red, all types of birds. NPO-North Laon 5.485 p, 4. I refer to Cosmin as The Connoisseur his selection methods and process is very interesting. 3) in 2022, PIPA organizes an auction for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Gerard & Harold Calis (Bussum, NL) stand in the spotlights with several ace pigeon and championship titles on the provincial and national level, Wacko x Lieve: a unique pair, for one loft racing, New auctions: Embregts-Theuns, Vanhoudt-Serre, G&H Calis, John Debaene, Gino Clicque, Dehon Demonseau & Pattaya OLR, Best international Barcelona pigeon over 5 seasons, Jeroen & Stijn Rans on the return of Jef, 1st Internat. Call if you are looking for something else. We specialise in the promotion, marketing and sale of quality racing pigeons around the world, combined with a worldwide delivery network which includes storage . The new pre export quarantine period start at Dutch Quarantine and Veterinary Facility June 12th, 2020 Please let us have your booking as soon as possible. Click Here to visit American Pigeon Museum & Library. POPULAR CATEGORIES. 5. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Lokhorst 2 children are offered from their ancestor "Pirlo". Vromans, M& S Tekin and Kobal. Choice Pigeon USA. BTW no. CoC no. . Add your sites advertisement banner to this area. This website is about a small exclusive loft located in . Join the Racing Pigeon Auction. x "Joukje", top breeder, out "Mr. Sky", 1. Status: 15hours55minutes42seconds. GPS Fixed Price Auctions. 9400 Noerresundby Commission bids welcomed 07385699583 Are you interested in selling with the UK's leading auction site? Mr & Mrs Brian Hawes Distance Clearance Sale, Kevan Smith - Wigan - Clearance Sale due to ill health, Devon South Devon Federation ~ Transporter Fund Auction, A kit of 5 Gaston van de wouwer youngsters, 4 Caudwell Van Reets, 2 Frans Zwol 2023 YBs. He really is a Connoisseur of middle distance pigeons. NPO Issoudun, 5.+21. "The Argenton", 1.+2.+4.+4.+4. 22 VIP 144 MEALY HOUBEN BASED RICK BARKER OLR HEN AMERICAN PIGEON MUSEUM FUNDRAISER: $170.00: AU22SEA2125BCWFH Lemmens (DeGUST)-SMASH COCK LONG DISTANCE: $90.00: 17 VGWF 7581 BB COCK: Many fanciers from all over the globe already asked for my help to select breeding pairs. 15/02/2023 13:30 Loft Report. Another new successful season for JP Palm (Braine-lAlleud, BE), Ad Fortuin (Strijen, NL) experiences a superb season with sensational results on extreme long distance races, Kristof Mortelmans (Ranst, BE) his Daan is the Best Extreme Long Distance Old bird across 3 races in 2022, New auctions: Nadir Cobanoglu, Jos & Lars Vercammen, Carlo Gyselbrecht, Team Euregio, Rudi De Saer, Lubomir Kubacek, Kristof Mortelmans & Cuffel & Sons, Simon van Hoeve (Terneuzen, NL): great achievements on a small accommodation, Vanhoudt-Serr (Diest, BE) house unique bloodlines, Gino Clicque (Wevelgem, BE): again superior in 2022, BDS AUCTION PART II, sale of all pigeons from 2019-2020-2021 + youngsters from EXCLUSIEVE PAIRS 2022, A wonderful racing season for the combination Dehon-Demonseau (Thulin, BE), John Debaene (Knesselare, BE) took the International top by storm with his family of winners, New auctions: February Auction, JP Palm, Simon Van Hoeve, Hardy Krger, Kemper Pigeons, Ad Fortuin, Arie Dijkstra, Alpdag brothers & Brockamp Racing Team. On wood base. For days, I thought whether I should publish this. Chalons 1.761 p. Bidder acknowledges that this auction is conducted electronically and relies on hardware and software that may malfunction without warning. Purchased on Pipa for a lot of money. Ad Type. Pigeons were sold for top prices to fanciers all over the world. Fill in the form and we go from there 21.201b., son "De 62 & De 94", Peter Janen x "Miss Evita", dtr. End time: 2023-03-05 15:00:00 Quantity For fans of the long-distance and great long-distance many pigeons of the Dutch champion 'Ko van Dommelen' joined the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center. Auctions Auctions . End time: 2023-03-05 14:30:00 Quantity Auctions. Status: The great German champion Thomas Wessels is well known as a super racer, but even more as a big collector of the best breeding lines in Belgium and Holland. Famous Dutch Pigeons. Status: CopyrightEPW Copyright @ 2009-2022 xingezhan.com all right reserved The female (Blue Pied) was bred by Koos van Koppen and a, and she even won a 1st prize! Frans van Gils from Ravels was one of the very first to notice that as for the 2 day races Dutch pigeons were superior to those of Belgium, Germany or whatever country. All our birds are vaccinated for maximum safety, with no hidden surprises or auctions when it comes time to purchase we take pride in providing personal service tailored just as you need! Now and then we have one that deserves a bit more attention! Belgian and Netherlands bloodlines are proven over decades to be winners and the best olympic racing pigeons have come from both Bloodlines. 