She has been named as a co-host on Shooting Gallery on the Outdoor Channel. He took his first turkey and mule deer at age 6 and his first bull elk at age 9. And in many conditions particularly at higher altitudes where the air is thin a 1:7 twist does stabilize the 90-grain SMK adequately. This bullet didnt produce the smallest groups in this test, but a handful of loads were certainly accurate enough to snipe varmints out to 300-350 yards (Federal factory loads with Nosler 60-grain Ballistic Tips produced tighter groups, a bullet with a higher BC). ABOUT MARSHA: Marsha is the co-host of Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha and is a Licensed Montana Professional Guide. I'll swing by the store soon and check a Nosler manual for load data. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like.
Because of this demand we have seen the introduction of a variety of cartridges like the 6.8 SPC, 22 Nosler, .224 Valkyrie, .30 Remington AR, and the .300 HAMR.
Reloading Data - Federal Premium Ammunition To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. For a semiauto .224 Valkyrie, however, several extra steps are called for. Improved performance looks like 75-grain bullets pushed to nearly 3,000 fps and 90-grain bullets delivered at nearly 2,500 fps, allowing projectiles with a ballistic coefficient (BC) greater than .450 to remain supersonic to ranges out to about 1,300 yards. * All prices incl. Dont you love marketing? Established in 1947 by Bruce and Amy Hodgdon, today, sons JB and Bob have grown Hodgdon Powder Company into the largest US supplier of smokeless, blackpowder and blackpowder substitute propellants. He is also a noted TV personality, regularly appearing on TV programs Shooting USA. During his time, Phillip completed 4 overseas deployments and served in all billets available to a Scout Sniper, to include Scout Sniper Team Leader, Chief Scout Sniper, and Scout Sniper Instructor. 24.5 gr. I have visited this lab, and it is highly sophisticated. Reviews. The .224 Valk was the result of that development. I really enjoy the community as well as the sport. The 22-inch, stainless steel barrel includes a medium-contour, 1:7 twist, full-length flutes and is threaded to hold a muzzle brake or suppressor. The rim of the 224 Valkyrie is the same diameter (0.422 inch) as the 6.8 SPCs. Trophies, victories, livestheres too much at stake for second thoughts or second chances. Brian moved back to Idaho, where he completed his bachelors degree in Business Finance at Albertsons College of Idaho. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Introduced by Federal in 2017 and approved by SAAMI in 2018, the new 224 Valkyriehas been quickly adopted by long-range shooters. Hodgdon Powder Company has announced the launch of reloading data for the new .224 Valkyrie, now available on the company's Reloading Data Center website. I simply selected the 90-grain MatchKing from the calculators library, which automatically plugs in Sierras variable, velocity-based ballistic coefficient (BC numbers). Plus, it meters beautifully through volumetric, mechanical powder measures. However, it is important to note that one cannot just seat each and every bullet to that length without some problems, so I had to do some adjusting of COLs with some bullets.
