A"HF M"*Q#,VfYhUm@N7b2c`g16?SOc2g(?Dq2Y Read more. <> Sunday 20 June, 2021. SELECTION OF HYMNS FOR SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE IN THE 40 ISSN: 2052-6350(Print) ISSN: 2052-6369(Online) METHODIST CHURCH GHANA: AN EVALUATION Daniel S. Ocran Department of Music Methodist University College Ghana, Dansoman Accra ABSTRACT: Methodism was born in song is an opening statement in the preface of the Methodist Hymn Book. It may be prayed in unison or led by one person. 1st Sunday in Lent (Year B)(Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading)Genesis 9:8-17Be still and know that I am God (StF 18)Be still, for the presence of the Lord (StF 20)Best of all is God is with us (StF 610)O love t These services are where the Bible is read, sermons are given, and offerings are donated to the church. This educational role for Methodist Church Ghana in particular has helped the country provide a strong educational system that can accommodate the Ghanaian population, which is pivotal because the options for university in Ghana are scarce and competitive. Currently, the Methodist Church Ghana, is one of the leading Churches in our country, with a total membership of over 600,000. Its present leader is Ephorus Robinson Butarbutar. This forms a bridge between the first of the pair of actions in Holy Communion (Thanksgiving) and the second (Communion). Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Announcements and welcoming of visitors may come either during the Gathering or at some other time early in the service, such as at the end of the Entrance. This liturgy was limited in ways of worship and expression. One of those assisting may serve the pastor. Exchange 34.1 (2005): 39-60. If candles are used, they may be lighted by acolytes. Full story ACCRA DIOCESE DEDICATES. WTV; GHAMSU; Minister's Diary; Evangelism; Book Store; Freeman Center; AlPha Royal; Recent News. While they are gathering, one or more of the following may take place: The six acts suggested above for the Gathering may be combined in various ways: (1) may be encouraged before (5) and (6) begin, or before persons have entered the place of worship; (2), (3), or (4) may also precede (5) and (6); (4) may take place during (5) and (6) but in another room. The Dismissal with Blessing, often called the Benediction, is given by the pastor, facing the people. Kneeling for prayer is also appropriate, especially in confession. The people's responses may be sung, using the musical settings in UMH 17-25. This sharing should focus on the Word of the day and be in styles appropriate to the developmental levels of the children present. Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. [12], The first liturgy accepted was a 1936 version of the English liturgy. Laypersons as well as other clergy may assist the pastor in giving the bread and cup. After an introductory dialogue between pastor and people, the pastor gives thanks appropriate to the occasion, remembering God's acts of salvation and the institution of the Lord's Supper, and invokes the present work of the Holy Spirit, concluding with praise to the Trinity. Through qualitative data collection, the paper investigates the factors leading to . With this idea came the Methodist Prayer and Renewal Program (MPRP), a group dedicated to making certain that the charismatic methods touched every area of the church. Milford, MI Neighborhood-focused Casual Lots of kids Historic Multigenerational. Hymns of the Christian Church: An historical and social overview Marianne Feenstra. The sequence of readings may be ordered so that the sermon is immediately preceded by the primary text to be preached. This prayer is led by the pastor appointed to that congregation and authorized by the bishop to administer the Sacraments there, or by some other ordained elder. The pastor, still standing behind the Lord's table, lifts the unbroken and uncut loaf of bread in full view of the people and breaks it by hand, in silence or with appropriate words. This may also include blessings for persons (see UMBOW 531-48) and prayers for special Sundays or days on the secular and denominational calendar (see UMBOW 422-44). The hymn may precede or follow the Greeting. (2011). Combining research on music, cognition, and materialist theories with firsthand ethnographic data, problematic conceptions of the human body arise. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. If you are looking for a church JOIN FOR FREE to find the right church for you. These influences give the contemporary Gospel music scene new impulses which are crucial for its future development. Joseph Rhodes Dunwell to be the first Methodist missionary in Gold Coast. Music as local and global positioning: How can congregational music-making produce the local in Christian communities. Or it may be a responsive act between leader and people, such as:Leader: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.People: And also with you.Leader: The risen Christ is with us.People: Praise the Lord! 298 were here. Used by permission. It is addressed to the people, not to God, and the pastor and people appropriately look at each other as it is given. 