Schraufnagel: Parents' petition seeks resignations Box 21 Chappaqua, NY 10514 For a period in the late 1950s, kindergarten and fifth grade classes for the district were housed in J Building at Horace Greeley High School due to overcrowding, which prompted an addition at Roaring Brook and the construction of Douglas Grafflin Elementary School in 1962. PDF Chappaqua Central School District Board of Education Board of Education. Andrew Lennon 238-7200 x1006, Douglas G. Grafflin Elementary School Questions or comments related to Curriculum and Instruction should be directed to: Adam Pease, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction at or the appropriate director listed below. be a resident of the school district for at least 30days prior to November 29, 2022. be registered with either the school district's board of registration or with the county board of elections. Qualitative scores are measured in surveys and feedback. 1.3 Schools. 238-7201 x2101 Ronald Gamma, Ed.D. You start to realize that as a minority person, you know that this exists, and no community is excluded, Hwang said. Chappaqua School Board Rejects BOCES Plan Again The public is invited and encouraged to attend. It will start at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Exum said the district has had an innovative response in handling the COVID-19 crisis, helping students with remote learning and the return to the classroom. Adam Pease, EdD - Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction -, Kate Plate for Math curriculum & instruction support, Questions or comments related to Curriculum and Instruction should be directed to: Adam Pease, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction at. Registro de Votantes. The District offers a rigorous, interdisciplinary academic program and remains committed to providing an excellent education for all students in a supportive environment. Chappaqua Central School District - Math - Google REFERENDUM #1: Infrastructure Repairs and Upgrades. When I think about diversity, Im thinking no educator on the board, right? I think that the question that needs to be asked is what are we trying to accomplish and are we really going to be able to achieve that for our students? Hwang said. Bedford Hills Elementary, Bedford Village Elementary, Mount Kisco Elementary, West Patent Elementary, Pound Ridge Elementary, Fox Lane High, Fox Lane Middle, Bedford . %PDF-1.7 In 1973, the district rented the St. John & St. Mary Parish School, which had closed a year earlier, and the building housed fifth grade classes. Do you or your family members need an absentee ballot for the November 29 CCSD bond referendum? Chappaqua board huddled with PR firm over teacher probe - The Journal News Exum said the district should emphasize specialized social and emotional well-being staff ratios and training teachers and administrators to recognize signs of emotional distress and regularly communicate to parents. This page provides access to all of the information put out by CCSD and includes a "tax impact calculator" that homeowners may use to obtain an estimated annual cost for the two propositions. : fill, sign, print and send online instantly. 2023-24 Informacion del Presupuesto Escolar, Kindergarten Registration for September 2023. If we dont, nothing, nothing, I dont care if its about redistricting, I dont care if its about eighth-grade math, it wont happen., Martin has more than 30 years experience covering local news in Westchester and Putnam counties, including a frequent focus on zoning and planning issues. The appointment came Wednesday, April 11 during a school board meeting and takes effect on July 1. Chappaqua, NY 10514 She also is invested in the community with three sons in the districts schools, and in the 2022-23 academic year, Hwang will have one child each in elementary school, middle school and the high school. Ryan Spillane 238-7204 x5102 In 1974, an addition was hastily erected at Westorchard. 