You must pass a written test and demonstrate to your instructor that you can safely hand-fire shells. All wholesale customers must fill out a resale certificate or pay PA sales tax. | Site design and development by . The US government classifies fireworks in many different ways. take 50% off any 1 item - perfect for that 500g cake or fountain you have been wanting to try. Please call first. - Contingency Storage. Cakes | gibsonfireworks Because they are so massive in size, youll get 9 shots in one cake. Email (Single Item), 49 Shots Fan Red Tail to Red Blink (Single Item), 49 Shots Gold Blink Tail to Gold Blink Willow w/Blue Stars (24 Sec. ), 25 Shots Fan Green Blink/Crackling/Wave Palm Pistil (16 Sec.) FAQ's | Boom Town Fireworks, Your Indiana and Chicago Fireworks Superstore ), 600 Shots Fan Red Glittering Comet & Blue Stars (15 Sec. Categories: 1.3g Fireworks, Equipment, Regulated Items, All 1.3g Cakes, Cakes, Multishot Cakes, Salute Cakes. Fire Art :: Online Ordering of 1.3G Fireworks, Equipment & Supplies (15secs. Item Found 208 Page 1 of 1 < 1 > Item Per Page Item Found 208 Page 1 of 1 ), 2" 25'S Fan Shaped Brocade Crown (Single Item), 2" 50's Assorted Dahlia w/Silver Tail Salute Mines, 2" 50's Multi-Color Peony Finale w/Silver Tail, 2.5" 36 Shots Assorted Color Chrys. View our impressive inventory of Multishot Cakes, here. 150 shots of crackling comet tails with red, green, yellow and blue time rain make this cake a must-have. ), 49's Color Scatter (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow) (25 Sec.) This will take them a safe distance away from cake 1 while it is going off, and in the right place for the next firework. Our team of highly-skilled, federally licensed, and insured pyrotechnicians at Fireworks Plus is more than capable of handling such an event. Wholesale Fireworks - 1 Inch Snub Nose Artillery - 6 pack Case 24/1 Rating: $160.73 Wholesale Fireworks - 1.75 Inch Ball Festival Balls - 6 pack Case 15/1 Rating: $191.36 Wholesale fireworks - 1.91 Inch Consumer Fiberglass Mortar Case 50/1 Rating: $168.00 Wholesale Fireworks - 10 Ball Magical Roman Candle 4Pk Case 36/1 Rating: $85.43 So in general terms, the more powerful a firework . ), 100 Shots Crackling Tail to Titanium Salute and Crackling Bouquet (15 Sec. Some states require those who handle professional fireworks to obtain a state license in addition to a federal license. ), 25 Shots Red, White & Blue Comet to Report (22 Sec. For explosive fireworks . Our main products are as follows: 1.Class B fireworks: roman candles, display cakes (such as 49 shots, 80shots,100shots and other different shots fan cakes, v shape cakes, w shape cakes, z shape cakes, straight up cakes ). (Single Item), 49 Shots Fan Red Tail to Red Blink (Single Item), 49 Shots Gold Blink Tail to Gold Blink Willow w/Blue Stars (24 Sec. Quick View. Thunder King Strobe 25 Shot 1 1/4" (CASE ONLY) 4/1. Please Wait: Data is loading, this should only take a moment. Sort By. Professional Display Fireworks (1.3G/Class B) Search this category. ), 90 Shots W Shape Red Peony w/Red Tail (L), White Peony w/White Tail (C), & Blue Peony, 49 Shots Green to Purple Crossette w/Green Tail (21 Sec. However, a zipper will do this very rapidly. A Taste of Heat. ), 100 Shots Fanned Gold Whirling to Color Falling Leaves (28 Sec. Class B Professional Display Videos - YouTube Class B Display Fireworks The World's Leading of China Fireworks Supplier. ), 200 Shots Fan Crackling and Silver Chrys. $ 90.00. - Multi-Shot Cakes. ), 2" 25'S Fan Shaped Brocade Crown (Single Item), 2" 50's Assorted Dahlia w/Silver Tail Salute Mines, 2" 50's Multi-Color Peony Finale w/Silver Tail, 2.5" 36 Shots Assorted Color Chrys. Amateur or pro, this is where you'll find the most bang for your buck. Glossary of Fireworks Terms Please Wait: Data is loading, this should only take a moment. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Tail to Pink & Lemon Peony (25secs. Search results for: 'Class b cakes' Search results for: 'Class b cakes' Filter. Read more about our "No Substitution Guarantee" on our Policies page. Lynch Imports | Wholesale Fireworks | Professional & Commercial Grade | $299.99 CLASS B All 5 cakes Watch on The Class B Bundle is a fireworks package that is exclusive to Fireworks Plus. Our entire inventory of low-priced commercial and consumer-level fireworks can be found on our website. ). In conclusionConsumer Fireworks = 1.4G = Class C Fireworks. Check with your state and local authorities for more information. 