also check out my reddit post :) Contained within are gathered spells drawn from over thirty years of Call of Cthulhu supplements and scenarios. Using a Mythos god in a scenario does not necessarily mean placing the entity physically in the plot. For those affected, the commands of Chorazin vary greatly, from performing the murder of someone opposed to (or knowing too much) about Cthulhu and its cult to delivering a message to someone or some group. Grab (mnvr): swoops low and makes a grab with one or more of its tendrils. Some regard Utulls-Hrher as an avatar of Shub-Niggurath (or, otherwise a unique being spawned by that Outer God), while a few speak of it being a twin to Glaaki. Its yawning maw, sometimes a black pit and at others lined with fangs encased in ice. Thus, this being may, at times, act in opposition to those considered as Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, whose remit appears more aligned to destroying and recreating the cosmos in their image or to their design. In general terms, the Elder Ones appear to oppose the ascent of the Great Old Ones, having at some distant point cast them down and confined them to deathless sleep. Seeing an active Yellow Sign provokes a Sanity roll (0/1D6 Sanity points lost). For this penance, you must play on Heresy difficulty and singlehandedly deal 90% of a Monstrositys health bar with all damage inflicted by Brain Burst. Great torment shall herald its arrival. One might conjecture that the being remains in situ, biding its time in darkness until the wheel of the cosmos turns once more and the Great Old Ones are released from bondage. The Cult of Yig (originating with the serpent people, but spreading out independently to some humans) is considered the largest grouping, although most groups within this family are essentially unconnected and undirected, save for any commandment forthcoming from Yig itself. Such conversations are not verbal and rely on the cultists divining the movement and actions of the summoned flame creatures; thus, the meaning is a human interpretation and may at times be more aligned to the high priests or priestesses agenda. Lesser Gods, minor deities Sanity Loss: varies, depending upon form taken; suggest range of 1/1D6, 1/1D10, and 1D4/2D10. In all cases, its appearance causes fires and other sources of heat and light to be extinguished, while its smell is the heady stench of death. 43 books74 followers. Shinjh: a writhing mass of long, flat, cactus-like tendrils, each spiked with long, metallic spines that emerge from a curving trunk. Fighting Ram Tail Cult While there appear to be no human cults centered on Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala, the deep ones may (possibly) provide offerings intended to placate these entities and their many spawn. Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck - At times, such as in answer to a ritual summons, the Old One sends a psychic rather than physical manifestation, with its visage appearing almost ghostlike. As such, these splinters of the deity do not speak and move relativity slowly, often remaining still for long periods of time. fight back may work and cause damage, but the target is still engulfed). A flame bust has a range of 150 yards/meters and blankets an area of 20 yards/meters with fire, incinerating most things within. A few have come to attention or notoriety due to sudden descents into homicidal activity, although the connection they share is, as yet, unknown to authorities or the public in general. (Avatar) As a brilliance will you know the Sacred Light. Those dumbfounded are unable to move, think, or take any action. RLIM SHAIKORTH (Great Old One) I followed the instructions and consumed the paste I had made. In so doing, they open their minds to the touch of the King in Yellow, allowing corruption to take rook and enabling them (wittingly or unwittingly) to become vehicles to spread the corruption to others. Certainly, local inhabitants (including First Nation peoples) may know lore concerning the entity but are more likely to fear rather than worship the Old One. Cthonians, electronic or other methods of retrieval is strictly prohibited. Yog-Sothoth seemingly controls the flow of time and gateways between dimensional realms and, despite being coterminous with all time and space, is somehow locked outside of our reality (and may only be summoned through particularly powerful magic). The spine detaches from Glaaki and from it grow protrusions through the victims body. Illustration in a role-playing monster book can be a tricky thing. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Browse our online store today! Embody Plague: body is covered in weeping sores and boils; able to shoot acid-like pus from hands, sores, or mouth (inflicting 1D4 damage). These unnamed entities are collectively known as the Lesser Elder Gods are believed to be unformed or immature Elder beings, although some regard them as Elder Gods in their own right, proposing that these seemingly formless beings exist outside of our reality and have no defined form when venturing into our dimension. During such dreams, the victim behaves strangely, falling into a coma-like state and often grunting or squealing like a hog. For human explorers of this realm, the Old Ones ignorance of humanity may give it a reason to investigate and dissect those unfortunate enough to cross its path, or it could simply ignore such lesser life as unimportant and irrelevant. Those under BMoths influence usually do not