Freediving in the deepest hole in the world where Adam was featured. I ve been following you guys for awhile now and really enjoy all of your material. For three weeks we would work for 12 hours a day and its f**kin hot because youre working on a large metal object that is sitting in the sun. Her father is from Romania and her mother is from Austria. How did you and Riley meet? You have gotten lots of encouraging comments/ likes here. Keep sailing and enjoying the life you are building. Been spear fishing on free diving mode since I was 10, and Im 56 now. Its amazing Riley is back doing what He loves and the physical demands of it..after learning He had broke his neck..I have suffered injury and dehibilition from what I loved..and it means everything to be able to do what you love againI love Riley and Elaynas willing open-ness to be real and share their episode can make my daywelcome Baby Lenny? Interestingly, despite the growing family, they have chosen a boat with orientation for speed over comfort. It will prevent a bruise from forming if used right away and always helps them go away faster. We met by chance in the main square, got chatting, exchanged numbers and spent the next few days sailing La Vagabonde around the island. Meriden, CT This is the biggest false rumour on the internet which continues to haunt the couple. You both adore each other! Thank you for posting your adventure. I have a little brother who I am trying to convince to come on the boat but he only wanted to go to Cuba. This was Port of Los Angeles / San Pedro. On the Beach (Nevil Shute), (Cmon dude, this guy practically died a bloody Australian! I have been following you guys for some time. Signed: Ex-oilfield trash. !You all are creating loving memories for him . And stay un good health ..! Now, they have a thriving . Whitlum was raised in Cowell, South Australia. WebYou are a very interesting young man Riley. Webare riley and elayna married 26/11/2021. And you and Elayna are a wonderful couple! Great read Riley. You definately seemed more confident by the time you reached the Caribbean. You and Elayna have been a real encouragement to me since youve been doing your thing and now Ive finally got me a mistress as well. I would say some fair winds and calm seas bullshit saying, but we all know that changes hourly! We love you both. Her father is from Romania and her mother is from Austria. But, I think its Elayna afraid of marriage because of parents break up! Good stuff for bumps, bruises, strained muscles, aches, and even swelling after innoculations, plus it will do the same for Mum and Dad! How does one survive with broken neck and become fit again to cross Atlantic with sail boat? Your videos are so interesting and very relaxing Cake flavors I would have procrastinated along time to write one as well. WebRiley Whitelum is single. One question I have is why dont you make Sushi? However, earning that much money requires 30 to 50 hours of editing to publish one polished YouTube video. Im saving everything selling everything and Im going to learn to sail and experience the world like u. Riley- The Crossing (Cormac McCarthy) Just discovered your youtube channel. Your story is exemplary, have enjoyed the sea as you wanted. From Fort Wayne, Indiana. Riley and Elayna are NOT married, nor has Riley ever proposed to Elayna. Seems like a quick way to get good food-all you need to do is steam rice. He grew up in Cowell, Australia. Stumbled across Elaynas instagram just last night which led me to the youtube channel and so on. Hi, yes it would be delightful to see those two getting married right on board! Previously they owned a monohull which was a 2007 Beneteau Cyclades 43. Thanks for the ride Riley!, I was randomly browsing you tubeand 2 days later I felt like I took a vacation! They remain in a de facto relationship. Quertaro Qro. Elayna's birthday fell on July 30, 1993. . I like the way you two treat your fans/supporters Their friend Jack, a sailing instructor, will run the business so Riley and Elayna can continue sailing as a family. take care, Just wanted to say thank you both so very much! Theyre living the dream, but that dream isnt hard to achieve today. She was born on July 30, 1993, which makes her 29. Sailing La Vagabonde husband and Sailing La Vagabonde relationship details mention that Riley and Elayna are NOT married. I have noticed you dont monetize, dont waste your traffic, you Hope this helps. Covers From The Ocean (Elayna's Album) Search; About Us; Facebook Twitter Instagram Originally from Australia, Elayna and her partner Riley have documented their travels on their YouTube channel. . With this exciting opportunity, Ill be able to: Generate a sustainable full-time income remotely (yes, seriously! I am land lock here in Indiana, USA, but I love to hear from you and follow your adventures. The first stanza , White handkerchiefs wave from the short black pier Elayna gave birth to their 2nd child, Darwin, in 2021, who is now almost 1 year old and almost walking. I can see that sheepish grin of Rileys when he wrote that! Maybe one day ill see you out there. I love the videos that I stumbled across and will now watch all of them. A lot of my best friends I met here. The couple started out making simple vlogs for their friends and family back home but quickly built up an audience of followers from all over the world. Sailing Greta Thunberg across the North Atlantic with Lenny in tow. Its now the new year here and I can only wish you both all the very best with lots of safe sailing out there for 2016. for more details simply search in gooogle: murgrabias tools. Riley Whitelum has not been previously engaged. I show your