Our availability changes frequently (as new items come in and other items sell) so we would never be able to have an up-to-date catalog. Each order is considered a single retail delivery regardless of how many shipments are needed to deliver the items purchased. You can return items for a refund or speak to a Customer Service Representative who will work with you to resolve any issues you may have. We do not sell, share, or otherwise distribute your information with any other party. We hand-grade every book in our inventory and offer books in a variety of formats and conditions for our customers. I checked out as a "guest". Thrift Books Warehouse in Atlanta, GA with Reviews - Yellow Pages We cannot confirm via landline, internet-based phone services, or texting apps. Do you like our store experience? We do not accept orders over the phone. To track your ThriftBooks order on a desktop, follow these steps: Select the order you would like to track by clicking on the teal order number. You can search by author, title, keyword, or ISBN. Don't let a few small mistakes erode the value of your growing book collection. To locate your order number on a desktop, follow these steps: The "Request Cancellation" text you see in your order history is not stating we have cancelled your order. Absolutely! To update the types of SMS messages you receive, follow these steps: Click Your Account at the top right of the page, or from the navigation menu on mobile, Check the types of messages you wish to receive and click Save Changes. Once the title is restocked, it will ship to you via U.S. Standard shipping. Points are calculated per dollar spent on qualifying purchases according to the terms of your member level. ISBN is an acronym for International Standard Book Number. by Kareem Tombs | May 24, 2021. Search all thrift stores near your area and get shopping today for great clothing and homegoods at reduced prices. In most cases, the packages arrive on different days because of the different transit times from each location. The spine remains undamaged. Discounts average $3 off with a Thrift Books promo code or coupon. If you receive a damaged or wrong item, please let us know by using our Online Returns Center. Tracking shows delivered but I haven't received it, Tracking states delivered but I haven't received it, federal holidays within the United States, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Country: Select USA from the country list. Each quality used book is sorted, graded, shelved and shipped by hand by our team of dedicated employees in our seven warehouses across the US. They prefer to only take books in excellent condition. To unsubscribe from emails, simply uncheck all boxes from the Email Preferences and click "Save". For another day trip filled with thrift store mania head to this one town in South Carolina's Upstate that has more than 15 thrift stores alone! Joining is easy! To change multiple items at once, select the items you want to change using the boxes to the left of the image, then click the Actions button at the top of the list. Loading and Stocking Warehouse Associate $15.31 per hour Warehouse Lead $18.24 per hour Forklift Operator $16.08 per hour Explore more salaries Thriftbooks ratings in Phoenix, AZ It's all in Google Maps: browse nearby restaurants, find one you like, check out the dining environment, and even make reservations. For all qualifying returns*, ThriftBooks will provide you with a pre-paid return label, at no cost to you. If the item is not restocked at the end of 90 days, we will cancel your backorder and issue a refund. You can cancel your gift card order as long as the recipient has not accepted the gift. How can I receive items without exposing my address? SheerID will collect some basic personal information to confirm your eligibility for this offer. If your order has not yet been shipped, we will be happy to make this change for you. Negative 337 - negative feedback in last 12 months. ThriftBooks offers quality used and new books, accurately graded, at everyday low prices, delivered directly to our cherished customers. To add a book to your ThriftBooks Wish List on a desktop, follow these steps: Locate a book you would like to add to your Wish List, Click "Add to Wish List" under the "Add to cart" button. Pre-orders allow you to purchase any eligible title from ThriftBooks before the title has been released by the publisher. The length of time it takes is dependent on the time it takes the publisher to make titles available to our distributors. Used books - AbeBooks | Shop for Books, Art & Collectibles Our primary customer web and mobile destination is our brand home, ThriftBooks.com. "There is no way to recover your cart other than to search for the titles and add them to your cart again.As long you are continually shopping, you may take as long as you like, but if you stop and we detect no activity in your cart we will assume it was abandoned. The spine may show signs of wear. To obtain a copy of your receipt or invoice, follow these steps on a desktop: 2. All of the information submitted is encrypted using a secure server for maximum security. Hover over your name at the top right of any page. It's listed in this book I purchased from thrift.books as a popular doll from the 30's - 40's. I put it in a box-like picture frame and gave it to a friend so she can hang it on . Book club edition. Your experience is important to us and you are welcome to review ThriftBooks here. Visit our Educator Benefits page and select the button that best matches your profession and follow the prompts to complete your verification. Free Book Rewards are limited to one per order and cannot be combined with any other promo. By default, all lists are set to private. Jobs Salaries Interviews. Download ThriftBooks: New & Used Books