5th/43rd Conference of the Methodist Church Ghana, Board of Ministries Report, Winneba, Ghana, 2008. It is also an opportunity to help the Christian churches in the Akan and Ewe ethnic groups from which l come from, to see it as their duty to find means and ways to evangelise our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and children who are still under the African Traditional practices. Methodists and their Missionary Societies 1760-1900 - John Pritchard 2016-04-22 . Since then the church has convinced many investors to contribute monetary donations to the hospital and the church has implemented chaplains to run the medical center. ISBN-13 : 978-1014814470. The congregation may sing Amen (see UMH 897-904), or a prayer response such as one of those listed in UMH 952, Heleluyan (UMH 78), or Remember Me (UMH 491). 10.6.2: Any other worship book/s recommended for the use by the Fellowship, shall be approved by the CMC before it forms part of the Fellowship's worship books. The church has faced congregation-dividing problems. In addition to hymns UMH 612-41 and others listed under UMH 641 and in the index under Holy Communion (UMH 943), many other hymns in UMH are suitable in effectively expressing the people's loving communion with God and with one another. op*}d+f^4sLdn+^2ybrn11r/ H>A` 3Pk zL*+K%hp*}Q@o? Staff is centered in Nashville, Tennessee, but we also have staff at locations across the United States. The History of Education in Ghana: From the Earliest Times to the Declaration of Independence. If Holy Communion is not celebrated, the service concludes with the Sending Forth. Sunday mornings are typically worship services. These musicians mostly discovered their talent and call for Gospel music in their migratory situation and do not normally have any previous musical training. [citation needed], Most charismatic meetings were promoted through media advertisements, breaking news reports, the creation of artistic banners, guest shout outs and advertisements on radio stations, the handing out of flyers and pamphlets, and most effectively through word of mouth. See UMH 735-862 and the lectionary for suggested psalms on UMBOW 227-37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965, pp. Download now of 1 THE METHODIST CHURCH GHANA EBENEZER METHODIST CHURCH, KWAE ESTATE ANNUAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE, 2018 PART I PROCESSIONAL HYMN MHB 490 INTROIT MHB 154 HYMN MHB 19/ CAN 9 PRAYER PRAISES CHOIR WORSHIP & INTERCESSORY PRAYERS MRS. VIDA YEBOAH HANDSHAKE OF FELLOWSHIP HYMN 1046 (NEW HYMNAL) BIBLE READINGS 1ST READING I SAMUEL 16 : 1-13 The proposal from the neutral parties suggested that the circuits be reorganized to accommodate language barriers within the circuits. Each candidate is baptized and receives the laying on of hands individually. The choir or congregation may sing an invitation to prayer such as one of those listed in UMH 951-52. Best Sellers Rank: #1,912,359 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books) #32,544 in Christian Theology (Books) Customer Reviews: 3 ratings. The Church has 17 dioceses, 3,814 societies, 1,066 pastors, 15,920 local preachers, 24,100 Lay Leaders, many schools, an orphanage, hospitals and clinics. [15], Another important school that the Methodist Church Ghana constructed was Cape Coast's Mfantsipim. This time is both an outward and visible gathering of the people and an inward and spiritual gathering--a focusing of awareness that they are a people gathered in the presence of the God known to us through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. See the discussion of confession and pardon on 20-21 for an explanation of this act of worship, with musical suggestions. This order is also the basis of the Services of Word and Table and other services in this book. There can also be a first and second service, where the difference is one service uses English and the other service uses the native language of the area. Accra, 200. The period, which is popularly known in Christian parlance as Lent, is a. In addition to this, the book explores how the emphases of the new Ghanaian charismatics internationalism, transformation, prosperity, healing and deliverance provide useful insights into the nature of modern African Pentecostal spirituality. The body of Christ, the bread of heaven. The people may offer one another signs of reconciliation and love, particularly when Holy Communion is celebrated. The worship service begins when the people begin to gather for worship. Following this change, multiple Methodist churches in Ghana translated the main British hymns into their own native languages, including Ewe and Ga.