Lucky Wheel is located in Atlanthian City's Entertainment District. Press J to jump to the feed. r/LoomianLegacy. Skampi is an upcoming Water-type Loomian, expected to be released with the Atlanthian City Part 2 Update. YouTuber LuckyHD showcased Starla in a video. if they dont update the new part 2 then all players gonna quit the game because its boring now. 2,551. But hurry up, ]duke nukem game free download full version for pc. Many players love finding these Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. All New Secret Codes And Areas In Dash Simulator Roblox. Loomian Legacy is a turn-based role-playing and adventure game released to the public on July 20, 2019. It is a Water-type and Light-type Loomian and is genderless. Von Tacota / 30. vidmate download for pc windows 7 64 bitrealtek hd audio driver for windows xp 32 bit download freewindows live mail download nederlands freewindows server 2016 standard download iso 64 bit freehoyle board games free download for windows 10. We automatically scan the web for coupons and discount codes to apply to your order. (I have joins on all the time)Roblox Account: my LIT Roblox group!Roblox Group: chill in my Discord!Discord: me on Twitter for cool Loomian Legacy posts!Twitter: me on Instagram to keep up with my LIT adventures!Instagram: the video if you enjoyed watching :DComment \"Armenti, I play Loomian Legacy!\" if you're reading this! Only Starla's appearance and call sound is known. (I will most likely heart your comment!) Terms and conditions apply. It comes out in December 31, 2021 at 11:59 PM, It might be coming out on 2023 january 1st cause delays. (Loomian Legacy)I bet you wont click on "SHOW MORE"Now that you did, could you please c. Atlanthian City is the fourth major city in Roria that the player visits and can be accessed via submarine from Lotusun Beach. Atlanthian City is the fourth major city in Roria that the player visits and can be accessed via submarine from Lotusun Beach. Welcome to the Loomian Legacy Wiki Wiki! Excellent, personalized customer service. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's set up a tournament and invite them! Free shipping and returns for orders over $39. (:~ THANK YOU MEMBERS! Anthian City was on the RIGHT side of the map whereas lake lagoona/rosecove beach is on the LEFT side of the map. Harris county inmate release information. Published by on June 29, 2022. Christmas Event 2021. Choose between elves and humans to build a beautiful, fantasy city. When they want to release it since they already finished it. ago. if they dont update the new part 2 then all players gonna quit the game because its boring now. It should release with a halloween event (or it can drop after the event is over) but Hey! See All from $1.21; 2004, Cobalt Media Group / Tig Productions / Touchstone Pictures UPC: 786936226485. its been 6 months and its not out yet. Call (225) 687-7590 or + 14moretakeoutloving hut vegan house, dophert, and more today! Harris county jail inmate information search. Loomian Legacy Youtubers, here''s your chance! What do you guys think about this update?I think it's going to be amazing!ATLANTHIAN CITY IS CONFIRMED TO BE . It resembles Mega Evolution from Pokmon Brick Bronze, in which players could use it There is no exact release date yet but it's going to be around late May/early June aka a couple weeks from now We currently have 337,432 edits to 415 articles and 20,070 images. Subtract this by 2 + 0 + 1 + 6, which is 9, and we get 11.034. A Loomian Legacy is a fanmade Pokemon-like game on Roblox. It is surrounded by trees and has a cosy atmosphere. 9.4k. Today I go over possible release dates for the atlanthian part 2 update!Play Loomian Legacy: the Discord: me on TikTok: me on Twitter: this channel to get access to perks: the roblox group:!/aboutGet the summer merch: Shirt: #ROBLOX #LoomianLegacy Christmas Event 2021. Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House. I can unsubscribe at any time by changing my email preferences, emailing, or writing to Electronic Arts Inc., ATTN: Email Opt-Out, 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood Patrick Star "That Sinking Feeling" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 7. 