and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Orders shipped with U.S. standard shipping expected to arrive within 12 business days. Cheap Books, Fantastic Choice. You can earn free books as a ReadingRewards member, or by sharing your love for reading with our ShareBookLove referral program. For example, the 2-letter state code for Palau is PW. Your replacement order will not appear in your ThriftBooks order history. ReadingRewards is free to join and there is no ongoing membership fee. Thriftbooks. ThriftBooks is complying with these changes as each state makes them in order to continue selling books to customers no matter where they live. We are required by law to collect this fee and pass it along to the state of Colorado. If you are expecting a brand new, blemish free book, then buy one on amazon or better yet go to a private bookstore. Your bookshelf allows you to sort them by date, author, or title. If you prefer to use a browser, we have tested the site using the most popular browsers and platforms, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. At first I was interested, but after reading some reviews it seems like their service is 50/50. Begin by typing an author, a title, or an ISBN into the search bar at the top of any page. If you need to change the shipping information you entered, Contact Us as soon as possible. Be sure to enter your address correctly to ensure a smooth delivery. Bookchor We always suggest donating any unwanted books to a local library, school, or charity center. Click here to view your ThriftBooks orders. The USPS will transfer the package to the military mail system for overseas delivery. Libraries in, particular, will sell their older or multiple copy items to us to make room for new items arriving. We cannot be held responsible for items returned to us due to unacceptable content/restricted materials, etc.Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing the guidelines set by individual facilities. Pages are intact and are not marred by notes or highlighting, but may contain a neat previous owner name. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. Tap Orders. Unfortunately, we do not control the transportation of the package or the route chosen by the delivery company. Our award-winning customer service team and our 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with over 640,000 reviews, provide our customers assurance to shop with confidence while finding books they love and look forward to reading. Once you have decided on the copy you want, click on the yellow "Add to Cart" button over to the right. How to properly store your collection. To place an order on a desktop, follow these steps: Locate the books or items you wish to purchase by using the search bar located at the top of every page of our website. If you add an out-of-stock item to your Wish List, you will receive an automated email notifying you when that item is re-stocked and available for sale. 2-Day Shipping is not available to PO Boxes. 2,904 talking about this. Read more and spend less at ThriftBooks.com. Gift card purchases do not qualify for ReadingRewards points. Help & Support | New & Used Books from ThriftBooks Help & Support Chat Now Categories My Account Tracking & Shipping Gift Cards Collectible Books Technical Pre-Order Backorders Wish List Billing ReadingRewards ThriftBooks 4 Teachers General Returns and Refunds My Account Update my SMS preferences Thriftbooks Reviews by Location. Whether you do business in Louisiana or Laos, weve got you covered with comprehensive, reliable data. A mobile number can only be associated with one ThriftBooks account. Thriftbooks careers in Phoenix, AZ | Indeed.com We offer Free Standard Shipping on all U.S. orders that meet our low minimum order amount of $15 or more (excluding taxes). To update your mobile number, follow these steps: Replace your old number with your new mobile number and click Save Changes. The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Can I order an item through the mail or on the phone (instead of the internet)? We believe in books and the power of the written word to impact lives and societies across the globe, and we cherish our role in saving books to live another day to educate, entertain, inspire, and transform lives. To add a new address to your ThriftBooks account on a desktop, follow these steps: Over to the left of the page, select "Addresses", Click "Add New Address" over to the right and follow the prompts. Based in Seattle, WA, ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of used books in the world, having sold more than 100 million books since its inception. If you cannot find your e-gift card email or still need assistance, please click here to contact GiftNow customer support. Restrictions on packages at correctional institutions vary from one institution to another. You will find your pre-order listed at the top of your screen. Hover over your name at the top right of any page. See Special Offers for the full round-up. Pages may include considerable notes--in pen or highlighter--but the notes will not obscure the text. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. Better still, our books are available at the cheapest prices. Jennifer A. said "A car was successfully rented and returned.And they are open on weekends, so that was convenient. Missing or stalled tracking information can indicate that something has gone wrong with the shipment, or it can simply be the result of a missed scan along the way. Can I send a check or money order instead of submitting my credit card information? The new email address you enter will become the login for the next time you come back to the website. On the ThriftBooks mobile app, follow these steps: Tap the 3 lines at the top left of the app, Tap the teal "Account Pages" box that appears at the top. Within two months, a new business called the Berwyn Bookshop rose from the ashes. Our Online Returns Center will walk you through the steps required to return an item for a refund. All orders process and ship Monday - Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States. To ensure a speedy and successful verification, please enter your information exactly as shown on your school document(s). Do you combine shipping charges for international orders? The fee is made up of six different fees:Community Access Retail Delivery Fee Clean Fleet Retail Delivery Fee Clean Transit Retail Delivery Fee General Retail Delivery Fee Bridge and Tunnel Retail Delivery Fee Air Pollution Mitigation Retail Delivery FeeThe fee appears on your receipt. Reviews on Thrift Books in Los Angeles, CA 90004 - Bridge Thrift, Goodwill Southern California Retail Store & Donation Center, Espacio 1839, Love The City Thrift Store, The Salvation Army Thrift Store & Donation Center With satellite imagery and street view, you can revisit old places or explore places you've never dreamed of. The spine remains undamaged. Any check received in the mail will be shredded and disposed of properly. They may also ask you to upload some documentation that proves your eligibility. My shopping cart was full and now it is empty. Happiness rating is 52 out of 100 52 Starting June 17, book and textbook drop-offs will be accepted Monday through Friday at ThriftBooks processing centers in Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Phoenix, Reno, and Portland. Refunds typically take 2-5 business days to process (depending on your bank). Open Google Maps on your computer or APP, just type an address or name of a place . Items that are not eligible for free shipping will be noted on their product page. Youll want to go to your Wish List page to move items from your default list to a specific list. We do not accept checks or money orders. If there is no indication of the current delivery status and you still have not received the package, please contact us and one of our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to assist you. Can you make an item substitution in an order I've placed? 'Hide Out of Stock' : ''}} Featured {{mapTags(parameters.value)}} Condition {{parameters.value == 'true' ? I can't log in or the website asks me to log in more than once. Words & Math for Preschool & Kindergarten) by Sujatha Lalgudi and Hippidoo. U.S. Tap on an order number to open the details. (There are 2 there, one for existing customers and another for new customers). We want you to read more and spend less. More Best Sellers It Ends with Us by Hoover, Colleen See all from $7.99 Ugly Love by Hoover, Colleen See all from $6.49 New Releases in Books See them all Eric Voegelin and the Foundations of Modern Political Science Cooper, Barry See all from $26.01 If a book is no longer available when you click through to see it, well leave it on your Wish List and send you another email when its back in stock. There are currently three ways to earn points: Make a purchase! Because our prices are already so low, we do not offer additional discounts on larger orders. This could be an authors signature, or rare edition, a unique binding, or especially fine paper. You must have your security settings at the default for us to authenticate you when you log in. Tracking shows delivered but I haven't received it. A title is considered eligible when it is 8 weeks or less from its publication release date. There are no additional fees associated with the e-gift card. The Murder House by Patterson, James / Ellis, David See all from $10.03. We'll send you an email with a link to reset your password. To create a new ThriftBooks Wish List on a desktop, follow these steps: If you add an out-of-stock item to your Wish List, you will receive an automated email notifying you when that item is re-stocked and available for sale. Childcare Professionals: Professional license. This seller's inventory is temporarily unavailable. CLOSED NOW. You can add a Temporarily Unavailable title to your Wish List and we will notify you as soon as we have an available copy. Follett Campus Bookstore Book Stores Website 22 YEARS IN BUSINESS (602) 285-7489 1202 W Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85013 CLOSED NOW 11. Military codes are located at the end of the drop-down list. For all qualifying returns*, ThriftBooks will provide a pre-paid return label. Our rates and delivery estimates can be found on the Shipping Cost page. Orders shipped with U.S. standard shipping are expected to arrive within 12 business days if standard shipping was selected at checkout. Free Book Rewards are limited to one per order and cannot be combined with any other promo. For every 500 points earned, you will earn the following reward: Reader = FREE BOOK reward for any title priced up to $5 Bookworm = FREE BOOK reward for any title priced up to $6 Literati = FREE BOOK reward for any title priced up to $7. Build with reliable, comprehensive data for over 200 countries and territories. However, you may purchase a gift card then use a different payment method to cover the remaining balance. Please note, if you switch between formats or editions, the book may no longer be in large print. Very Good: A copy that has been read, but remains in excellent condition. What can I do? Last updated on July 26, 2021. Express and 2-Day shipments are delivered by FedEx. Please try your search with another AbeBooks Bookseller. Librarians/Archivists licensed professionals and currently employed at a library. However, we do offer Free Standard Shipping on all U.S. orders that meet our low minimum order amount of $15 or more (excluding taxes). Can I combine more than one item in a single shipment? All items that ship from the same location will be shipped out in the same package, when possible. See our Delivery