2,563 Sq. To view the information put out by the Chappaqua Central School District about the two propositions, you may visit the "Facilities Improvements and School Safety Bond" page of the school district website. Board of Education Core Values and Team Commitments; Board of Education Goals and Objectives 2022-2023; Board Members; District Site; Board Members; Board Meetings. budget in terms of programs for that school A board member and central administrator . Chappaqua Central School District Public Library ("Library") Board of There were unexpected challenges, such as building WiFi and technical training for staff. Job in Chappaqua - NY New York - USA , 10514. Director of Technology, Innovation and Mathematics. be a resident of the school district for at least 30days prior to November 29, 2022. be registered with either the school district's board of registration or with the county board of elections. Customer Service Associate Job Chappaqua New York USA,Language/Bilingual District Clerk Liisa Elsner will be in her office at the Education Center every weekday from 8 am to 4 pm through November 29 other than Thanksgiving Day. Rebecca Hale 238-7207 x1038 Adam Pease, EdD - Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction - - 914-238-7200 x 1004, 2022/2023 Informacion del Presupuesto Escolar. The October 13 "Public Forum" Webinar put on by the CCSD can be viewed on YouTube. November 29, 2022 Chappaqua Central School District Bond Vote endobj BOX 21 CHAUTAUQUA, NEW YORK 10514The Board of Education of the Chautauqua Central School District, hereby invites submission Karen Smith 238-7207 x1101 Report abuse . CPSE Chairperson and CSE Chairperson Grades K-5 (including Out-of-District) Plus, the technology, apps and additional communication vehicles should continue. These financial transparency reports were issued for the first time in 2020 for the 2018-19 school year, and annual releases will be available after April 1st in each subsequent year. .Ny(tQ8M)}9zrN^RS!Y4/cup "BE!h5k8}Fx` 0wwL) 'Jg,Ut_NLzvP%Km6j`C~O@n+AZNK's_zSq.z2Q[Z*PrU<31J'^>Y#(}lKDx=zZ9 soW(YuWL1[wEnM&ZCuN4bW[Rx##I@~(X;+M%1baGBXy+cbCXO0YiY$ K~#rvvp E]S]HTw (ph) 914-238-7201 (fx) 914-861-4291 You can walk in to her office with a completed absentee ballot application (must be original signature, not a scan) and pick up an absentee ballot at the same time. He has been editor-in-chief of The Examiner since its inception in 2007. Fillable Online Travel Waiver Parent/Guardian Permission Form for It Can Happen, Incumbent, Three Challengers Face Off in Bedford Board of Ed Race, Budgets Approved Easily in Northern Westchester School Districts, Putnam County Board of Education Elections Set for May 18; Curzio Looks to Return to Carmel, A NOVEL CONCEPT: Maybe Reading a Pulitzer-Winning Book Wasnt Right For the Beach. Administration Building (Education Center) Chappaqua Central School District 66 Roaring Brook Rd. 5 Elementary Schools. Alissa Stoever 238-7206 x7102 The Board of Education is composed of five members elected by the community, each serving a staggered three-year term. Contact Us - Chappaqua Central School District endobj 2 0 obj Principal Voter Registration. Receive unfettered access to our digital content, including our Examiner+ bonus content newsletter, and get other perks like free tickets to local performing arts, complimentary advertising for your favorite local charity, restaurant deals, and much more! Grades K-12 & Ungraded. She said she wants to help develop well-rounded global citizens in addition to have them achieve academically. BE IT RESOLVED that, the Board of Education hereby appoints the individuals listed below to be appointed to work in the Chappaqua Summer Extended School Year Program from July 1, 2019 through August 9, 2019, or earlier at the discretion of the Board of Education. Christina Cancel - Educational Consultant - Central Florida Education <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Eligibility requirements: To be eligible to vote you must: You may register in person with the District Clerk at the Chappaqua School District Education Center, 66Roaring Brook Road, Chappaqua, NewYork,10514 during regularbusiness hours, up to five(5) days before the vote. The Chappaqua Central School District is a nationally renowned, suburban public school system characterized by highly motivated students, a broadly educated and talented staff, and an actively involved parent community. Schools. Chappaqua Central School District Nov 2010 - Jun 2011 8 months. James Skoog 238-7206 x7101 x\_o8 `={Q3(RbQH6b\[i|[Y[i/fb[KnLi?tt(qzutRM6 >]w]=eG/z&88=,GA(Lt,O?y ?