[11] The Methodist Church was the first to add native songs to praise and worship services in Ghana. Bartels, Francis Lodowic. The division of Health and Sanitation is under the Methodist Church Ghana Board of Social Responsibility and Rural Development. A hymn that is a call to praise may be sung. Prior to the prayers, prayer concerns or requests may be gathered from the congregation orally or in writing. It is particularly effective to look directly at the person being addressed, touch each person's hand while giving the bread and cup, and if possible call each person by name. This new form of Christianity was a faster paced, more vibrant, and more kinetic form of Christianity. Praying seated and bowed is acceptable, especially if the alternative is for persons to be kept standing or kneeling for an uncomfortable length of time. 11 In all services of the baptismal covenant, water should be used generously as a living sign of the abundance of God's grace, cleansing, and life-giving power. The choir may lead one of the following from UMH during the Peace or at its conclusion: 620 One Bread, One Body 667 Shalom Chaverim666 Shalom to You, 2) Other appropriate gifts, such as memorial gifts or other items to be dedicated, 3) The bread and cup, brought by representatives of the people to the Lord's table with the other gifts, or uncovered if already in place, if Holy Communion is to follow. UMH 594, 597, and 602 may also be used for this purpose. Sometimes the closing hymn can serve this purpose. In an opening prayer of confession the people confess the sin of which they are already aware and then come to the Proclamation of the Word in the assurance of God's pardoning grace. 0 Q0g|"l3!4S5fF`Xtx0{ Challenges like these have led to dismissals and resignations of ministers, and even the creation of new churches and circuits. If an altar table is fixed against the wall, the pastor may stand beside it, or a freestanding Lord's table may be placed in front of it. See the litany on 495. [15], The Methodist Church Ghana has placed an importance on its medical work since its construction. [7], By 1854, the church was organized into circuits, a collection of ambient Methodist churches that formed an administrative coalition, forming a district, or an area with Methodist control; T. B. Freeman served as chairman. Therefore, these traditional theologians condemned those who said, ATR and similar non-western religions are followed by irrational or foolish people who in their stupidity bow down to stones, trees and rivers instead of the Creator who created such objects and themselves. The Methodist Worship Book (1999), the effect which this has had on patterns of Methodist worship and the way the book was received by both ministers and lay people will be investigated. Responses may also include: 1) A first commitment to Christ, which may be followed if appropriate by enrollment in a preparatory group for baptism or confirmation, 2) Reaffirmation of Faith (see UMBOW 86-94, 106-10, or 588-89). Introduction The Methodist Church Ghana is one of the early orthodox churches thatwere established by the European missionaries. except during Lent (see UMH 78, 186, 486, and the other alleluias suggested under "Acclamations" on 19) and remain standing for the reading of the Gospel as an act of respect for the Christ who is addressing us. BIML offers thousands of Bibles and New Testaments, over twenty thousand world CDs and DVDs, and rare collectabel items. Informal greetings, conversation, and fellowship should have some appropriate place during the Gathering. Press, 1965. [8] Currently, The Methodist Church Ghana has 15 dioceses[9] headed by bishops. In the fourth and last action of Holy Communion, the bread and cup are given to the people as Jesus gave them to the disciples. Furthermore, it accounts for the rise of the new independent churches, the charismatic ministries. 4 0 obj The medical work done by The Methodist Church Ghana has served a vast part of the local community by offering important health services to Ghanaians. (November 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) The Revised Common Lectionary ( RCL) is a lectionary of readings or pericopes from the Bible for use in Christian worship, making provision for the liturgical year with its pattern of observances of festivals and seasons. The Greeting may be a scripture sentence, such as: This is the day which the Lord has made;let us rejoice and be glad in it. If the Confession and Pardon are placed earlier in the service, the Peace may still be observed at this time in the service. This is the first of the four actions of Holy Communion, based on the actions of Jesus in the upper room. x=ko9?Af&In~%[-ie+Y/". From this view point, Ill begin to say that African Traditional Religion (ATR) involves the belief and worship of the Supreme Being known and revered all over Africa as Onyame in Akan, Mao in Ewe, Chineke in Igbo and Oludumare in Yoruba etc. Valedictory Service in Honor of Most Rev. The ancient and ecumenical order of these readings, however, embodied in the Revised Common Lectionary readings on 227-37, is as follows: First Reading (usually from the Old Testament)PsalmSecond Reading (from the New Testament, but not from the Gospels)Hymn, Song, or AlleluiaGospel (a reading from Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). These events have resulted in a boost in attendance, which has contributed to member participation. See 39 for appropriate words to accompany these actions. Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against youin thought, word, and deed,by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.We have not loved you with our whole heart;we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us;that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways,to the glory of your name. [14], As part of the charismatic movement, clergy and congregants have incorporated more in-church prayer. It is particularly effective if the people can sing from memory. The pastor uses the first (Christian) name (s), but not the family name: By 1835, many other European nations had taken an interest in the resources of the land. None of these combinations in itself is more valid than another, but one may be far more appropriate than another, depending on the particular congregation and circumstances. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> To see . This shifted the Gold Coast towards British control, subjecting the current citizens to British influence. HU{TmP>xhQ"",(>gfgfgw6D,GQTHjm-5!mRMMOrT? Confession as a Response to the Word includes the added awareness of personal and corporate sin to which persons are led by the Proclamation of the Word. One prominent characteristic of historic Pentecostal praxis is lively, ecstatic music. The Asante people ruled large portions of Gold Coast, and in 1824 British forces invaded and defeated many Asante forces. The Methodist Church Ghana is one of the largest and oldest mainline Protestant denominations in Ghana. A9k2:jRF,}dD`nbf 3q3{+/T4SR!@ >NACOCh2~pq,l If desired, the congregation may then sing a scripture acclamation such as one of those listed in UMH 951. Read more. Amen.Jesus Christ, the cup of salvation. Sunday 27 June, 2021. 1132208, Liturgy for the Blessing of a Marriage previously Solemnized (any two persons) (Pdf), Liturgy for the Reaffirmation of Baptismal Faith (Pdf), An additional order for the Baptism of Young Children (Pdf), A Service of Recognition for those authorized as lay people to preside at the Lords Supper (Pdf), Remembering Our Call: An Annual Service for Local Preachers (Pdf), Order for welcome of new District Chair (Pdf), The Commissioning of a Pioneer (lay) (Pdf), Welcome of a Pioneer (ordained or probationer) (Pdf), Order for closing a Methodist place of worship (Pdf). Ebenezer Obadare (2016) The Muslim response to the Pentecostal surge in Nigeria: Prayer and the rise of charismatic Islam, Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 2:1,75-91. Search for hymns or songs by one or more categories: This page features liturgies, produced by the Worship and Liturgy Resources Group of the Faith and Order Committee, which have been produced since the Methodist Worship Book was published. This brought many missionaries, including Protestants from the Netherlands and Catholics from Portugal and France. Read more . The structure of worship on Sundays can vary from church to church. Introducing readings and hymns for Holy Week 2020. The United Methodist Church includes a variety of approaches to public worship. For example, one may clasp another's hand and say, "The peace of Christ be with you," and the other respond, "And also with you." The people come together in the Lord's name. The Roots of Ghana Methodism. The book has its roots in two of Michael Perham's earlier works, 'Liturgy . A number of such prayers--some for general use and some for particular days, seasons, or occasions--are also scattered among the hymns in UMH . The Methodist Church Ghana also took initiative to remodel and reconstruct a local hospital to broaden its outreach and possibilities for medical care for its community. Everybody Worship (Hymn 199)Introit: Sing to the Lord a New Song (Hymn 181). After the Opening Prayer(s), if an act of praise is desired, one or more of the following may be spoken or sung, actively involving the whole congregation if possible: 1) Canticle of God's Glory (UMH 72, 82, or 83), 2) A psalm or other scripture song (canticle), especially the canticles indexed in UMH 935-36, 3) The Gloria Patri (UMH 70 or 71) or the Glory to God on High (UMH 188, refrain only), 4) The Lord, Have Mercy (Kyrie Eleison) in threefold form (UMH 482). Traditional theologians explained that one could not worship the Supreme Being formally, without the agency of the divinities or ancestors. See the listings under Closing Hymns (UMH 939), Discipleship and Service (UMH 940), and Doxology (UMH 951) and the listing of doxologies above. The Roots of Ghana Methodism. It may be preceded or followed by silence. These have been proliferating across the West Africa sub-region since the late 1970s. See also the examples printed in UMH 7-8, 12, 26-27, and 890-93 and the listing of hymns that can be sung as prayers of confession (UMH 939-40). What is done with the remaining bread and wine should express our stewardship of God's gifts and our respect for the holy purpose they have served. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Each reading may be introduced as follows: "A reading from (or Hear the Word of God in) the book of --------, the ---- chapter, beginning with the ---- verse." Congregations that do not wish to place the Concerns and Prayers and the Offering after the Proclamation of the Word may place them at the Opening Prayers and Praise in the service. While the freedom and diversity of United Methodist worship are greater than can be represented by any single order of worship, United Methodists also affirm a heritage of order and the importance of the specific guidance and modeling that an order of worship provides. The blessing of the Holy Spirit is invoked upon the reading, preaching, hearing, and doing of the Word. This influence spread throughout the country, and as a result the British claimed Gold Coast as a colony in 1867. Interpreting Christian Gospel music, however, upgrades their marginalised status and gives them recognition within their own community. Welcoming may include a ritual of friendship using attendance registration pads or cards and inviting persons to introduce themselves to those sitting around them. Is it essential? [17], The Methodist Church Ghana has not always had success in its endeavors. In the Akan and Ewe ethnic groups the above phenomenological conception of ATR called for education in the light of the scriptures. Here you can search for global and regional events of United Methodist official entities and related organizations. This approach to worship displays a more vibrant and energetic form of praise. Due to the influence of the movement, some non-ordained charismatic leaders were formally appointed as evangelists due to their commitment to their work. See the collection of prayers of confession and acts of pardon on 474-94. Here and elsewhere in the service, the posture for prayer may vary according to local custom and circumstance. See the listings under Opening Hymns in UMH 948. Any or all of the people may receive them while standing, kneeling, or seated. @lX,]~7_W6U7UV'_=}RVC!G!Hh=Cxe,dI[eizEYO]>}"`1({Ofz;jz=t:StwN6PWfvR~&i@60 418zvROgOfjZUtM9(FN-OOONfw8cf/QT34 p,0KU_P+:.G.@grURrJUZ-YX=^}lE The districts were Gold Coast District, with T. R. Picot as chairman, and Yoruba and Popo District, with John Milum as chairman. Fifth, to give students the top professional and innovative training possible. The worship can be direct , but is done (mostly) indirectly through divine agents like the gods or divinities (abosom in Akan , legbaa in Ewe ) and the ancestors. <>>> You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Liturgy for the Blessing of a Marriage previously Solemnized (any two persons) (Pdf) Can be used for the blessing of marriages of same-sex couples PRAYER OF THANKSGIVINGThe following or other Prayer of Thanksgiving (see 550-55) is prayed after the presentation of the gifts: All things come from you, O God,and with praise and thanksgiving we return to you what is yours.You created all that is, and with love formed us in your image.When our love failed, your love remained steadfast.You gave your only Son Jesus Christ to be our Savior,that we might have abundant and eternal life.All that we are, and all that we have, is a trust from you.And so, in gratitude for all that you have done,we offer you ourselves, and all that we have,in union with Christ's offering for us.By your Holy Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other,and one in ministry to all the world;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sixth, to promote hard work and strengthen the student's connection to their African background. e/W~MQD\/9|$ An anthem based on the psalm is also appropriate. The third of the four actions of Holy Communion, like the first, is brief and preliminary to the act that immediately follows. These debates about the constitution's clarifications came at a price, as the debates led to the suspension and resignation of church ministers.[15]. Parallel with such developments in the officially authorised patterns of worship there have been changes in the style of the preaching service and From the Blues to Gospel and Back Again, Sacred Music, Fifty Years After the Council: Report on the Enquiry to the Philippine Episcopal Conference, 7Th Annual Practical Theology Seminar Paper, Palang Conformity and Fulset Freedom: Encountering Pentecostalism's " Sensational " Liturgical Forms in the Postmissionary Church in Lae, Papua New Guinea, My Soul doth Magnify. The liturgy was then revised in 2000. The numbers show over five-hundred people a day in attendance at some congregations. The Opening Prayers may be expanded to include the Concerns and Prayers, with the Offering following, accompanied by an act of praise or by an organ or other instrumental voluntary. [14], In the 1970s in Ghana, being admitted