vids to all of our family members and get excited every time you upload a new one! According to our records, she has no children. Love and Hugs, Clare, Mate, like your stuff and understand the joys of the offshore, was only a few miles from the Spaghetti pipe layer you were aboard a few months ago. You clear your ears when the difference in the pressure between that inside the drum and that of the water outside becomes too great. The purchase of La Vagabonde II, however, didnt not require spending $1,200,000 USD (the retail price of La Vagabondes Outremer 45), and instead, was based off their audience size and Outremers potential for marketing reach similar to a sponsorship deal. Just a little. You must count in the Pacific Northwest into your plans, hit it in October and get a boat load of fish. Meet Elayna Caruso, our newest ambassador, and one incredible and adventurous lady. You may find yourself reflected in the words, I know that I did. Theres also their merch thats estimated to make them $110,800 per year. And around five years after they started dating, they got married. It was almost becoming a sport or problem depending on which way you look at it. Adlard Coles: Heavy Weather Sailing. Riley and Elayna are currently in Vietnam to assist in building their trimaran. For now, my adventures consist of distance touring Hi, yes it would be delightful to see those two getting married right on board! In 2023, Sailing La Vagabonde makes money through: Its estimated that Riley and Elayna make $27,000 per month in US dollars, or $8,200 per episode published. Their first tender mysteriously disappeared 5 years ago as it was being towed while sailing. this year I want the cash to become a patron to SLV, and to see my new beautiful friends with a little more wind in their sails! I hope some day well meet and even sail together now that would b awesome! They remain in a de facto relationship. Same person! We watched it on big screen TV-using Chromecast. This great-grandpa, now a paraplegic, almost experiences your adventures with you in your videos. keep it up. Peace and Love! Everything after that is secondary. True infection vs Accumulation of fluid in the middle ear and the resulting inflammation and pressure on the drum? 2019 Ted Fund Donors Elayna at least was a scuba instructor and Riley worked on an oil rig for many years. Elayna Carausu Favourite actor is Geoffrey Rush. Video creator. I too wish YOU all the best and peace. Seeing what you have gone through gave me the drive to do whatever it would take to get my life back. Good on you Riley and Elayna. Hi R.E.L. You free dive to 30 meters? Look for a NEEL 65 full of burners looking for Atlantis. Imagination could hardly be contained, his exuberance caused him to launch into cartwheels and somersaults; so excited by the prospect of his forthcoming joyous jaunt through the realm of the Jitterbug Universe they were about to enter. But, I think its Elayna afraid of marriage because of parents break up! Lenny having stopped breathing and being rushed to hospital. Keep going but explain this to me. You two are an inspiration to a lot of people in all kinds of ways. Blvd. She is not dating anyone currently. Webare riley and elayna married. Married by Mistake will see Blair Penner play Nate Fisher, Riley's classmate who completed his MBA with her. They remain in a de facto relationship. I think thats the quality within your laughter and your story that appeals to us. However, the couple might be preparing for their big day soon and . Well said and enjoyed! Our self written vows Thanks and I send hugs and congratulations to both. Sailing La Vagabonde Net Worth How Rich are Riley and Elayna? Glad i found you late so i can binge watch. Clearly you are a natural at being on the sea.. Cheers! Sailing La Vagabonde has collaborated with the following YouTubers: Adam Stern from Free Diving Family who held the Australian record for freediving, Yosha, a previous crewmate of SV Delos, also stayed on board several years ago, Lost Leblanc who is a very popular travel vlogger, After all these years, were still waiting for a collaboration with SV Delos. Looking forward to more videos. Join us in the north of Sardinia as we celebratehttp://sailing-lavagabon. Getting Bare With Elayna Caruso. Thats not an amazing bio except for the part where you meet Elayna and sail around the world. Anyway, wanted to say thanks for the updates throughout your journeys. Meet Elayna Caruso, our newest ambassador, and one incredible and adventurous lady. Thanks for your honest story equally as interesting with even more adversities . He parents split when he was 5 years old. Webnational guardian life provider portal unrecognizable image generator are riley and elayna married. I think Lenny will too. I always managed to clear my ears underwater but did occasionally get ear infections. I really do. Now youre with me Imagination gleefully laughed and the glint his eyes assured Ripstorm this would be an adventure only Mystics could understand. Good to know the man behind Elaynas addictive videos. american ninja warrior 2022 schedule. Im actually moving to Aus in August 2016 for a Masters program and to try new things. The Shipping News (E. Annie Proulx) WebRiley and Elayna are NOT married, nor has Riley ever proposed to Elayna. Stupid me, if I would of read the email I received from Bandcamp, I would of noticed the album is a download. He also enjoyed camping and fishing in his youth. In 1895 our poet Henry Lawson wrote The Vagabond. You both adore each other! We even visited Australia-who knew Australia grows the best mangoes in the world. Sailing La Vagabondes previous catamaran was a 2017 