In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone including Newsday and our own Long Island Business regardless of the price. After the competing Long Island Press (not to be confused with the alternative weekly of the same name) ceased publication in 1977, Newsday launched a separate Queens edition, followed by a New York City edition dubbed New York Newsday. He appreciates the ironical point of view and has been known to indulge in it from time to time. Subscription terms | Analyze fairly and comment insightfully on a wide range of issues influencing the lives of our readers from those debated in legislatures to those discussed at home. He will help oversee the new layout team and its integration into the nightly production process. 3816 Woodruff Ave Ste 302 Long Beach, CA 90808 Pulitzer Prize winner Walt Handelsman's editorial political cartoons animation are a nationally syndicated feature of Newsday. Engaging with community groups, helping to bring context to regional datasets. Tania Padgett Part 2 Our clients utilize HealthDay content on their websites, in newsletters, through intranets, in email campaigns, on social media and in many additional PR and marketing situations. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. Editorial - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday A New Yorker born and bred, he's a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Excellent verbal and written communication skills required. [8][11][12] Guggenheim, who died a year later, disinherited Moyers from his will.[13]. They are also considering additional steps to continue their fight for the paper's future. Reinberg is an award-winning medical journalist who has written for both consumer and professional audiences. Newsday offering buyouts to trim staff ahead of move Beth Holland Milnes Long Island Amy has been a medical journalist since 1999. Randis other job is being mommy to a 17-year-old city kid, but in whatever spare time she has, she cheers for the Mets and the University of Pennsylvania Quakers, loves to read and explore the region, and enjoys all things Broadway and Disney. We have many new initiatives we are looking at this year and Jack will take a hand at bringing them to fruition. in Broadcast Journalism from Howard University and an M.A. ", we're pretty sure the main service of this letter will be to provide a quick-and-handy checklist for HR during the next inevitable round of layoffs. Its features section has included, among others, television reporters Verne Gay and Diane Werts, TV/film feature writer Frank Lovece, and film critic Rafer Guzman. Spencer Rumsey Part 2 Please enable notifications or using normal browsing mode. Dave will be responsible for assigning on the Long Island desk for both Island and city coverage. Newsday created and sponsored a "Long Island at the Crossroads" advisory board in 1978, to recommend regional goals, supervise local government, and liaison with state and Federal officials. Planners Need Cooperation, Not Competition" (editorial), "Audit Bureau of Circulation, "ABC Releases, "Newsday to begin charging for online articles", "After Three Months, Only 35 Subscriptions for Newsday's Web Site", "Film chronicles LI triplets separated at birth", 2001 interview with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Dennis Duggan, Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting,, Daily newspapers published in New York (state), Pulitzer Prize for Public Service winners, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1980: Local Investigative Specialized Reporting (Finalist) , 1982: International Reporting (Finalist) , 1984: Local General or Spot News Reporting, 1984: International Reporting (Finalist) , 1989: Investigative Reporting (Finalist) , 1996: International Reporting (Finalist) Laurie Garrett, 1999: Criticism (Finalist) Justin Davidson, 2008: Public Service (Finalist) Jennifer Barrios, Sophia Chang, Michael R. Ebert, Reid J. Epstein, Jennifer Sinco Kelleher, Eden Laikin, Herbert Lowe, Joseph Mallia, Jennifer Maloney, Luis Perez and Karla Schuster, 2013: Editorial Writing (Finalist) Editorial Board staff, Former editor Howard Schneider appears in the documentary, This page was last edited on 20 December 2022, at 08:21. Stacey Altherr Long Island He is responsible for day-to-day data sourcing, analysis, and special reports for the JOC editorial staff, and he works constantly to expand the JOC's collection of data to enhance JOC dashboards and find new opportunities for original, data-driven content. Susan Harrigan New York Business "The bleeding has to stop," science reporter Bryn Nelson said. Reveal contacts of top Newsday Media Group managers and employees. These financial challenges on maintaining the