2 shots have very large and impressive breaks! Wholesale Fireworks - Casabella Pyrotechnics (Single Item), 100's Purple Scenery (30 sec.) See our top selling fan cake (also a sprinkler), Impressive as an example. ), 150 Shots Brocade w/Falling Leaves (30 Sec. You can see many of the same effects in the 200-grams, the breaks will just be much smaller and not reach quite as high in the air. Your selected items have not been added to your order yet! Call or write for a quote on fireworks shows. Chrys. While our affordable class B fireworks are perfect for larger events, our low-priced consumer-grade fireworks are perfect for enjoying at birthday parties or graduations. Here are the most important classifications you may run across. For more information, call us at: (812)623-0099. - Specialty Shells and Exclusive Effects. B Barrage A group of items fired all at once. Toy noisemakers such as party poppers and caps also fit into the category of novelties. Phone: (812) 623-0099 Email: sales . Most of the firework manufacturers divide their cakes into two levels, 500-grams and 200-grams. In addition to our high-quality class B fireworks, Fireworks Plus also has great deals available online for consumer-grade firework options for smaller parties in Chicago, IL. Zipper Cake:A zipper cake is similar to a sprinkler cake in that it fires shots back and fourth. Most of our products require an ATF license for purchase/possession. But to give an example, cakes with up to 500g of gunpowder in them are Category F2 whereas those with over 500g are Category F3. Class B Cakes | gibsonfireworks Smaller events like these will benefit significantly from our excellent discounts on sparklers and firecrackers. Class B Cake: 364s Fast Z Fan: Video: 1: 1: 364's Fast Z fan lemon, purple crossette: DM23E148: Class B Cake: 180s W shape: Video: 1: 1: ), 150 Shots Fanned White Blink Bouquets & Colorful Falling Leaves & White Blink & Magic Balls (90secs. (Single Cake), 65 Shot Fanned Silver Whirl w/Red & Blue Peony (16 Sec. You will first light the green fuse which will burn down into the first tube, exploding the lift charge which lifts the shell into the air and lights an internal fuse in the shell. Item: LIM036B. (Single Item), 100's Green Scenery (30 sec.) Contact Tim via email or by phone at 859-242-2426. Popular American Fireworks Brand, Ship to American, European and more than 30+ countries. Once we have this information, we will put together a free proposal and quote well within your proposed budget. ). ), 100'S Assorted Chrys. w/Assorted Mines, 2.5" 36's Blue Peony w/Silver Tail (30 Sec. A good fireworks store is hard to find. (Single Item), 100 Shots White Blink Willow/Crackling Willow (32 Sec. Firework Categories & Safety Distances - UKFR ), 100 Shots Fan "Z" Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (15 Sec. Professional Display Fireworks (1.3G/Class B) - ACE Pyro For further information please go our Shipping Information Page, If a shipment is refused and returned to sender, the full charge of the freight delivery will fall upon you. Battery Bulk salutes are high explosives and must be stored in Type-1 or Type-2 magazines. Below are some examples of our 200-gram cakes. Class B Archives - Fireworks Plus F Falling Leaves - a beautiful aerial effect that consists of glowing embers that tumble slowly in the air, flickering back and forth as they fall back to earth. Enjoying 500g Cakes by World Class Fireworks - YouTube At the federal level, this is regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF or BATFE). If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call at (219) 937-4090. - Inert Training Products. (Single Item), 49's Assorted Crossette, Peony w/Salute (Single Item), 49's Color Scatter (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow) (25 Sec. When doing a backyard show, many people will often choose to light a 200-gram and 500-gram at the same time to get a cool