22 VIP 144 MEALY HOUBEN BASED RICK BARKER OLR HEN AMERICAN PIGEON MUSEUM FUNDRAISER: $130.00: 17 VGWF 7581 BB COCK: $100.00: 22 ARPU 69479 BB PICASSO CROSS OUTSTANDING BLOODLINE . You simply cannot ignore the performances of Rico and the Whiteman family of pigeons by Vrancken Berden, Excelsior breeding stud have been steadily growing a blended family of pigeons Excelsior Pigeon Breeding Stud strengthen there KBDB Nat Ace Speed bloodlines (Part ii). 1 - NL19-1677541 - S&P van Helden, "De Pontoise". He became a/o 2nd National Long Distance Champion Eendaagse Fondspiegel Cat. Best Pigeons is owned by Frank McLaughlin. End time: 2023-03-05 16:00:00 Quantity Top breeder with "18-388" (sale 4), father of ao "20-222", Welcome to Pigeon PartnersA Digital Auction Platform. Adult. 28/02/2023 15:30 - The European Commission announced new rules within the framework of the European Animal Health Law last week to harmonize the vaccination of animals against the most serious animal diseases among Member States. Renowned champions like Dirk Van Den Bulck, Stefaan Lambrechts, Gebr. That is why we at PIPA have recently been working on a completely new web page for the One Loft Races. Ari Dijkstra brings a brother of Latoya, son Enzo & Miss Evita. 23-CBS-345 Grizzle Squeaker. Pigeon Auctions.Com. High-Quality sweatshirt ! This fantastic male bred by M. Hekman deserves it for the both! Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: sunrise-auction.com, +81357895565, +81425770721 Auction of Violins, Violas, Cellos and Bows Sunrise Auction Online auction house dedicated to the pigeon sport. Best of "THE ROCKET" . : 12, Pitbull Special - Sven Fierens / Yves De Wit. Sort by lot #, time remaining, manufacturer, model, year, VIN, and location. The UK seller for all php products from the natural brand of pigeon health and performance, used and recommended by Jos . With over 50 years experience at the top of the sport. Loftbrovej 20 Since 2004 we have arranged auctions of racing pigeons online as well as live auctions for our friends all over the World! 2 Pairs of Bellneck rollers. Ending fancier auctions: TopPigeons-auctionhouse For fanciers from Top-fanciers! Pigeon Bids Gerard Koopman - Marathon Edition 2023. Internet Pigeon SALES - USA . An auction with pigeons to build a completely new pigeon loft !!!! chat. View Details. Congratulations Mr Oldam. An auction with pigeons to build a completely new pigeon loft !!!! You've landed on Best Pigeon, an online auction house for racing pigeons of superior genetics. All usernames and passwords have remained the same for our 3,000 registered users. Pedigree and banded, sire and dam. The EPW team. iPigeon.com - Racing Pigeon Auction. INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF RACING PIGEONS - POLAND 2010 . Easy to order through our webshop. Super Star DBA 2017, 1. International Fair of Pigeon Racing link . Best for Trading Items: Listia. Four decades of supremacy in Belgium: Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Putte Rudi De Saer (Ruiselede, BE) fully enjoyed the 2022 racing season, Lots of oneloftraces collect pigeons at the Spring Fair in Houten (NL). Specific, Show Quality, or Colors, Patterns, etc., pigeons are sold at Higher Prices; Shipping charges apply to all orders, plus Shipping Box or Container costs added. In all his 37 years of keeping and racing pigeons, since the age of 7, Chris Gibson has only ever been interested in one thing and one thing only, results. Barley, high in nutrients, low in calories - give your feathered friends in rest only the best with barley! BuyAPigeon welcomes all buyers. Racing Pigeons For Sale. 663 pages Current Bid: $45.00: Furaltadone 20% Powder Current Bid: $19.00: 2022 AU 528 Waco Cock Current Bid: $50.00: BERNBURG TRUMPETERS {VOICE PIGEON} Current Bid: $60.00: 2022 AU 588 Waco - Sex Unknown Current Bid: $50.00: MULTIPLE BREEDS Current Bid: $10.00: 2022 Clacssic Modina Bronze Tri Cock . 