bottom line have also resulted in less resources being devoted to investigative reporting and a greater reliance on wire service stories. So she happily packed up, pledged her dedication to the cause of journalism and her desire to someday return, and left the city's greatest 50-cent broadsheet. A health news feed, reviewing the latest and most topical health stories. She is Editor of the Editorial and Opinion pages for Newsday, and as a leader in the organization she serves on the Executive Committee of Newsday Media Group. To the current and potential future owners of Newsday: In the newsrooms and bureaus of Newsday, we watch with growing dismay the Tribune Company's stewardship of our newspaper. We hope the following helps you get familiarized with the board and helps explain the difference among our features. [36] The Audit Bureau of Circulation adjusted average weekday circulation to 481,816 from 579,599; average Saturday circulation to 392,649 from 416,830; and average Sunday circulation to 574,081 from 671,820, and instituted twice-yearly audits. Delthia Ricks Health & Science Having worked in both the United Kingdom and the United States, she enjoys editing the latest medical research for Physicians Briefing from her home in St. Louis. Reinberg has received writing awards from both the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 'Newsday' Editorial Staff Also Wants World Peace, A Pony - Gawker You might be using private browsing or have notifications blocked. Set. So we suggest another strategy: Invest in creative, original journalism that will serve our readers and advertisers and make our company thrive. ", A Message From Newsday Employees to Tribune: "Stop the Cutbacks". Advertise with Newsday | Subscription terms | Born in London in 1966, Davies emigrated to the United States with his mom, dad, sister and their dog in 1983, and has somehow not manage to completely shake his Brit accent. Creating content for nextLI, Opinions digital platform. At the end of the day offering buyouts to employees, increasing the newsstand price, shrinking content, reduction in actual newsprint size or favorable government subsidies will not be the determining factor for the survival of Newsday, Daily News, Times or other daily newspapers. He joined Newsday as a sports reporter in 1989 and became enterprise editor for sports in 2005. Madeiros has 20 years experience as a proofreader and copy editor. Tim has been doing an excellent job of filling these roles over the past year. For reprints, rights & and permissions to republish Newsday stories or photographs, contact. Gene Seymour New York Part 2 The editorial writers have areas of expertise and interest, or can be assigned an editorial. Richard Wiltamuth Features Lynn, 88, died of heart failure due to COVID-19 during a short. Bob Kessler, a veteran of the Long Island desk, moves over to Business from his federal court beat to cover legal and regulatory affairs, including white-collar crime, bankruptcies, civil litigation and securities monitors and enforcement agencies. It lasted approximately a decade. Before Newsday, Coralie spent 8 years covering Latin America and the West African region for the Voice of America and the U.S. Agency for Global Media. Robin Topping Health & Science Their work appears on a regular basis. Brown is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. 1403 E South St Long Beach, CA 90805 Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 Contact Newsday - Newsday Tom Brune Washington Michael has spent almost two decades in Sports as an award-winning reporter and most recently as enterprise editor. Joanne Utley Art ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS have national network news, as do local affiliates along with local independent news broadcasts such as FOX 5, MY 9 and PIX 11, cable news stations such as News One (in NYC), CNBC, CNN, FOX, BBC along with News Twelve, FIOS One News and CBS 10/55. He will plan and lead coverage of big events, including the Olympics. Click here to meet the members of the editorial board. Mabel Jong is an award winning journalist with over two decades of experience working in business news production in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Kathy Drouin-Keith Night News Mdzungairi, who doubled up as editor in chief of Alpha Media Holdings, quit on Monday, a day after President Emmerson Mnangagwa's spokesman claimed an unnamed NewsDay editor was on the government's payroll as a public relations officer at the local government ministry. He won the inaugural Herblock Prize a year after Herblocks death, received the RFK journalism prize, a National Headliner Award and a bunch of other equally unexpected shiny professional affirmations. Newsday (@Newsday) / Twitter Bill Bleyer Long Island We strive to publish pieces that offer contrary or alternative views, written by authors with expertise on topics relevant to our readers. This puts even more pressure on the remaining reporters assigned to various departments. After two decades of construction, and nearly 60 years of planning, the Long Island Rail Road is set to begin full service to its new Manhattan terminal, Grand Central Madison, on Monday morning. All rights reserved. would open its front page, classified ads, movie listings, and school closings to all site visitors, but access beyond this content would require a weekly fee US$5 as of 2010. A Step Above Foot Care. Newsday carries the syndicated columnist Froma Harrop. 1 Comment. Lori Solomon is an Atlanta-based writer specializing in health policy, public health, and medicine. "Anyone who buys this paper should know that they're getting a newspaper with an incredible staff and limitless potential," said business reporter Tami Luhby. Luis Perez Long Island Deborah Morris Long Island Editorial writers, all of whom are experienced journalists, conduct their own reporting. Cookie Settings | 1m read EDITORIALS Build greenway,. Andy also served as Special Adviser to the Ambassador to Japan, Walter Mondale, where he managed the Ambassadors media communications strategy. For advertising information or to place an ad, call (631) 843-SOLD (631-843-7653), email. Neighborhood weekly newspapers provide real coverage of local community news stories usually overlooked by other media. Before that, he worked at Ziff Davis Media and Sony Music Entertainment Inc. [citation needed]. Alpha Media. [14], A circulation scandal in 2004 revealed that the paper's daily and Sunday circulation had been inflated by 16.9% and 14.5%, respectively, in the auditing period September 30, 2002 to September 30, 2003. Gary Dymski and Carol Polsky, Home section reporters, will be joining Valerie in the move to Business. The paper featured both advice columnists Ann Landers and Dear Abby for several years. Because of the large volume of letters received, Newsday Letters Editor Anne Michaud cannot individually answer all of them. As of 2019, its weekday circulation of 250,000 was the 8th-highest in the United States, and the highest among suburban newspapers. Eden Laikin Investigations (List of signatories attached.) Originally from the U.K., Elana has a Master's degree in Biological Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge. The opinion section operates independently of the news-gathering process. Alan Mozes has been a medical journalist for 20 years, having previously reported for Reuters Health and Gannett News. New York Daily News 6 years 10 months Editor-in-Chief Sep 1997 - Apr 20002 years 8 months Greater New York City Area Managed a staff of 375 and annual newsroom budget of $45 million. . Zachary Dowdy Long Island [26], Despite having a tabloid format, Newsday is not known for being sensationalistic, as are other local daily tabloids, such as the New York Daily News and the New York Post. Richard Rosenberg Features After eight years on Newsdays investigations team, where she found the most difficult part of her job was juggling parenthood, mortgage meltdowns and the future of the New York Islanders, Randi joined the editorial board in 2015. Newsroom Administration Get email updates for new Editorial Writer jobs in Melville, NY. For coverage of a midnight subway derailment in Manhattan that left five passengers dead and more than 200 injured. Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on interviewing and resume writing. They may face competitors in the surrounding suburbs, along with national editions of USA Today, Wall Street Journal and NY Times. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Valerie Kellogg joins the staff to take on the newly created job of Shelter Editor, in charge of the Home and Real Estate sections. Terms of service | A decade of expensive newspaper wars later, New York Newsday closed, and the parent Long Island paper, based in Melville, continued to cover the city from a scaled-down newsroom in Queens and a . ", Newsday employees are requesting a meeting with Tribune's management to discuss their concerns. Andrew Wong Graphics Our letters section is a forum for readers to comment on the news, or to respond to our commentary. Serena holds a masters degree in journalism from Columbia Journalism School, and a B.A. Newsdesk Photo The paper's roster of columnists and critics has included Cathy Young, Jimmy Breslin, Barbara Garson, Normand Poirier, Murray Kempton, Gail Collins, Pete Hamill, Sydney Schanberg, Robert Reno (died 2012), Jim Dwyer, sportswriter Mike Lupica, music critic Tim Page, and television critic Marvin