realize it, experiencing blackouts during times when the entity is in control or remembering such times as vague dreams. If human, horrendous scars from ritual burning may be evident, which can often be seen on arms, hands, and faces. Encounters Those traveling through Gates or viewing other dimensions may catch a glimpse of Pharol, who may, in turn, notice the observation and be intrigued as to who its watchers are. Something like a huge and bloated, coiling mass of entrails, eyes, and worm-like growths, all dripping with bloody ooze and brown-yellow discharges. If using human concepts for understanding, Azathoth might be considered the positive to Daoloths negative, each canceling one another out and maintaining some form of cosmic balance. It is said that this dire music calls outward to touch the dead and sleeping Old Ones, who, upon hearing these curious notes, rise to consciousness and some kind of rebirth. Such comments have seemingly led to dire consequences, with cult members having sought out and murdered at least one author who put such ideas onto paper. 114 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Magic POW: 375 Magic Points: 75 Spells: all spells. For those with lumps on their front lower abdomen, the effect can appear like a pregnancy or that the person has undergone significant 70% (35/14), damage 3D6 70% (35/14), damage 1D10 POW (see above) Armor None. Only in the writings of Janith of Chichester (a private collection alleged to date back to the 1600s) do we find a possible clue or means to protect against this entitys predations. Older cultists spend longer and longer in front of the eye, with most eventually remaining in place to hold a permanent vigil through which they constantly commune with their god. If reduced to zero hit points, Ghatanothoas body disintegrates into millions of dust particles that swirl in the air for a few moments and then disappear. The effect may be negated with an Extreme POW roll, or else certain spells may limit or ward against such mind control. CON 275 SIZ 175 DEX 60 Hit Points: 45 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 8 Combat Attacks per round: 2 (bite, gore) or 1 (trample) May use its mouths to bite and tusks to gore and tear up to twice per round, or may charge and trample once per round. Certain scholars claiming to have deciphered the language of the elder things state that Ubbo-Sathla was brought to Earth by the Old Ones before they were struck down by the Elder Gods, although no named Old Ones are mentioned, leaving some to speculate that perhaps Great Cthulhu and its kin brought this entity with them from Xoth. Certainly, the Illuminatos Cosmica (by Fedele Sepulcri) purports that DEX 100 Hit Points: 100 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 9 / 12 flying / 30 swimming Combat Attacks per round: 2D6 (strike, tear, rend, grasp) or 1 (smash) May attack with 2D6 tentacles per round; each is equipped with retractable razor-like hooks to tear and rend flesh, that are capable of also cutting through metal. Accounts speak of researchers of the strange and forbidden finding certain tomes speaking to them when reading of the Unspeakable One, which appears to mirror the strange voice heard in dreams of those possessing effigies or idols of the god. Spells: while the Skinless One has access to any spells desired by the Keeper, the following spells are particularly suitable Armor None. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (strike or flame gout) Able to send forth flaming tendrils to strike those within 10 yards/meters (may increase this range by +5 yards/meters per magic point spent), or may produce a flame gout. This guide includes Mythos beasts, Gods, independent races, servitor races and unique entities as well as a few creatures of mythology that could find themselves in a CoC game and a . Of course, unless they are clever and find some way to bind the Mythos god in question, as well as find some way to injure them, and can withstand the ongoing magical and physical assaults, most parties of investigators are going to die, quickly. Seed of Carcosa: a chosen recipient is targeted to receive a vision of Carcosas splendor and majesty, implanting the desire to find and come to the nightmare city; the effect may be negated with a Hard POW roll. The matter grows more confusing when one attempts to understand what associations may exist with this Old One, with the Necronomicon reporting a linage stemming from Yeb and Nug, while the elusive Parchments of Pnom pronouncing Tsathogguas creator as Ghizguth, and that Zvilpoggua (a.k.a. A Look Inside The Unspeakable Tomes of the Malleus Monstrorum Chorazin and Leviathan CHAPTER 2 Mind Influence: while not as strong as its mind control power, BMoths presence causes animals and humans to become savage and bestial, attacking anyone or thing nearby with violent fury. Other names: Arwena, Babalon/Babylon, Lady of Abominations, the Huntsman, the Red Woman. A few wicked individuals (mostly sorcerers) have sought to capitalize on Nyogthas hunger, enticing the Old One with numerous human offerings in return for boons of magic and knowledge. Touch the water and feel its writhing tentacles rise up to embrace you. Extreme proponents of BMoth seek to hurry the destruction of human civilization, and these may be encountered almost anywhere. Aura Most times, any encounters are liable to be connected to places of death and decay. Be careful. If reduced to zero hit points, Bast disappears in a cloud of black smoke. Worm-like