6 - 23 = - 17. Information regarding upcoming content is typically released by Llama Train Studio on the official Loomian Legacy Discord server or the Llama Train Studio Twitter account in the form of images, sneak peaks, and roadmaps. Level Cap: 100. We add these 2 numbers together, and we get a 23. Chapter 926 4,838. Join. Trainers. It was created by the development group Llama Train Studio. This wiki can be edited by anyone! Second, we have 2 months left in this year. Mrz 2022. $9.99/month after. World be kind to you and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself mid-2022! Loomian Legacy is a turn-based role-playing and adventure game released to the public on July 20, 2019. It is expected to make future appearances in the game. KuzcoWiTheGroovesco 1 mo. A card from the "Fantasy" pack: the Dragon. Now to get what month Atlanthian City will come out in, we have to do some rather complicated math. (I have joins on all the time)Roblox Account: my LIT Roblox group!Roblox Group: chill in my Discord!Discord: me on Twitter for cool Loomian Legacy posts!Twitter: City Release Date WHEN? Mr. Ferrix's Mansion is located in Atlanthian City's Living District. Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords ) Most Color Black White Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan Transparency Opaque Semi-Transparent Transparent. Chapter 53 5,016. (Loomian Legacy)BECOME A MEMBER TODAY (click this link! In todays video we will look into Atlanthian City's release date! Loomian The TDU delivery rates are regulated. Chapter 120 6,143. login with. Mankato has everything thanks to a freak of nature: the Sclare/Far Fissure. Visit millions of free experiences on your smartphone, tablet, computer, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and more. Accurate as of Sep 02, 2020. Categories . Make sure to LIKE THE VIDEO!Use STAR CODE ARMENTI when buying Robux or Premium :)~ THANK YOU MEMBERS. All upcoming content is subject to change. Dad will introduce the player to Benjamin, a colleague of his studying ancient murals and the ancient history of Roria. Opened by one of the main developers Our_Hero on 9th March, 2017, this shop sells hoverboards, which are unique takes on the bicycles in the Pokmon franchise, allowing players to travel In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick dig a tunnel between their houses, which annoys Squidward. Atlanthian City is currently one of two cities to have possible Loomian encounters, the other one being. The city is split into two districts, the Living District and the Entertainment District, which are separated by the Transit Hub where the player first arrives. Found within the Entertainment District is the Atlanthian Battle Theatre, Atlanthian Arcade, Lucky Wheel and several other shops. The Entertainment District is home to many shops and recreational points of interest. It was created by the development group Llama Train Studio. Jellusa can only be encountered in the Atlanthian Battle Theatre. Created Jan 20, 2019. Levitate will be an extra property added to some Loomians, identified usually by having a model that hovers off the ground. Password. (I will most likely heart your comment!) It expands the default 8 groups to a total of 50! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Enhanced Hearing: Atlantean's hearing is more acute than a ordinary human. It is a Water-type and Light-type Loomian and is genderless. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. She is a villainous Cecaelia (half-woman, half-octopus) who strikes deals 97. (Loomian Legacy)I bet you wont click on \"SHOW MORE\"Now that you did, could you please check out my social links? How Will We Get There | Loomian Legacy. Release date: 2010 Platform(s): PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Switch On paper, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (opens in new tab) sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Use the navigation bar on the left or the search bar below to start learning more about the PVP Meta. Atlanteans are the native race that inhabit the content of Atlantis. If you think its coming out in September, you are wrong. So the game was originally created as a Pokemon game, But Nintendo issued a DMCA takedown and it had to be changed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Vari could receive an evolution for all 17 types, as there are 17 Loomians between Vari and Copling in the Loomipedia, 8 of which are yet to be revealed. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In todays video we will look into Atlanthian City's release date!Make sure to LIKE THE VIDEO!Use STAR CODE ARMENTI when buying Robux or Premium :)~ THANK YOU MEMBERS! Since November 23, 2018 1,908 articles have been created, 4,449,041 unique edits have been made, and 53,768 files have been uploaded. This Loomian is expected to be made available in the future. Music can be turned on or off in the System Page. (Scherff) - 4th Reich in The BUILD THE CITY OF YOUR DREAMS IN THE MAGICAL ELVENA This was the incorrect subreddit so bye. Atlanthian city loomians. If vaping is affecting your life: scary-enough. Damage Calculator. The mini-game is expected to have mechanics including battling wild Loomians, solving puzzles, navigating mazes, and "discovering what lies beneath Roria's surface." Of course, some of you don't even know where to find them likely. 