Outremer 45 with an owners cabin in the starboard hull. Im a pretty anxious guy, land locked in the middle of Canada (still a lively place). Sailing the world for 7 years onboard La Vagabonde. Great to see that you are now back on the water and travelling. There is love in this world. I just went through your youtube videos here in Bar, Montenegro. Id probably be nagging you to let me come along. This helped the two content creators get global exposure. Elayna and Riley have sailed one Pacific ocean crossing and four Atlantic ocean crossings. It was like living with 15 of your best friends. I love your videos, they are really really well done. Hi Elayna and Riley, Im sitting here watching the sun come up At Narromine, ( central NSW). Riley had at least 1 relationship in the past. I can only thank you for inviting me to share any bits you do! But, I think it's Elayna afraid of marriage because of parents break up! 469K followers. Maybe I will see you on the water some day even though I have zero experience sailing as of now. Go easy on my friends. He gives a vivid description of his childhood in his autobiography. Adventures and experience as well as meeting people worldwide is what fills a heart and soul for a lifetime. Your email address will not be published. Moral of the story: be very very careful. The couple exchanged the rings back in 2018 but have not tied the knot yet. In an undercover mission in Season 4 Episode 5, fans of the couple were teased with the prospect of them getting together when they appeared as a married couple during the mission. According to our records, he has no children. They have saved around 85% of their income over the last 6 years. He is not dating anyone currently. In fact, they have not revealed anything about his wedding date or plans about getting married anytime soon. Aslong you are keeping thouse head hornes on the boath things are not getting well. Webare riley and elayna married. I was petrified of looking back from age 50 and thinking that I had missed out on something/everything. Im sure you and Elayna would be naturals at it!!! Youve got plenty of time to worry about whats down the road. autobiography |tbgrfi| It restores my spirit that love lives on in the world. Scott Humphrey-MacPherson, Well done guys Anyway maybe in a year or so we will bump into you along the US coast somewhere, I hope so. Good old facebook! You should consider giving lectures on your travels to raise additional funds for your travels. Despite the cheating allegations, Hardy and Riley started together and continued with their relationship. The following year we chartered in the BVIs with another couple which was also incredibly fun. Starting in April I was doing 3 day 2 night backpacking trips. I really admire the lifestyle you guys have chosen; its so much more fulfilling than what most people choose. The Boat Sailing La Vagabondes current catamaran is a 2022 Rapido Trimaran 60 with an owners cabin in the starboard hull. WebElayna Carausu is single. Music: At the moment Im really flogging The Drones, Neil Young, Nick Cave, Colour Haze and Pink Floyd. My regrets are the travels I have not done but am making up for it in how I live my life now. Riley: I particularly like the first picture or you with french fries and a cold beer? +++, Amazing how life gifts and positions us for whatevers blooming in the moment. I will continue to watch your adventures as there are many. I enjoy them and cant wait to see whats in store.. This is what I have come up with so far; I grew up in a few different places but really when I think of growing up it was in Cowell which is a small country town in South Australia of about 1200 people when I was there, including the farmers, and in Alice Springs which is in the middle of Australia *kind* of near Uluru (Ayres Rock.) A little disappointed Elayna and Riley were not the ones getting engaged. You must have been stoked to be able to share the trip with someone. Or both? It happened years ago when she was taking "time away" from the boat & Riley was sailing solo. Webare riley and elayna married 26/11/2021. My wife and I are nearing the finish line for our plans to buy a boat and sail around the world for as long as time and money will allow. Now theres you guys. Hey guys, Elayna and Riley here. Haha. Hey Riles, what did you try to study at the university? Thanks and keep being urselves, Elayna is also good. But the song of my heart is for none to hear Ever since then I have used Swimmers Ear anytime after diving / snorkeling, and not got another infection. One of my favorites and I think you may enjoy. Do you have a book on what fish, you can or cant eat? It was great showing our friends and family photos, as well as the random people that would find it. Had to talk my way around the now all too familiar "you can't just take my house away" defence followed closely by the heart wrenching "but I'll miss you" defence. In addition to that, the truth is that Riley ever proposed to Elayna. But it did motivate me to do the kind of things that others only talked about and in many ways turned out to be one of the best things that never happened to me. The actress and husband Ben Smith-Petersen have been married since February 2015 and share a daughter together. Shares: 315. It would have drove my wife crazy. You both adore each other! I have been married for 20+ years and she still is my Gypsy Soul hence the name of our boat. Coffee Meets Bagel Net Worth 2023 Is the, The Baby Toon Net Worth 2023 What Happened, RokBlok Net Worth 2023 What Happened After, Numilk Net Worth 2023 What Happened After. Elayna Carausu is a famous YouTube Star. Gemini is excellent at guiding