Kitman. Jim Smith Features Copydesk Editorials - Newsday Errol Cockfield Albany The Point is the editorial boards daily newsletter, which takes you behind closed doors into the New York political scene. We accept letters by email and surface mail; however, because timeliness is a critical factor in the selection of letters we publish, we strongly encourage submissions by email. Bryn Nelson Health & Science Nirmal Mitra joined the editorial board in July 2021 and handles copyediting, and digital and print production. Morrow. Kim Fiorio has been promoted to editorial support staff manager. Roberta Fifield Long Island Staff of Newsday, Long Island, NY. [19] The sale was completed July 29, 2008. Our mission is to create engaging content which delivers better outcomes for all of our clients. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. HealthDay editors and writers have won numerous awards in journalism, including the Pulitzer Award, and top prizes from Associated Press Managing Editors. FROM: John Mancini Long Islands just the right distance. [29], In 2004, the alternative weekly newspaper Long Island Press (which is not related to the defunct daily of the same name) wrote that Newsday has used its clout to influence local politics in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Prior to Newsday he worked at several other New York newspapers. News beats have included the New York State Capitol and City Hall, and reporting on big events included the 9/11 attacks as well as campaigns for president, governor and mayor. Collin Nash Long Island Michael Dorman Opinion Her work with HealthDay includes the conceptualizing and scripting of a 1,000-video series on all aspects of wellness from personal fitness to parenting healthy children. She is a staff writer for The . Although local news always has been this paper's core, we deplore Tribune's idea that readers are interested only in what happens in their ZIP codes. Scott Gillespie is the Star Tribune's editorial page editor and vice president. Leading media such as WebMD, American Heart Association, Merck Manual, US News and World Report, Medical publishers . Beth Holland, whose Newsday career has included top-notch work as a reporter, editor and editorial writer on the city staff, joins the Long Island desk as an editor. Copyright 2023 Newsday. Michael Rothfeld Long Island We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This Saturday feature invites readers to introduce a public policy matter beyond what is covered in Newsday. We live in one of the few remaining free societies, with a wealth of information sources available for any citizen to access. In its six years of ownership, Tribune has damaged Newsday as an instrument of public information and accountability and, for that matter, as a business. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. John Riley National In the 1980s, a new design director, Robert Eisner, guided the transition into digital design and color printing. I thank you again for your patience over the past few months as we have worked to reorganize the newsroom. Finalists. There is intense competition between international, state, business, sports, entertainment and other sections of newspapers. She graduated with honors from Emory University with a bachelors degree in biology and also holds a masters degree in public health with a focus on health policy from Emory University. Newsday is an American daily newspaper that primarily serves Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island, although it is also sold throughout the New York metropolitan area. But we also know that Tribune's efforts to boost profits and its stock price have, to date, failed. While we love the idea of Tribune execs somehow pitching forward at their desks, smacking themselves on the head and shouting, "Good God, they're right! Find editorial staff email addresses, social media pages and more. 324, fax: 212-221-9195, Purchase a page reproduction, go to Newsday pages Purchase a back issue of Newsday, call 631-843-3135, Newspaper programs: LI Arts Alliance Scholar Artists Awards, Life's Victories Newsday Charities (Help-A-Family) Kid's Campaign, non-profit grants requests) Newsday Marching Band Festival Email or call 631-843-2651. He will be our liaison to Tribune as we implement a new production system in the coming years. After Patterson's death in 1963, Guggenheim became publisher and editor. [5] As of June 2022, the paper had an average print circulation of 97,182.