23 + 6 is 29. cottonwood financial administrative services, llc, iowa swimming short course championships 2021. Electronic cigarette user plasma nicotine concentration, puff topography, heart rate, and subjective effects: Influrence of liquid nicotine concentration and user experience. Moldecca is a giant whale Loomian seen swimming around Atlanthian City and is spoken about when the player arrives in Atlanthian City for their first time. There are 2 Loomian Legacy Set Creator. Moldecca seen swimming outside Atlanthian City's dome. It's online and collaborative - sign up for your free account now! Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The H E N I T S D O will be the years Anthian City and Sepharite City got released in, which is 2016 and 2020. While the player is rounding up all their friends, they will meet Mabel and Jake here to choose a new outfit for Jake. What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast. 220. They are as follows: [11][12]. The N E will be the month we are in, which is November, which in number form is 11. It has a 1/80 chance to appear, with a 1/5 chance to be holding a new item, the bouquet! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Soul Burst announced. Recap/The Nostalgia Critic S 11 E 24. Licensed to youtube by believe music on behalf of whimon records. They said it will take about 2 to 3 months. - 17 x 2016 is -34,272. Purchasing the 124th slot in the Atlantis Rewards. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For a list of codes in the main game, see here. ): SOCIAL LINKS ~Follow me on Roblox! ~FrostyyIsCoolsol piekJacobChase KryptCosmicyldogs ;3Bluex114Leslie StillwagonJazk 21accesMxyhem xDLeAdventure67wxlooRatPuppyPlayzzStorm breakJordan GamingxChaosKingKJDFiliponioChibi JackWalterJennifer Mercadojhaneil ramirezIcicleNekoTanTheManLeafUntitled GreenMysterious EditzKoda RobloxPokemacKOWZ GamingMJ Ac-acMxltedLavaReidy1273RomanRamenFluteyMakisiukoShrupySyhnix the invaderJosie HeimsRandom BoiSayKyloRubber Band BallJames Plays GamesBagel GuySenseiMr VergeChesterMxRodney PettersenAtlanthian City Release Date WHEN? Welcome to the Loomian Legacy Wiki Wiki! . If you meet the criterias, you can message the Community Manager SerXia and host Rainbow Vari giveaways! Loomian Legacy is a turn-based role-playing and adventure game released to the public on July 20, 2019. The Living District also containts places of interest like Atlanthian Park and the Colosso-Chops restaurant. OMG I finally got this finished after weeks of working on it in class. Again, this isn't a real month, so we divide this by the year Sepharite got released in, which is 2020. Activate cashback to earn while you shop. It is currently Mabel's first and only Loomian as a Loomian Trainer. We make safe shipping arrangements for your convenience from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. When It's Done is a popular term that's being used in the community. It's said that Moldecca showed up a few years ago, with people theorizing it could be trying to protect the city. They didn't make a vari update just to push atlantian. Team up with your friends, or go on a solo mining expedition to discover rare gems and become rich! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Which means the 29th day of a month. 2017; 25 (5)380-392. Residents of Atlanthian City dwell within the Living District. 1. lloyedgarmadon 1 mo. -2.966 + 29 (29 is the date we got in the first paragraph) is 20.034. Outside of the story, the player can purchase Loomian Legacy related clothing for their avatar. kelly johnson death; pwc experience center london; wisconsin high school wrestling state champions; orange flower water sainsbury's; how does vicksburg firearms try and back up their case in the courtroom Let's treat everyone with respect as much as possible. Welcome to this Amino! Make sure to LIKE THE VIDEO!Use STAR CODE ARMENTI when buying Robux or Premium :)~ THANK Y. Ring Video Doorbell 2020 release 1080p HD video, improved motion detection, easy installation Satin Nickel Ring $99.99 $ 99. Many Loomians, such as Sedimars, are set to receive a future model revamp.