Times page. We cannot be held responsible for shipping charges or deliveries that do not originate with our company. If you are worried about quality, select "Good" or higher. Thrift Wars [Updated 2022]: Building a Profitable Side Hustle and Second Income by Finding Hidden Thrift Store Treasure and Selling on Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Mercari (Almost Free Money Book 7) Book 6 of 7: Almost Free Money 4.5 (142) Kindle $000 Free with Kindle Unlimited membership Join Now Available instantly Or $2.99 to buy Thriftbooks currently has eight warehouses across the U.S. Good: A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. You can pre-order and purchase any eligible title from ThriftBooks just as you do any other item from our site. *Please allow 1-2 days for order processing prior to shipping. Original packaging may show significant wear and have holes or tears. We confirm your phone number by sending you a confirmation via SMS. We suggest placing the order again with a different credit card or updated billing information. Philo House Thrift Shop Thrift Shops Consignment Service Website (503) 232-3992 2724 E Burnside St Portland, OR 97214 CLOSED NOW 9. To order a gift card or learn more about our gift cards, visit our Gift Card page. Where? White. Contact a location near you for products or services. A title is considered eligible when it is 8 weeks or less from its publication release date. Like New: An apparently unread copy in perfect condition. Shipping costs and transit times vary depending on the delivery location and the shipping method selected. Scroll down and edit your saved email address. When you enter the location of thriftbooks warehouse, we'll show you the best results with shortest distance, high score or maximum search volume. If you have further questions regarding ReadingRewards, please feel free to contact us at ReadingRewards@thriftbooks.com. To locate your tracking information, you must be logged in to your account. Once you have earned 500 points, those points are removed from your point balance and converted into a Free Book Reward. Unfortunately, ReadingRewards FREE BOOK rewards are not coupons and cannot be applied to a more expensive item. GBS Books Book Stores Books-Wholesale & Manufacturers Website (602) 863-6000 2321 W Royal Palm Rd Phoenix, AZ 85021 CLOSED NOW 10. HPB Naperville. Starting at $6.75. However, we receive thousands of new items each day, so we suggest adding a copy of the item to your Wish List. Once the title is restocked, it will ship to you via U.S. Standard shipping (transit time: 8-12 business days). Like New: An apparently unread copy in excellent condition. If you still need assistance, please click here to contact GiftNow customer support. ABOUT US. Shop ThriftBooks Deals to save up to 20% off any eligible item! When placing an order on ThriftBooks, only one card can be used to place an order. Throughout this time, we also built our processes to purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. For some out-of-print or otherwise hard to find or desirable books, this can result in the current listing price being higher than the original retail price of the book when it was first released. Our trusted partner, SheerID, will collect some basic personal information to confirm your current educator status. $4.13 10% off 4+ However, you will still receive email updates about your order. New & Used Books | Buy Cheap Books Online at ThriftBooks Will I get refunded for a package that was "Returned to Sender"? Help & Support | New & Used Books from ThriftBooks If you're dissatisfied with your ThriftBooks | eBay Stores 2307 NE Flanders St Portland, OR 97232 CLOSED NOW 7. Thrift Books Coupon, Promo Codes: 15% Off - March 2023 - RetailMeNot.com ThriftBooks is a fully independent seller of used books, having sold more than 160 million used and new books since we started in 2003. Our items are stored in processing centers across the United States. We have no limit to the number of orders you may place. Education Professionals: School or district-issued document that displays your first/last name, including valid date, and status. I got a few "Very Good" books and you could barely tell they were used. After you have added all the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart, tap on the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Our partnerships extend into communities across the country. Feedback ratings Last 12 months. Or give us a call. Taxes will be applied to your order as applicable at checkout based on your shipping address. It is not uncommon for a package to leave your delivery area to be sorted and returned back to your area for final delivery.Your book is picked up by OSM from our processing center to be tendered to the USPS distribution hub nearest you for final delivery. Location: United States Member since: Feb 13, 2002 Seller: bargainbookstores. Browse | New & Used Books from ThriftBooks 1 - 30 of 20,266,126 results Sort by: Items per page: Where the Crawdads Sing Delia Owens $ 5.49 - $ 47.99 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell $ 5.19 - $ 54.79 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone J.K. Rowling $ 3.59 - $ 136.49 The Alchemist Paulo Coelho $ 3.59 - $ 64.09 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Looking for a place to eat? If you are outside of the US, your credit card statement may show a different total amount based on the exchange rate. We recommend using the ThriftBooks mobile app for the best shopping experience. All of your credit card information is encrypted using a secure server for maximum security. Where can I view the gift card I ordered? If you would like to cancel your order, you may click on the "view or manage order" button in your order confirmation email. ThriftBooks offers hundreds of thousands