CTS offers the widest selection of Flash-Bangs and Sting-Ball Grenades in the world with unmatched standards for safety and fuze consistency. Sting-Ball&Tear Ball Grenadescome in a variety of configurations for multi-effect in riot situations occurring indoors and outdoors. Quick view Compare Out of Stock. Should you wish to purchase more than 27 units of hazmat devices per order, the system will automatically execute a second hazmat/shipping fee in accordance toU.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and FedEx regulations. Introducing the Tactical Shit Bang Can, a civilian legal flash bang manufactured for Tactical Shit by Helius Engineering, for training, distracting, or just for fun. . 1,040 Lumens each Sound Intensity: max. Participants will learn the construction of distraction devices and the use of other explosives by conducting approximately 60 detonations using various amounts of explosives to ensure proper logging, placement and application of methods used to make entry in a safe but affective manner. Depending on the blank . Our full range of products are listed below. should be used only by trained professionals. Simply load a 12ga or 9mm blank or 209 primmer into the body, remove the pin, and toss. Only place youll find it is on gunbroker, from just one dealer, and its double the price it was before. Yeah same, I always wanted to get some but the lack of any good videos of them was off putting. Civilian distraction device. TheDISTRACT-BALL can also be programmed by the factory to customize the delay, start, duration and type (intermittent/strobe or continuous) of both sound and light effects to match each particular application. (70 mm) Dia. EZ, just have a couple pipebombs on you at all times. I don't honestly know how that would go in court but if you are in your house and someone is trying to come in I would think it's obviously self defense.
Civilian-legal flashbang distraction devices : r/homedefense Can Civilians Own Flashbangs? - Aero Corner Theunit has a shell made with the toughest and hardest Thermoplastic-Vulcanite available with two high impact resistant lenses and is water resistant, rechargeable, and re-usable. Because of their pyrotechnic classification, though, these grenades can only be shipped via ground transport. The projectiles and grenades should be stored in a controlled atmosphere with temperatures between 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit with less than 60% relative humidity. They sound like a cool gift, I hope you got some for your dad. info@violenceresponse.com M-F 8:30 AM-6:00 PM PST P:949|449|4481, DISTRACT-BALL Distraction Device- High Intensity Light and Sound. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
Please refer to terms and conditionsfor product MSDS and Performance sheet. However, that being said, flashbangs don't have a defensive use. A bear banger in the chest won't kill you, but it will fuck you up, make you deaf and might make you think twice. NATO stock numbers are available for each product. . Home security system information, CCTV cameras, Outdoor lighting, entryway fortification, No-knock warrant discussion, Panic rooms, Safes, Safety plans, etc.
M10 Ball Grenade Marking Device . Ive been trying to come up with a gift idea for my father and a couple of flashbangs and pouches for the MOLLE webbing on his emergency go-bag seem like the perfect gift. ALS09NR Diversionary Device, Single Use, . Those things are LOUD. These order and shipment policies are drafted in accordance with DOT regulations, in conjunction with FedEx shipping policies. Munitions that have surpassed the warranty of 5 YEARS should be replaced. 110+ db (at 1m) Customers also search Page 1 of 1 distraction device Tackle Shit Spartan Fish Head Mens Xtreme-Tek Long Sleeve Shirt-White/Black, Tackle Shit Adult Xtreme-Tek Long Sleeve Hood-Sand, Tackle Shit Spartan Fish Head Adult Mossy Oak Elements XT Long Sleeve Shirt-Bonefish, Liberal Tears Coffee Medium Roast Ground Single Purchase. Typhon technology has the ability to initiate a minimum of five independent events dependent on product.
Distraction & Diversion - Less Lethal Multi Port II Distraction Device - Defense Technology Unless something goes really, truly, horribly wrong, theyll never be used.
civilian distraction device But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.
