A propertys history and legal records are generally kept in the municipality or countys tax assessors office or in its land records or building department. A property legal description map is a document that shows the specific legal boundaries of a piece of property. App is awesome. I was looking for an App that I could use to find survey corners and property lines. Most municipalities offer this information for free, but some offices may require a small fee or ask that you access the records in person. Will this be fixed in the future? Using GPS to pinpoint your location, access key parcel data anywhere. Although the apps interface might be quite confusing at first its actually pretty easy to use. Theres even a smart marker more that automatically marks blocked areas like fields or individual buildings. This feature had been super helpful, can it please be added again? These features include advanced measuring tools (in both 2D and 3D), the ability to overlay demographic data, improved printing options, and high-resolution image export. [emailprotected] Downside: property lines for larger plots of land dont seem super accurate, but thats a given with phone grade gps technology. Personal Unlimited access to both mobile & desktop LandGlide versions. Thank you this app! What software do land surveyors use? I was hoping LandGlide would take the place of a land surveyor. LandGlide syncs with public county data and is perfect for quickly looking up parcel info in a clean GIS interface. Once the area is marked you can pick any measurement you need and the app will do it in secs. . I deleted and downloaded several times within about 6 months , same thing . Which what I was trying to avoid. I feel 9.99 is a little much monthly. Joe holds a Bachelor's degree and a postgraduate certificate in editing. You can input a specific location, then choose the Walk option in the travel mode selection. Whatever your purpose is this app will have you covered. Some areas may require you to purchase the boundary data, but typically there is no cost associated with using Google Earth to view this information. You may also be able to view parcel numbers or other identifying information, as well as any restrictions that may be in place regarding the property. Had app for less then a day and I can tell its amazing!! And if you want to get all the possible data at once pick the overall report option. Besides the iOS and Android versions, LandGlide also offers a web app, which is great for checking owner information. Once its done you can make all the measurements the area, the perimeter, and so on. While Google Maps also has boundary lines, LandGlide is more accurate. It will also bring up information on acreage, value, elevation, and more. If you bought your home recently but dont have the survey, contact either company to see if they have a copy on file. Some of the most popular include Onx Maps, Land Globe, Prospector and Avenza Maps. I Have been praying for someone to come out with LandGlide years and as a real estate professional its A++ Only issue I see so far is the link to county website doesnt take you direct to property but to the main search page :( not sure why.. if the county website is not giving good API support please add a way to auto copy the address from app so you can paste to website.. (FYI I'm referring propertys in miami Dade) not sure about other Areas Thanks again and big . We also changed the look of the bottom panel. How accurate are the parcel lines in LandGlide? First, you will need to choose the map platform you want to use. LandGlide. Additional features such as barcode scanners and record datalogs can also be utilized. All rights reserved. Follow the onscreen prompts within the LandGlide app and you are all set. These apps range from simple drawing tools to more sophisticated programs with features such as GPS integration, laser rangefinder, and digital elevation maps. U.S. Patent No. Additionally, if you have a video doorbell that is connected to an app on your phone, you can view who is at the door and what is going on outside your home in real time. Previous. - Hover over a property to instantly view details. Once installed, the user will typically be asked to calibrate the app for their location and device. It might not be the most convenient way if you need to measure somebody elses land but theres a good-old manual map mode for that. Once you have selected the map platform, you need to create an account and log in. I may have not been able to find it, but the recent update no longer has the option to drop a pin with lat/long coordinates. Couldnt live without LandGlide but have an issue after getting the recent update. The Surveyor pin will be close by and show up as a small piece of iron on the metal detector. I then have to hit the location button which just zooms all the way out on the map and then I have to zoom back in to me and scroll along as I drive. To find a surveyor pin using LandGlide, you just need a metal detector. We're proud to produce the most accurate and up-to-date private and public hunting land maps in the country. No. LandGlide is a mobile app that will assist you in locating property lines, so it's worth a look. It is the most comprehensive mobile app on the market to find and view parcel information. He's been a freelance writer for over 