of books within these price points, so you can easily find something you'll love! You can easily access all the titles you have ordered by visiting "My Bookshelf", located within your ThriftBooks account! Or Contact Us if you'd like an email response. Points will expire after 24 months of account inactivity. Please allow additional delivery time for orders going to APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Please note, New items cannot be shipped out of the US. ThriftBooks-Atlanta - AbeBooks - AUSTELL, GA, U.S.A. Qualifying items are marked with a red deal or sale tag. 15 Best Places to Find Cheap Books Online - Reader's Digest: Official Powell's will, like Half Price, let you bring books into their stores for appraisal, but if you're not close to a physical location, you can sell to them online. You can purchase any qualifying backorder from ThriftBooks just as you do any other item on our site. Books , Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Fiction. What happens when my status has been verified? Certain items are not eligible for free shipping based on their size or weight. Media may show scuffs and scratches. All orders must be placed online, we cannot accept orders over the phone. Yes, we are happy to edit the name. Minimal wear to the exterior of the item, possible minor scuffs to disc surface that do not affect playback. OSM takes this book to their nearest sort facility, which will often be in a different state than the package was shipped from. Unfortunately, there is no way to add more items to an order that has been submitted and paid for.However, you can always start a new order. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all items in an order will ship in a single package. Please allow 2-5 business days for your refund to post back to your original payment method. SheerID ensures that your information is never at risk of unauthorized discovery. ThriftBooks has 5 employees at their 1 location. Click here to check out our ThriftBooks Deals! ThriftBooks headquarters and office locations - Craft Give users the same high-quality Google Maps experiences they know and love in over 200 countries and territories. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. We do not offer a catalog. Read SheerIDs full privacy policy and ThriftBooks' full privacy policy. The email will come from password@thriftbooks.comIf you cannot remember which email address you used or no longer have access to that email address, you will need to register a new account. Your payment method will be charged at the time you place your backorder. Count on accurate, real-time location information. Will I earn ReadingRewards points if I purchase a gift card? Please note, your order may have shipped from multiple locations across the US. This is a tool that allows customers to cancel their own orders within their account.Your order has not been cancelled. While we strive to combine packages as much as possible, we cannot guarantee product availability by location. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy can include "From the library of" labels or previous owner inscriptions. New: Just like it sounds. At this time we do not accept donations or buy books back. Estimated delivery dates - opens in a new window or tab include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab.Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Our shipping and delivery times can be viewed here. Best Thrift Books near Los Angeles, CA 90004 - yelp.com If the "Track Shipment" option does not appear, we may not have tracking details yet. Deseret . What can I do? Address: 2419 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville, SC 29615, USA Address: 141 Fernwood Dr, Spartanburg, SC 29307, USA Address: 1217 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169, USA ThriftBooks started in 2003 with a pick-up truck of used books stashed in a storage unit, listing books solely on Amazon.com. Once your order has shipped, we will send you a shipment confirmation email that will contain your estimated delivery date and tracking information. In your cart, this blue icon indicates the item will be missing it's dustjacket: All of our business is conducted online, we do not have a physical location to shop from. We pride ourselves on our wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books provided to our customers at everyday low prices. Tap Orders. See the pros and cons of Entertainment One vs Thriftbooks based on free returns & exchanges, international shipping, curbside pickup, PayPal, and more. Item location: Aurora, Illinois, United States. Each item will incur a separate shipping fee for orders shipping internationally. The spine may show signs of wear. The only time I don't order from them is if I want the book in a short amount of time. That said, there were a few issues. Thrift Books in Reno, NV with Reviews - Yellow Pages Why did the price change after I was alerted the item from my Wish List was available? We have books in Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian and so many other languages! At this time, any list you share with a ship-to address added will allow gift givers to see your name and address so they can have items shipped directly to you. Orders using the Standard shipping option are delivered by USPS Media Mail, a shipping method created by the Post Office to keep the price of shipping books low. Absolutely! You can cancel your orders directly on ThriftBooks in 3 easy steps! Unfortunately, we cannot change your shipping address from Domestic to International.If you would like to change your shipping address from Domestic to International you will need to cancel your order and take your item(s) through check-out again.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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