Defense Technology 12-Gram Low Roll Non-Reloadable Distraction Device The use of this productrequired eye and earprotection includinggloves. Fuse burn Time - 2.5 Seconds (+/-0.5sec) Smoke Emission Time - N/A. Output - Light smoke. These regulations, coupled with a "civilians don't need this" perception of such devices, have made them essentially impossible to possess for anyone without agency or unit credentials. Did we mention these are reusable and sport the Tactical Shit Spartan Helmet? Keep your windows up and fucking drive dude. Typhon products are durable and promote a stringent safety approach to prevent negligent discharge. They're loud and disperse a bunch of BBs. These USA-made distraction devices are amazing! Sniper School. Conventional diversionary devices may experience issues with occasional flashthroughs, fuse failures and the fuse itself becoming a potentially lethal projectile. It is designed with a 2.5 second delay incorporated within the base ejecting sound unit which is constructed from tough recyclable plastic. M14 Smoke Deployment Device $35.99. Quick view Compare Choose Options. IWA's lineup of civilian-legal flashbangs (Photo IWA International). Smoke grenades more likely to just set shit on fire. They can be extremely loud, especially in tight spaces and even more so if you wrap a strip of electrical tape around the body to keep the halves together longer. You may find more information on them on BuyerZone. Quick view Compare Choose Options. They also offer an External Listening Device, A Smoke Screen (for your angry mobs), Electric Handles (zaps intruders and threats), and my personal favorite, Road Spikes (not like cops, but like Jacks *the game with the bouncy ball) that drop behind you. The visual (flash) and the volume (bang) output of a standard-issue M84 stun grenade, in use with the US military today, is far greater than the smaller M11-13 series, which is only rated to a maximum sound level of 124 decibels. Should you wish to purchase a combination of Hazmat Device(s) with any Non-Hazmat Item(s), you must execute separate orders and shipments in accordance with these terms. Airsoft Thunder B. Its basically a CO2 cartridge that fills up a plastic body then pops really loud. For this reason, you should check with the EPA Regional Office to determine to what extent these laws apply to you. Description. TheDISTRACT-BALL does not use combustion or explosive events to generate illumination and sound effects so it can be safely used in any enclosed environments to create effective distraction regardless of the presence of flammable or combustive gasses/chemicals, thus, eliminating the risks of causing damaging and costly explosions. Please refer to terms and conditionsfor product MSDS and Performance sheet. These devices detonate at high temperatures and, if they land on combustible materials, a fire is not only possible but likely. ), as well as your friendly neighborhood Airsofter or paintballer. And who knows, if shit really hit the fan your dad may be the new sheriff in town and you guys might need to raid a house with a criminal inside.. Low Roll 12-Gram Non-Reloadable Distraction Device, High Humidity The 12-Gram Low Roll Non-Reloadable Distraction Device, High Humidity utilizes an M201A1 type fuze with Hex design steel body. Im not saying legally its considered defensive but I mean like comon he broke into my house with a fire arm it should be free range almost besides actual lethal explosives. Light up and go, glorious blaze. Nixing the potential for lasting audiological damage or getting singed by the flash from a military-grade stun grenade, anybody unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of one of IWAs flashbangs would still experience a significant amount of discomfort but likely not enough to permanently injure. Your easiest solution is probably going to be airsoft stun grenades. Durendal LLCs DISTRACT-BALL is a highly innovative device that provides civilians and law enforcement a non-explosive distraction tool for use in active attacker encounters or precautionary measures in suspicious encounters. I personally disagree on there being no defensive use, however. This rate is not reflected in the shopping cart so the customer will be contacted upon ordering to proceed with the sale. The munitions may still perform but perhaps at a diminished level. ardesofmiche 1 yr. ago Not reliable, but loud. Ill look into stunners, thanks, and smoke grenades are a good idea, and one I considered, though as far as Im aware theres quite a bit more fire risk, isnt there? For everyone here.
Low Roll 12-Gram Non-Reloadable Distraction Device, High Humidity civilian distraction device You may purchase multiple units of hazmat devices in one order and shipment; no more than 27 units per box. My thought is to keep a few in the car in case I get surrounded by a mob. and get $1.00 off, Buy 12 or above The Multi-Port II Distraction Device Non-Reloadable is a new addition to the Defense Technology product line. is ONLY SOLD to Approved Law Enforcement Agencies and Security Companies. Any use of trademarks, trade names, or implied affiliation to these entities is strictly prohibited without express written permission. Active Violence Solutions LLC is registered in Las Vegas, NV with primary training and distribution headquarters in Huntington Beach, CA. Its pretty awesome anyway. An overall excellent distraction technology, DISTRACT-BALL diverts attention for few seconds in order to give a distinct tactical advantage in controlling dangerous situations. If surrounded by a violent mob and you feel your life is in danger, hit the gas pedal. These USA made distraction devices are absolutely amazing! NO SHIPPING TO P.O. Those things are rated at 140db, while most generic air soft *might touch 120. Approximately a 2 second delay after arming, the unit will sound a high pitched alarm at over 110 decibels through an acoustically optimized speaker. The intimidation factor might be enough to get them to flee without ever needing to fire an actual gunshot, and if not theyll still think youre outside in the yard and not that youve thrown a LTL grenade. If they are ever needed, we will be incredibly glad to have them. STORAGE OF DISTRACTION DEVICES AND STINGER GRENADES. Regional commanders may further restrict on base use of hands-free devices. The device can be deployed in countless numbers of situations from active attacker events to facilitate escape or counter attack, combat room clearing, home invasion countermeasures, and law enforcement raids where explosive flash bangs and other such devices may not be practical or safe to use. The use of this productis intended for military / law enforcement / private security training and simulation / deterring wildlife & wildlife pest control / paintball & air-soft use and similar "wargame" activities. M11 Multibang Device $43.99. Be that as it may, I know hell love just being able to have them on the MOLLE pouches on his go-bag.
civilian distraction device Decrease Quantity of M12 Distraction Device, Increase Quantity of M12 Distraction Device. Yeah, flash bang out in style!!! You might be wondering how IWA can get away with selling these grenades to your average Joe, and the answer is actually quite simple without any legal loopholes involved. Hakkotsu Thunder B grenades have been the industry leading standard in non-pyrotechnic simulation grenade / distraction devices for years. M12Distraction DeviceHas a military style fly off lever assembly with a triple safety twist, pull and release system.