6 years and loves writing about technology. All of these features are available to all users as part of the free version. If you plan to build a permanent structure, you'll want to be as accurate as possible, and ordering your own land survey is the best option. I will no longer be purchasing this product because I noticed it also has outdated names for other sales I have had. Although the app can do lots of stuff its interface is still pretty clear and easy to work with. In case youll face many obstructions on your way, just press pause to not crush the measuring process. Street view mode is particularly helpful for getting a more detailed location of a particular destination while the satellite view provides a more aerial view, allowing users to get an idea of the areas layout. This started about 10 days ago. It is a fully interactive app available for iPhones and Android devices.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',158,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',158,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-158{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. No, the LandGlide app is not free. We know youre as excited as we are about new features, enhanced appearance, and up-to-date information that provides the parcel data you need at your fingertips. Compare the results to make sure they match the corresponding deed or plat. The app makes searching for property information quick, easy and precise. The legal boundaries of a plot of land are one of the most important things for a homeowner to know, but theyre often overlookeduntil those property lines come into question, that is. If the language is tricky, reach out to your real estate lawyer or agent for help in deciphering it. Zero stress. Is LandGlide app free? LandGlide will save you a ton of headache like wasting time on an estimate for work with a renter, how much property they have and where the prop lines are etc. Continue with Email . Although LandGlide's parcel lines appear to be fairly accurate, it is not uncommon for them to be 3-4 feet off due to the . It is important to understand that Google Maps may not be accurate for all species of boundary lines in a certain area. Moreover, the app offers GPS enabled tracking and search capabilities allowing users to pinpoint their exact location or property boundaries in a matter of seconds. You can also use LandGlide to find surveyor pins to get the property line. To make our app a bit more legible, we decided to change the size of some of the features. Joe is a former web designer and current entrepreneur and freelance writer. This app has various tools so there are lots of ways to use it. The app runs on GPS tech to track your current location and enables you to explore the surrounding map. The Cost of Free Parcel Property Line Data. Cancel a subscription / trial at anytime by blocking the site or app on your Justuseapp Card. This is helpful if you need to know where the line is for a fence or building. The service is a little pricey 9:99$ a month so it should be half of what the service is a . Another thing that needs to be mentioned is your last position on the map will automatically attach to the first one so its not necessary to close the area. Having to use plat maps from the county and trying to navigate their website was a nightmare. Then, you can use your finger or the cursor to move around the interactive property map, to the exact area that you are looking for. LandGlide has came in so handy for me, and I cant recommend it enough. While 95 percent of the US population is covered, if you're in the five percent that isn't, it won't be helpful. Download: LandGlide for iOS | Android | Web ($9.99/month or $99/year, free trial available), With apps like LandGlide, it can be easy to think that we won't need surveyors as much in the future, but that is far from the case. The Standard Plan includes features such as access to maps, boundary layers, property information, and aerial imagery. In 2015, Google made the Pro version of Google Earth available to the public for free. Guess Im just going to have to hire a land surveyor. All Reviews For now, the apps map covers 90% of the US and contains the info about over 140 million properties. LearnMore. An iOS user with an interest to all gadgets that make life easier and more fun. Plus, the app will provide you with all the data it has about the property- from the owner to its current sale price. Clicking on the link takes me to a broken link. I still dont know where my property corners are. As far as I can tell its really accurate too. presents you with fresh data and access to faster tiles and parcel attributes. The LandGlide app is highly accurate as it provides a comprehensive database of property data and real-time landowner information across the US. I would really love to see you guys add a measuring tool in LandGlide. This is another land survey application that empowers you to find out the size and the perimeter of any property or area. However, the information displayed in LandGlide is designed to be used as a reference and is not to be used for legal purposes or in determining legal property boundaries - only a surveyor can do this. . Use it all the time while walking our property trying to find fence lines.
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