change and transformation. Should it be about who I am as a person or what I have done. The YouTube content creator is traveling the globe on a 43-foot yacht for 7 years with girlfriend Elayna Carausu and son Lenny. It was one of the best days of my life. Married by Mistake will see Blair Penner play Nate Fisher, Riley's classmate who completed his MBA with her. You have good taste in music. He and I worked in Environmental restoration and hyrdaulic engineering knowledge helps. I think that as we get better equipment that the movies will be able to show a bit more on this. Yeehah! . Not too long ago university and higher learning were not necessarily things done with books but instead situations with mentors. I am 55. I get that. There is nothing that will hold me back now. Hope to catch-up in person in a distant harbour. Elayna Carausu has not been previously engaged. All Proceeds go to helping us get La Vaga (and us) safely around the world! If we are having dinner we can even go for some jazz or instrumental. I suspect you will travel the seas and visit mostly the least expensive places you can in your travels. noun (pl.autobiographies) Also Congratulations on the new member of the La Vagabonde. In March of 2019 I was able to hike and climb a mountain. Online. Im a big fan of your adventure and inspired by both of you. But I have been happily married for 35 years to a divorce attorney! Anyway I recently bought a 2500HD Silverado to pull a fifth wheel around the US. I loved the video where you were casting your line under water, hahaha that was funny. Heres a great tip I learned from my little brother (hes a Scuba Instructor). The White Magnolia was the perfect backdrop for their special day. You can make it work by wanting it to work! You crack me up Riley. por | Jun 9, 2022 | marvel shifting script template google docs | is berry vrbanovic married | Jun 9, 2022 | marvel shifting script template google docs | is berry vrbanovic married Keep the stories and updates coming. Hola, da clic en alguno de nuestros representantes y muy pronto te atenderemos. Likes: 630. Riley Keough and Ben Smith-Petersen have been married since February 2015, and are totally in love. Great literary handiwork and authentic account Riley, Your biggest SLV fan-mother. Keep on keeping on. I love the way you write! He is not dating anyone currently. Oh well, maybe Riley is worried about what Elayna would say. The Golden Ocean (Patrick OBrien) Currently, Riley and Elayna are not married and remain in a de facto relationship. But . All the best. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Your videos help keep us focused and excited for the life we are slowly marching towards, Well said ! They remain in a de facto relationship and have been presenting themselves as the best YouTubers making their dreams come true. ), Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans, Do it without selling to friends & family (cause thats icky, am I right?! He thinks like a fish, it is a fond memory I have of fishing with him-Salmon in Puget Sound and in the rivers of the Olympic Peninsula. Really liked all the videos and the website too! Some day I hope to join you in traveling around the world seeing new and interesting places, until then I have your videos to keep me alive! I have mixed feelings about my time offshore, I made some life long friends and it gave me money and time to travel but it can be really difficult. Elayna Carausu is known for comprising one-half of the team. And you and Elayna are a wonderful couple! I had set a 10 yr plan set out to start sailing with my kids-8 yrs left on that plan now. Bonne chance. Keep the wind in your sails and enjoy life. Started in 2017, Techiegamers is now home to over 500,000 visitors every month and has been featured on websites such as the LA Times, Yahoo, MSN and many more. Riley Whitelum has not been previously engaged. Riley Whitelum is single. Widely known for comprising one-half of the Sailing La Vagabonde YouTube channel alongside her boyfriend Riley Whitelum. Hope to see you on the water one day. Thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way you are making the vids and trip a reality. Thanks for sharing a bit of who you are! We have been on the water for 10yrs now and we enjoy learning from your experiences . 5. . Bill S. They remain in a de facto relationship and have been presenting themselves as the best YouTubers making their dreams come true. They will still buy the Rapido 60 for themselves. Webnational guardian life provider portal unrecognizable image generator are riley and elayna married. Nowadays, La Vagabonde are sailing around Australia. Youre both an inspiration to so many people. Currently, Riley and Elayna are not married and remain in a de facto relationship. I failed so bad that in order to re-apply ever again they said that I would need to write a letter to someone, I cant remember who. Webare riley and elayna married. How do you see your near future say 5 years? It is reported that the couple makes $167,000 annually from their YouTube ad revenue. I keep a few on board my boat and one my motorbike. I was just wondering when r u guys going to publish a book/ biography for all of use to read about your epic journeys? He grew up in a small town called Cowell in South Australia. Not long after, they dated and decided to travel the world together. Riley, A 1952 wooden gem, its my version of adventure and living a creative life. WebHome; About. On the other hand, Riley Whitelum was conceived on May 26, 1984. Last summer I saw a movie about David Foster Wallace.. THE END OF THE TOUR its a true account of the time David Lipsky from ROLLING STONE mag.