double layer effect in the sky. Strobes: . Fireworks for sale online at our online fireworks store ), 100 Shots Silver Blink/Green Blink/Blue/Chrys Willow (40 Sec.) (Single Item), 25's Blue Chrys. We have landed several containers since July 4th, and there are many great items now available. Finale Cake:A finale cake fires off shots in a rapid succession for a Grand Finale. ), 100 Shots Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (12 Sec. ), 100 Shots Fan Silver Whirling Doremi (28 Sec. 1-269-205-3799 Dyer, IN. ), 90 Shots "W" Shape Green Tail to Color Peony w/Crackling (25 Sec. Case Quantity: 1 pieces per case (193 shots each). ), 100 Shots Colorful Tail to Ti-Thunder (12 Sec. Gibson fireworks . We have everything you need for an excellent firework display, big or small. A great set of safe and sane fireworks. PFX50MN-B Mine - 50mm Blue Mine 50/1. (Single Item), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec. (Single Item), 49 Shots Assorted Chrys, Crackling w/Crackling Tail, Ti-Thunder, 49 Shots Assorted Chrys, Crackling w/Crackling Tail, Ti-Thunder (Single Item), 49 Shots Blue Tail to Silver Crackling Wave (25 Sec. Phone: (812) 623-0099 Email: sales . & Titanium Salute (30 Sec. (Single Item), 100's Purple Scenery (30 sec.) Traditional Cake: A traditional cake will fire all shots straight up into the air, one at a time. Be sure to check on your local city and county ordinances as well. Fireworks Site Layout & General Advice - UKFR Store Department - Boom Town Fireworks All or part of this product is currently enroute to our facility. To be considered for a professional fireworks license, all of the following must be true: If you meet all of the above criteria, you are eligible to apply for a professional fireworks license, but it is no guarantee that you will receive one. As cake 1 is finishing, the firer lights cake 2 and moves over to cake 3, and the process is repeated through the sequence. PyroSpot Fireworks YouTube Channel Home Add to Wishlist America Praying (Single Item), 25 Shots Red, White & Blue Comet to Report (5 Sec. (Single Item), 49 Shots Instant Titanium Whistle (2 Sec. SKU: JSCP30238. Ju Ju Spetacular. Search results for: 'Class b cakes' - Fireworks Plus (Please note: We love new customers but we cannot sell to the general public. Here's hoping we can still make this year the best ever. Most of the firework manufacturers divide their cakes into two levels, 500-grams and 200-grams. Starting with cake 1, the firer lights this and then moves across to cake 2. But let it be known that these are no longer official terms as Class C is now known as 1.4G or Consumer Fireworks and Class B is now known as 1.3G or Display Fireworks. Check out Evolution of Fire below, for a great example of a finale cake. (Single Item), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec. ), 49 Shots Chrys Willow & Green Blink (25 Sec.) Items classified as 1.4G explosives are consumer fireworks intended for use by the general public. Thunder King Strobing 25 Shot (CASE ONLY) 12/1. Academic Pyro. By knowing the different types of cakes, youll better understand what should be fired when during your backyard show this 4th of July! Sales of class B(1.3) fireworks requires a federal permit. Because fireworks terminology is not standardized between states and municipalities, it is extremely important to check all relevant laws before making your purchase. ), 49 Shots Thunder Tourbillion w/Red & Blue Mine (21 Sec. classbfireworksroman candle Country/Region: China Main Products: Cold fireworks,stage fireworks,Birthday candle,Roman Candle,Cakes Total Revenue: US$5 Million - US$10 Million Top 3 Markets: Eastern Asia 17%, Eastern Europe 11%, North America 10% Tags: Magic Show Supplier| Consumer Fireworks Supplier| Display Cakes Supplier| Cakes Supplier 500 gram pyrotechnic devices are the largest consumer fireworks allowed by federal law. Our inventory software continuously updates . ), 600 Shots Fan Red Glittering Comet & Blue Stars (15 Sec. This person will verify the information on your application, review storage and recordkeeping requirements with you, and make you aware of state and local regulations.
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