03/12/2015 Four decades of supremacy in Belgium: Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Putte 1) The birds are pick up at the breeder or auction site at no charge and taken to the Poland Quarantine Facility. Colombine Vita - 1kg 6.30 Ends in 13d, 21h. Status: The famous Pitbull dynasty of Rudy Van Reeth is creating many champions on other lofts. 1. Dear pigeonfanciers, Since then, we have held more than 480 auctions and have sold over 3 million lots of fine antiques, furniture, art, fine china, collectibles, sterling, bric-a-brac, mid-century modern and general estate items. 11138 E. Del Amo Blvd., Suite 262. Jan de Wijs. Outstanding Blue Hen "BOONEN 372" 19C46372 Proven Direct Daughter of RPRA Sprint Champion "BOONEN". Bred through Louella Stock, via thelines of Invincible Spirit, Times . BDS AUCTION PART II, sale of all pigeons from 2019-2020-2021 + youngsters from EXCLUSIEVE PAIRS 2022. 25/02/2023 09:20 - This mini racing loft has once again achieved an enormous season ending with some rankings in the national championships of the KBDB, confirming once again the top performances booked over the last few years. A female racing pigeon named New Kim was sold at a Belgian auction on Sunday for a record-breaking 1.6 million euros ($1.9 million USD). 03/03/2023 10:00 - Rudi De Saer can look back on a successful 2022 racing season. kit of 2023 youngbirds1x vanloon x leo Herman x busschaert2 x busschaertsAll very well bred from proven winning bloodlinesPlease contact me before arranging courier t kit of 2 2023 youngbirds1x lambrech x van den bulcke1x wall lunt and greenAll very well bred from proven winning bloodlinesPlease contact me before arranging courie For sale for 1 day a pair of Busschaerts youngsters bred down from stock from Curran, Ferguson and McCally of Scotland ready to go now grab a bargain buyer to arrange car For sale 1 day only another kit of 5 second round Gaston van de wouwer youngsters bred from top blood lines ranging from the best of Ian Stafford, wim de troy, Premier G.GSon from the world famousHARRY1st Blois 37,728 birds1st Chateauroux 22,340 birds3rd Chateaudun 21,520 birds6th Morlincourt 4,418 birds15th Strombeek 4,358 birds2 Due to breeding too many ybs, i reluctantly have to put up for sale, these two well bred ybs. Birds I typically ask $175 and up for all start at $85!! View picture. Frillbacks Pigeons show and breeding stock After 12 years selling out Red & blue Grizzle Black, White, yellow and mixed colors Whites $75 each others. Cracking pair of VDB both are G/Children of Expensive Kittle Stunning Bloodline Ready Paired . We welcome you to visit EPW, European Pigeon Website. X-. PigeonAuctions.com - The Online Trading Site for Pigeons. Auctions. A lot of oneloftraces will take advantage of this to collect the first pigeons for their 2023 edition. Bred 4 x 1st UNC winners! Top breeder with "17-570" (sale 5), mother of ao "20-222", Live. ! Top breeder with "17-570" (sale 5), mother of ao "20-222". Europigeons is offering a unique opportunity to purchase a young bird kit, bred by Jaap Ramsteijn that possess the legendary bloodlines of renowned racing pigeons. Paul identified the birds he wanted to get descendants from, New Laureaat, Kliene Jade, Summerian . Active Users: 73 Site powered by AuctionMethod.com.AuctionMethod.com. "Brother Latoya", out "Enzo", father 2. In this auction only 3 pigeons, from SG. 7 pigeons. Click on Live Auctions at the top of the page for all listings BEST OF CRAZY AL LOFTS $50000000.00 Details VICTORIA FALLS PERFORMANCE PIGEONS $5000000.00 Details From: "Last One", h.brother 1.-20.464b., 1.-8.762b., 1.-8.939b., from "Hallilujah & Esmee" x "The 707", daughter "Porsche 911 & Esmee". Fanciers. Pieter Goeree (Driewegen, NL) continues to focus on Barcelona after winning 1st National on this monumental race in '22, Video: 'Wonder Turbo maximizes all the benefits', Lubomir Kubacek (Bohunovice, CZ) is one of the stars of the East and Central European pigeon sport, New auctions: Pieter Goeree, Geert Maroy, Davy Tournelle, F&J Vandenheede, Demaret-Marichal, Wim & Steven De Troy, Ruben & Ludo Lanckriet, Bart Geerinckx & One Loft Race Special.
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