organs and tendrils squirm within this body sack (like a mass of writhing maggots inside a plastic bag). Fighting Flame Touch 60% (30/12), damage 3D6 (per strike) 50% (25/10), damage instant death or 1D10 + 1D6 CON (see above) Armor None. Total darkness, the blackest black, and the absence of light are all hallmarks of Cyegha . Keeper of the Moon-Lens, moon-shrouded horror Sanity Loss: 1D8/4D10 Sanity points. What is without a doubt is the multi-capability of the Unspeakable One, who lives in a variety of independent but co-existing forms, with the one known as Hastur at their center. For the most part, they are secondary to the Great Old Ones and have fewer devoted followers. Mike lives in the Midlands of England, betwixt the rolling Derbyshire Peaks and the Satanic Mills of Nottinghamshire. Touching items associated with Ossadagowah is likely to fill a person with revulsion and the need to wash their skin. 55 CHAPTER 2 m a l CTHULHU: BMOTH Great Cthulhu, the sleeper in Rlyeh Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. 203 CHAPTER 2 m a l to the surface to continue their work. Thus, may first appear in shadow form and observe a ceremony before fully manifesting. If reduced to zero hit points, The Black fades to nothingness, causing any nightgaunts to rapidly depart. Should the accounts of the wizard Sunda-lon fall into the wrong hands, one might suppose a knowledge of this Old One could inspire some to take up its worship. See Absorption, page 229. Byakhee, Cthugha, Children of Ithaqua, Dwellers in Darkness, Ithaqua, Lurker at the Threshold, Of Evill Sorceries Done in New-England of Daemons in no Humane Shape, Snow Thing, Tcho-Tcho, Zhar & Lloigor, and Zvilpogghua copyright 2020 the Estate of August Derleth. Some state this entity is a vessel for Cthugha, while others speak of it as the Great Old Ones child that may one day evolve into an Old One in its own right. Hit Points: 72 (120*) Damage Bonus (DB): +2D6 (+8D6*) Build: 3 (9*) Move: 5 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (smash, crush, eat) Uses its great hands or body to smash and crush (2D6 damage or 8D6 damage if full-sized), or may attempt to eat opponents (biting and chewing for 3D6 damage; If reduced to zero hit points, the victim is swallowed). Use the human scale to help define size. Certain lore surrounding Quachil Uttaus associates the Old One with entropy. Seeing Daoloth can be disastrous, as the human eye is unable to follow the gods constantly moving form, causing madness in the beholder. The Keeper should decide what creature serves a specific Lesser Other God. Zoth-Ommog, scion of Cthulhu Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter ZothOmmog. Clothing is burned through in one round, while equipment and mundane weapons may be affected with rapid corrosion rendering them useless (the Keeper may call for a Luck roll to determine if a particular item is affected); enchanted weapons may be resistant. Far See: costing 1 magic point, Ghizguth may summon a vision of an event taking place in real-time within 1,000 miles (1609 km). Such visions may demand the target carries out a specified task (although the task can appear ambiguous at first). But, given its ability to communicate through crystals, individual worship (of sorts) 178 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS is highly likely, with such individuals acting to promote the interests of the Old One, perhaps with a view to fashioning the correct vessel that might allow the entity to manifest physically and gain some kind of foothold on Earth. Magic POW: 375 Magic Points: 75 Spells: none. Such folk may be driven to learn and worship the mind that has touched them, not realizing what Azathoth is nor understanding the corruption that is spreading through their mind and body. Each round a victim is held they suffer 1D3 damage, permanently lose 2D10 points of APP, and must make a Sanity roll (1/1D6 loss), as their flesh and face are eaten away by alien enzymes. STR 260 Possible Blessings Watery Breath: granted gills to breathe underwater. Those magically inclined researchers may find themselves traveling through a Gate only to inadvertently appear in the presence of Groth-Golka or its minions, due to the strange effects of the Black Cone. A vast and amorphous thing, it possesses a cone-like head that rises out of its fluid mass but has no face. Some will be granted insights, gaining 1D10 to 2D20 points of Cthulhu Mythos and a corresponding amount of Sanity loss, others may also be granted spells (normally 1 to 1D4 spells associated with Cthulhu or the deep ones). If summoned, it is liable to burst upward from the ground, showering all present with filth, dirt, and virulent ichor. If reduced to zero hit points, Yig instantly transforms into a fast-moving (MOV 20) snake that scurries away or buries itself in the ground. Some deep one and/ or hybrid ceremonies may recognize Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala within their devotions (but, below those to Dagon and Hydra), and so blue-green crystalline idols representing these entities may be seen. Hit Points: 58 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 to +5D6 (depending on SIZ) Build: 5 to 6 (depending on SIZ) Move: 16 Combat Attacks per round: 4 (striking, bludgeoning) or 1 (engulf ) Attacks by engulfing victims, sucking away their life force and dissolving their bodies (nothing is left of Mordiggians prey but their clothes and items).
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