Dropping down to a 16-incher begins to enter cartridge-crippling territory. The only load the Ranier did okay wit h was the 23.5 8208 load. One is hard pressed to find a nicer person. Classic Hunter Elite Hunter 338 Caliber 6.5mm: 6.5 Creedmoor 260 Remington 6.5 x 55mm Swedish Mauser 6.5-284 Norma 26 Nosler 270 Caliber: 270 Winchester As an aside, this is one potential down side to the .224 Valkyrie: Light bullets have to jump a considerable distance before engaging the rifling. Zach has several friends that are getting into reloading shotshells because of Zachs reloads. The 60-grain load was out of stock at this writing, but I obtained and fired samples of the other three. Currently Jake has over 65 top three podium finishes in the last four years, another record! Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. When introduced, the .224 Valkyrie sent a tsunami of interest washing through shooters. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. The barrel used in testing was 24-inches in length with a SAAMI spec chamber. . SCCY DVG-1 Sub-Compact Striker-Fired Pistol: Full Review, Non-Lethal Personal & Home Defense with Byrna, Range Tested: EAA Girsan Pistols & Shotguns, New for 2023: Christensen Arms Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR), New for 2023: All-American RIA 5.0 Sporting Pistol, New for 2023: FN Rush 9Ti Pistol Suppressor, New Big Bore Pistols for 2023: FN 510 Tactical and FN 545 Tactical, New for 2023: FN SCAR 15P Rifle Caliber Pistol, First Look: Taurus Raging Hunter 460 Magnum Revolver With 10.5-Inch Barrel, New-for-2023 Taurus Judge Executive Grade 410/.45 Colt Revolver, Smith & Wesson Equalizer and the Brand New M&P 5.7 Pistol. However, for varmint loads with 55- and 60-grain bullets, IMR 8208 XBR gave good accuracy, too. .505 Gibbs Rifle Brass 'H H' Headstamp: Maker and Quality Info Sought, Garmin Tactix 7 Pro Ballistic Solar-Powered GPS Smartwatch: First Look, SIG Sauer Custom Works P320 Spectre Comp Pistol: First Look. While Federal isnt loading those, you can. For volume loading, these three spherical powders and IMR 8208 XBR metered with great uniformity. Coupled with its outstanding ballistics, this last characteristic is a big deal. Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at They are impressed by the light recoil and how cheap it is compared to buying new AA shells for practice or matches. Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere, says Ron Reiber, Hodgdon product manager and ballistician. You have to admit, the cartridge has some real strengths. Reloading Reference Data & Education The truth is, we owe it to you.
.224 Valkyrie Will Get a 100gr Bullet - The Firearm Blog Rem and 224 Valkyrie loads. /wp-content/uploads/2016/08/HODGDON_LOGO_DARK.png. Using bullets from Sierra BlitzKing, Nosler Boat Tail, Swift Scirocco, Sierra Tipped MatchKing, Hornady ELD-Match, Sierra HPBT, Federal Fusion. The Valkyrie is designed for cutting-edge precision and ballistic performance, and personally I see no use in crippling it with cheap bullets. And yes, Hornady is offering factory ammo loaded with it. If youre a Sierra disciple, opt for the 80-grain MatchKing (BC .461), which stabilizes comfortably in the .224 Valkyries 1:7 twist. The Valkyries shoulder is pushed back somewhat to give bullets plenty of ogive space for long, skinny projectiles. One of the virtues of the Valkyrie is that its maximum cartridge overall length (COL) is 2.26 inches so that it will fit in an AR magazine.
AR-15 accuracy load for Nosler 69 grain match | Shooters' Forum Dianna Muller earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Psychology from University of Central Missouri and retired from the Tulsa Police Department after 22 years of service. 2000-MR. 300 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) 300 Holland & Holland (H&H) Magnum. Zach, a resident of McCook, Nebraska, started shooting trap and hunting when he was 10. Find a Dealer PUBLIC SHOWROOM HOURS Monday - Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm PST CORPORATE HOURS Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm PST PRIVACY The .224 valkyrie should be a better choice with heavier bullets since it is shorter and will allow longer OAL with the longer bullets. For bolt-action rifles, you can opt to seat bullets out to kiss the rifling leade, which helps center up the cartridge in the chamber and gives the projectile a perfectly straight start into the bore. Due to the Valkyries newer status, nearly all load data involves modern, temperature-insensitive propellants with cleaner burning properties and/or copper-erasing agents. VAT (where applicable), shipping costs and possible delivery charges. Joe Kurtenbach, Executive Editor of Gun & Ammo, and John Myles from Smith & Wesson discuss features of the Equalizer 9mm micro-compact pistol and new-for-2023 M&P 5.7. The TaurusTX 22 Compact delivers class-leading reliability, capacity, and shootability in a 22 LR platform, and it's cut for a slide-mounted mini red dot. A Luth-AR buttstock with adjustable LOP and comb height and 15-inch M-Lok forend were added. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Not only does the .224 Valkyrie fit comfortably in a sleek, standard-size AR-15, it was alleged to push super-aerodynamic, 90-grain Sierra MatchKing projectiles so effectively that they would remain supersonic all the way to 1,300 yards (in standardized, sea-level atmospheric conditions), making the .224 Valkyrie a legitimate three-quarter-mile cartridge from a 24-inch barrel. Bob Meinert, FN Marketing Director, introduces FN's first commercial pistol suppressor, the FN Rush 9Ti. It offers certain advantages unparalleled by any other AR-15 compatible round. I use both Federal 205 Gold Medal and CCI BR-4 primers with great results. 224 Valkyrie is all about pushing heavy high-BC bullets to crazy-long ranges with an AR-15, or even a bolt gun. All but 2-3 of those are with handloadedammo. Standard 6.8 SPC AR-15 magazines feed the .224 Valkyrie perfectly. Any thoughts? Reloading data is available as low as 99 per cartridge or as a subscription for $19.99. Given that the .224 Valkyrie is a very polite cartridge to reload, judicious handloading can just about create what factory loads are alleged to perform. Toggle navigation Powder Through. Quickly he was attending weekly, monthly, and annual shoots, which included Nebraska state, USAYESS, and many more. **Min: 21.1gr81.0%4287378%2674100%2569100%Max: *. My handloads fared well in the accuracy department. Shooting at higher-than usual altitudes also increases the .224 Valkyries capability. However, the .224 Valkyrie has one other apparent flaw that didnt emerge immediately. 223 Rem.