[6]. Jack Sirica, fresh from his fine editing work in Investigations on the Fire Alarm series and other projects, will help us through this transition period by serving as night editor for the next six months. - Researches and executes search-friendly headlines and overall SEO strategy - Trained department heads, editors and reporters in SEO best practices and strategies - Runs the Newsday's new home will be at 6-8 Corporate Center Drive Melville / Photo courtesy of The We're Group. Jayme Wolfson Part 2 February 28, 2023 at 2:17 pm. Please join me today in wishing our colleagues well as they take on new assignments. She worked for several years in the biotechnology industry, initially in the labs, before transitioning into writing. Reporters looking to contact Newsday's Media Relations department should call 631-843-2606 or 631-843-4097. She has a particular affinity for writing about science and public health. [38], Newsday has won 19 Pulitzer Prizes and has been a finalist for 20 additional (if no individual is listed, award is for Newsday staff):[39], * From 1985 to 1990: Pulitzer Prize for General News Reporting; From 1991 to 1997: Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Reporting; From 1998 to present: Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting. More details to come on this shortly. Otto will be responsible for the weekend sections and will be in charge on Saturday and Sunday in the sports editor's absence. Ridgely Ochs Long Island A news feed for Health Care Professionals (HCPs), reviewing latest medical research and approvals. Cookie Settings | The newsdesk/copydesk takes on a new structure with the introduction of a layout team that will focus on designed layouts for the upfront section of the paper and the Long Island and World/Nation sections. Lisa Doll-Bruno Business California Privacy Rights | Newsday Media Contacts Assist in help our effort to build an online community to help grow readership. THE EDITOR: The nation is examining and evaluating with keen interest the ruling of Justice Frank Seepersad in the "wrongful dismissal" of the former provost of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), Dr Fazal Ali. The growing population of new immigrants support their own newspapers, radio and television stations. And we know that Newsday worsened its situation with the shameful, illegal and costly inflation of our circulation figures. Credit: Newsday/John Keating, To subscribe or for questions regarding your current subscription, call 1-800-NEWSDAY (1-800-639-7329). Bill Murphy Long Island Doug Wolfson has been promoted to Executive News Editor. Dan Janison has reported, edited, and written columns for Newsday since 1997, first from New York City and later from Long Island. Tue Feb 28 2023. And it is extremely important to Long Islanders, who want to read about their towns, their state, their country and their world. Staff Directory | The Columbus Dispatch However, while Newsday is offering buyouts, it also continues to hire new employees. He moved to the local news desk in 2006 and served as education editor before coordinating the newspapers towns coverage. He worked for seven years at Chase Manhattan Bank and for two years at the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. He created and managed AJ Advisers, an international digital media yield optimization solutions provider, and has played leading roles in various international transactions, including overseeing an initial public offering for DoubleClick Inc.s Japanese subsidiary. Tom Incantalupo Business [7] For many years until a major redesign in the 1970s, Newsday copied the Daily News format of short stories and numerous pictures. The editorial board strives to be a reasoned and pragmatic advocate for Long Island and its values. [37] Through its first three months only 35 non-Optimum, non-Newsday subscribers signed up for the paid web site. George lends his editorial expertise in a consultancy role across several HealthDay departments, including the custom content division, and HealthDay TV. Name Desk After Maxwell's death in 1992, his publishing empire collapsed and Mortimer Zuckerman purchased the Daily News.) He studied illustration and fine art at The Savannah College of Art & Design (GA) and The School of Visual Arts in New York City. Doug also will be responsible for working with assigning desks to produce visual news packages, the increased integration of the Web into the paper and will have oversight of all evening production activities. We urge Newsday's owners to stop the cutbacks and make a new commitment to give us the resources and support we need to once again make Newsday the best and most complete newspaper for our readers. 5-8 years experience reporting and writing, preferably with a focus on commentary. Michael Dobie joined the editorial board in 2013. We have decades of combined experience covering local, national and international issues, and board members debate divisive topics daily before coming to a collective opinion in our editorials. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Jeff Weinberg, as Deputy Sports Editor, will be the chief assigning editor at night. Today, the staff sent a letter - signed by 112 reporters, editors, researchers, photographers, artists, designers, librarians and copy editors - to Tribune Co. Chief Executive Dennis FitzSimons. [25], Newsday received $10 million in federal loans by July 2020 from Paycheck Protection Program during the COVID-19 pandemic to pay salaries for 500 jobs. NewsDay editor ousted after Mnangagwa spokesman claims he is on payroll You might be using private browsing or have notifications blocked. Get notified about new Editorial Writer jobs in Melville, NY. and Share: Twitter Facebook Email. Judy Raymond Newsday's new Editor in Chief The Bronx girl began her career at Newsday as a summer intern in 1972. December 11, 2006. "Tribune has been dismantling that capacity in the name of short-term profits," said Pakistan bureau chief James Rupert. He will also be looking at ways to improve our production process and will take the lead in rethinking some of current products such as the Fun Book and work on integrating them with the Web. Steve Parks Part 2 Your ad choices | They're loyal to Newsday, in spite of its recent troubles, and the paper is still the dominant voice on its home turf. All rights reserved. So much so in fact, that HealthDay are content providers to content providers. He is also an accomplished photographer, whose work has been featured in Vanity Fair, Architectural Digest, Canon Europe, and Business Insider. [20], Altice, a Netherlands-based multinational telecoms company, bought Cablevision, including Newsday and News 12 in 2016. Tami Luhby Business Beth Whitehouse Features By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. As we evolve, our staffing needs will continue to change, Como said in the statement. in English from the University of Pennsylvania. We anticipate another note or two on reorganization in coming weeks, centered on new reporting assignments. Graham Rayman Long Island Nirmal is an avid sketcher, works mostly with pen and watercolor and has done illustrations for several newspapers. Emi Endo Long Island [15] This was soon followed by a matching bid from Zuckerman[16] and a $680 million bid from Cablevision. She was a staff writer and editor for Physician's Weekly, Medical Tribune and Reuters Health, and has written on health and medicine for MSNBC, The Scientist, Prevention and other publications. About Us | Debbie Henley, Debby Krenek and I are pleased to announce the following promotions and new assignments. Login - Newsday The Seattle Times editorial board | The Seattle Times It was an era when a majority of citizens received their news from newspapers, as opposed to television news. Founded by Alicia Patterson and her husband, Harry Guggenheim, the publication was first produced on September 3, 1940 from Hempstead. Jim Bernstein Business After the side bar menu appears, click on manage my subscription. Newsroom Directory. Upon hearing of Berman's hiring, Smerd walked up to him, very classily (word?) Click the link in the email we sent to to verify your email address and activate your job alert. (Tribune sold the Daily News to British newspaper magnate Robert Maxwell. Rich Loretoni becomes News Art Director. Indeed, Newsday grew during the past 66 years because its staff built a newspaper so comprehensive that Long Islanders didn't need another one. Readers could select from morning, midday and late afternoon editions, available at thousands of newsstands. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Newsday had outsourced its printing and distribution operations to The New York Times plant in College Point last year as part of its downsizing. In our Metropolitan New York Region, there are also all news radio stations such as WCBS 88, 1010 WINS, Bloomberg News and 101.9FM News along with other radio stations. Judy Bernstein Night Copydesk However, sadly, most American cities and suburbs are down to one local daily or weekly newspaper. John Keating has been promoted to Senior Photo Editor. In the next few days, we plan to discuss the availability of new and established beats on the Long Island desk. revenue, Newsday Editor-in-Chief Tony Marro formed a task force to examine how to deal with the impending competition for ad dollars. HealthDay content is produced by a force of more than 20 reporters and editors, many of whom are recipients of prestigious journalism awards. His resume includes serving as Part 2 editor for New York Newsday and work in the features departments of the Detroit News, USA Today and The New York Times.
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