into university was a difficult proposition due to the small number of schooling options and the extremely low admittance rate, since there were far more applicants than available slots. After the Words of Assurance or Declaration of Pardon there may be a sung response such as the refrain of Grace Greater Than Our Sin (UMH 365). pJ_]&3+n `d[CvdZq nn=agk _P Through qualitative data collection, the paper investigates the factors leading to these changes and brings out the impact made in the Methodist church in general. In an attempt to be impartial, The Methodist Church Ghana assigned neutral parties within its church council to decide on a sanction for the Calvary Society's infraction. Freeman was replaced in 1856 by William West. In all, between five to ten Gospel music albums are published there every year, with songs mainly composed in Akan and English, the two most widespread languages in Ghana. Our workforce began working from home permanently in 2020. The Peace is not to be confused with the ritual of friendship or welcoming of visitors. They include recognition of who we are before God by centering on the nature and gifts of God. THE LORD'S PRAYERAll pray the Lord's Prayer, using one of the forms in UMH 270-71, 894-96. 10.7: Music: This suggestion was declined and the Calvary Society petitioned to become its own separate circuit. Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year A, Home Before the final reading, a hymn or song related to the scriptures of the day, or an alleluia, may be sung. As the gifts are received and presented, there may also be offered: 1) A hymn--if Holy Communion is to follow, a hymn of invitation may be sung, such as one of these in UMH : 616 Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast (stanza 1), 164 Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life (stanza 2). The Methodist Church Ghana originally regarded itself as an Akan-dominated church, but this idea was challenged. ;QGqGP:J6MsApV7o*D`Hj61L 1 Hoondert, Marcel Barnard, Hanna Rijken, Pneuma: The Journal for the Society of Pentecostal Studies, Making Congregational Music Local in Christian Communities Worldwide, Monique Ingalls, Dr M E E Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Dr M E E Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Monique Ingalls, Wiley-Blackwell Companion to World Christianity, Gina A . The gestures and words used may vary widely, depending on the temperament and customs of the people and the nature of the occasion. At Orchard Grove we Accept people where they are, Believe in Jesus Christ, Continue to grow in our faith and Do good in our church, the community and the world! ABSTRACT The concept of God in the traditional religion of Akan and Ewe ethnic groups compare to the Bible By Godwin Kwame Ofosuhene I am going to focus this writing, on how the Akan and Ewe ethnic groups of Ghana, understood God in their traditional religious practices and after that compare or discuss these beliefs in the light of the Holy Scriptures. The sermon should communicate effectively with as wide a range of ages and stages of faith development as possible. Many conferences were called to sort out the power struggle and arguments about certain interpretations of the church's constitution arose. When confronted with specific examples, they pivot to claim we unfairly cherry-pick an extreme fringe that should be . See A Service of Word and Table V on UMBOW 51-53. Download the PowerPoint presentation (Pptx). 3) Appropriate portions of the Baptismal Covenant: c) Congregational reaffirmation of the Baptismal Covenant, d) Reception into The United Methodist Church of those not already United Methodists, 4) Installation and recognition services for church officers, workers, or groups (see 593-605), 5) Other acts of worship such as services of healing that are appropriate responses to the Proclamation of the Word (see UMBOW 585-90, 613-29), 6) Consecration or dedication services relating to the church building or its furnishings (see UMBOW 606-07, 610-12, 630-51), 7) Congregational or individual commitment to specific actions such as missions (see UMBOW 591-92) or reconciliation, 8) A time of silent reflection or spoken expressions from the congregation, 9) The Apostles' Creed or another creed (see UMH 880-89), except when already used in the Baptismal Covenant, We Believe in One True God (UMH 85) may be sung as a creed, or one of the following in the UMH may be sung as a response to the creed:177 He Is Lord 98 To God Be the Glory99 My Tribute. stanza 3), 454 Open My Eyes That I May See (refrain), 319 Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (stanza 4, sung by choir), 383 This Is a Day of New Beginnings (stanza 5), 621 Be Present at Our Table, Lord (communion), 632 Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether (last stanza), 563 Father, We Thank You (may be sung by choir with handbells), 629 You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (last stanza).
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