224 Valkyrie Load Data - Guns and Ammo To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser.
224 Valkyrie vs 223 - AR-15 Caliber Comparison by 100% of all my handloads are done withHodgdonbrands. Nosler: BT: Federal 205-Small Rifle: Details: Hodgdon - Benchmark: 62 gr. Introduced by Federal 2017 and approved by SAAMI in 2018, the new 224 Valkyrie has been quickly adopted by long-range shooters. Jake travels the country shooting, directing precision rifle matches, and teaching precision rifle classes. The .223 Remington load has about 10% more bullet drop than the 22 Nosler at 500 yards and the 224 Valkyrie load has about 30 ft-lbs (about 7%) more kinetic energy than the 22 Nosler. Buy Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint If loading for a bolt action, simply clean cases, confirm overall length is within spec, and proceed to resize and load. The 77-grain Tipped MatchKing averaged 0.98 inch for all loads; the 80-grain MatchKing averaged 0.89 inch; and the 90-grain MatchKing averaged 1.04 inches. Yes, this adds expense, but it greatly reduces your case-prep time. At Hodgdon, weve been researching this cartridge since before its introduction and are excited to release load data for the Valkyrie featuring powders like Hodgdon CFE 223, IMR 8208 XBRand Hodgdon Varget. **Max: 22.4gr85.9%4892189%2799100%2697100%Accurate 2230. The best group was .80 moa with a 77 Sierra tipped matchking. . Other super-slinky bullets come in weights of 75, 77, 80, and 88 grains, with correspondingly high BCs, and it is important to note that heavy hunting bullets also are now available. Federal brought us this cartridge, necking the 6.8 Remington SPC case to .224 caliber and sharpening shoulders to a seemingly-ideal 30-degree angle. I went with 14 instead o 15 so I would get a round number! After taking up competitive shooting in 2016, she, won the Precision Rifle Series Production division in 2017 with her Savage Stealth. The CMMG Endeavor 300, chambered in 22 Nosler, sent a 53-grain Varmageddon bullet out of the barrel at 3,535 fps, significantly outrunning similar-weight 223.
Its parent case is the 6.8 SPC which was based off the .30 Remington cartridge. Sponsored by many of the hunting industries leading manufacturers, he has conducted over a thousand hunting and fishing seminars across the United States and has hunted and fished extensively around the world. 300 Ruger Compact Magnum. Federal lists four factory loads for the 224 Valkyrie: a varmint load with the Nosler 60-grain Ballistic Tip; an American Eagle 75-grain TMJ load for inexpensive "blasting"; a Gold Medal Match load that shoots the sleek Sierra 90-grain MatchKing; and a Fusion 90-grain softpoint load for hunters. Its a bit more concerning and is quickly disenchanting shooters that are battling the issue. Loaded Valkyrie cartridges easily meet, or come in under the 2.26-inch overall loaded length (OAL) threshold dictated by AR-15 detachable magazines, while also delivering more energy at much greater distances.
Alliant Powder - Reloader's Guide