\]pT\`/Iu ^3z{xpw`7YG%E9Wa\2%9Nw]W/{>hKoC1w We are part of The Trust Project. Sandra Sepe, Ed.D. % Absentee ballot applications are available from Liisa Elsner, District Clerk at the Education Center during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) or by downloading the application by clickingHERE. 1 0 obj Advocacy. Administration Building (Education Center) @ OhdyA!bO~c;T)O`]eEoeB)r1O`zr]S96TPC~*u#nQU5Z'mwi7SobDW1s-G=@'bu]V4S_E-UYV- o*W[Uh[`wd~^+2e449xYW'T:ADhl[l-egmn1CF4rQ ,". Contact Kate Plate for Math curriculum & instruction support. Our goal is to actualize the District's Strategic Priorities, while focusing on the Board of Education's Strategic Questions. 3 Real Estate. (p) 914-238-7204 (fx) 914-238-5285 There should be an annual review of the Code of Conduct; clear, regular communication of expected student behavior and consequences; and an urgency to reevaluate curriculum and repeating lesson plans at every grade, Exum said. Registro de Votantes. District School Board of Pasco County . Brigitte Pugliese 238-7207 x1105 6 Schools. 1 0 obj Annual Reports . The Chappaqua Central School District is a K-12 public school district serving students in Chappaqua, New York, Millwood, . Please add your name to our petition, right here. The Chappaqua Central School District, pursuant to Education Law, merged to what was then known as Chappaqua School District No. Search agendas and captions * CCSD Board of Education Meetings; Videos Date Documents; CCSD Board of Education Meeting 10/14/20: Wednesday, 10/14/2020: Agenda: CCSD Board of Education Meeting 9/30/20: Director of Technology, Innovation & Mathematics A group of us Greeley students has formed #FixTheName, to petition the Chappaqua Board of Education to explore a new name for our high school. Home - Edgemont School District Chappaqua Central Schools Name Director Of Literacy When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Hwang said that not only is the district aware of the potential challenge, but she expressed confidence that if redistricting would be necessary it would be done equitably with the goal of maintaining educational excellence at each school. District Clerk Liisa Elsner will be in her office at the Education Center every weekday from 8 am to 4 pm through November 29 other than Thanksgiving Day. Conductor Kathleen Feldman and a trio of orchestra students provided the music. The district should be measured on objective quantitative and qualitative measures, she said. The Chappaqua Board of Education has spent $548,000 in a speculative real estate deal as it seeks subdivision approval for six $2 million homes. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 6 References. Your vote is your voice. National Center for Education Statistics. 2 0 obj The Library will be presenting its 2023-2024 Budget at the CCSD Board of Education Meeting held on May 3, 2023 at 7:30pm. 238-7201 x2102, Chappaqua Central School District While hiring a director of equity, inclusion and wellness was a start, the revisions arent just related to curriculum but they must also include environmental changes. Bedford Central School District. Jessica Cavallaro - Adjunct Professor - Arizona College - LinkedIn Chappaqua, NY 10514. Enrollment forthe Chappaqua Continuing Education Spring 2023 Session is Open. However, the time for public input on the process and proposals has passed. Upcoming & Archived Videos. The Chappaqua Central School District (CCSD) is governed by a five-member Board of Education, elected by district voters to serve 3 year terms without salary. or the appropriate director listed below. In 1975, "temporary" portable trailers were erected at Roaring Brook Elementary School which housed Roaring Brook's kindergarten classes until 2002. Physical Education Teacher - Long Term Substitute - Elementary The Board of Education is composed of five members elected by the community, each serving a staggered three-year term. CCSD Email Sign Up. Lets have a different perspective, Hwang said. Senior Office Assistant, CSE/504 Grades 9-12 Acting Principal Chappaqua School District Public Budget Hearing On Wednesday - Chappaqua-Mount Kisco, NY - Voters will have their say on the district's planned $130,460,188 spending package for 2021-22 May 18 . (p) 914-238-7505 (fx) 914-238-4716 Josh Culwell-Block 238-7208 x1019, Associate Director of Instructional Technology & Communications
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