[10]. I really hope you enjoy this drawing I made of my gamma shawchi, Beetle and the little slugling Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and Each card contains a list of numerical data, and the aim of the game is to compare these values to try to trump and win an opponent's card. Updated. BEE SWARM SIMULATOR - a game on ROBLOX with a release date 03/21/2018 from Onett. [6] Additionally, some moves will be classified as Grounded. Oops, sorry. Get 3 months free. Upcoming Content refers to future updates to the game that may include new areas, Loomians, and game mechanics. To use this Hidden City Glitch is reallyHidden City. Atlanthian city will probably come out March/April, sadly. -2.966 + 29 (29 is the date we got in the first paragraph) is 20.034. Third, we add the 2 numbers together. The TDU delivery rates are regulated. atlantean city loomian legacy release date; atlantean city loomian legacy release date. Enhanced Vision: Their vision allows them to see in the dark depths of the ocean. (Scherff) - 4th Reich in The USA - Deathbed Confessions Photos Support Claims that Chompactor is a Metal-type Loomian introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. Some noteworthy points of interest include Atlanthian Battle Theatre, Variable Design, and Atlanthian Arcade. ~CosmicylRehalfFrostyyIsCoolKoda GamingKOWZ GamingJordan GamingKeegan GatesDrTechNicislandhunter22DinkyTheDoughnutSnake EmbersRyan NorwayAlevrecMaxAlex MappingSamsaul badmanWoopogWould you like to appear in the description of my video? CUSTOM ART FOR CUSTOM NEEDS. I think early-mid october. Playable Classes: 9 Galaxy Greenville Horrific Housing Ice Cream Simulator Islands Jailbreak Juke's Towers of Hell Welcome to the Loomian Legacy community on Reddit! Affordably priced and ethically-crafted by Turkish artisans. 19, 2019. We're a collaborative community website that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Forgot Password or Username? Loomian Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ): SOCIAL LINKS ~Follow me on Roblox! (Loomian Legacy)I bet you wont click on "SHOW. Beautiful Turkish towels, blankets, and more! Atlanthian city will probably come out in May/June/July and that may take a long time but it will definitely be worth it. It resembles Mega Evolution from Pokmon Brick Bronze, in which players could use it for an advantage in battle. Polypi can only be encountered in a trainer battle with Tamyra in Lotusun Beach. The latest news about Atlanthian City How Will We Get There Loomian Legacy. The Navigation entry for Atlanthian City in each installment of Loomian Legacy is listed as follows: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! City of the most talked about daily rumors covered by local and international media all the! Hey guys, welcome here ig. 7.5k. It is a Water-type and Mind-type Loomian and is genderless. Harris county inmate public information. (Loomian Legacy)I bet you wont click on \"SHOW MORE\"Now that you did, could you please check out my social links? Remove the numbers after 11 and we get 11. It has only been revealed by the developers in its initial reveal image. Hello world! Based on Loomian Legacy's geography, we can infer that the LL beach and the LL route 8 is also on the left side due to the appearances of PPB's route 8 cliffside, PBB's route 7's dam, and PBB's rosecove beach being the . Mankato has everything thanks to a freak of nature: the Sclare/Far Fissure. When do you think it will come out?Atlanthian City Release Date WHEN? Loomian Legacy is a creature catching game on ROBLOX being developed by Llama Train Studios and their team of developers. PHENOMENON Movie VHS Factory SEALED Vintage Touchstone Pictures John Travolta $22.45 $24.95 previous price $24.95 10% off 10% off previous price $24.95 10% off Friday October 1, 1993. Loomian Legacy is a creature catching game on ROBLOX being developed by Llama Train Studios and their team of developers. Somata can only be encountered in the Atlanthian Battle Theatre. Beetle Drawing . 50% In todays video we will look into Atlanthian City's release date! This Game Pass will allow you to send more Loomians to Loomian Care. Players will likely get to meet many new Loomians and be introduced to new characters that will be important to the main story here. When do you think it will come out?Atlanthian City Release Date WHEN? FBI HIRE THIS MAN RN HE CAN SOLVE ALL THE MURDER MYSERIES HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS, I hope it releases on the 30th of November just so ur wrong, I hope it releases on 29th November just so youre right. This Loomian is expected to be made available in the future. Survive The Disasters 2 is a game available on the free kid-friendly platform, Roblox.It is a direct sequel to Survive The Disasters!, one of the oldest, most classic and iconic games on Roblox.It Username/Email/Phone. The Bubble Gum Simulator Wiki is an expanding wiki. Loomian Legacy Set Creator. What do you guys think about this update?I think it's going to be amazing!ATLANTHIAN CITY IS CONFIRMED TO BE . Description. Valentines Antsee started roaming on February 14th, until February 20th! The player will meet up here with Lucas, who is looking for some delicious noodles to devour. 99 (100,730) Blink Mini Compact indoor plug-in smart security camera, 1080p HD video, night vision, motion detection, two-way audio, easy set up, Works with Alexa 1 camera (White) Blink Home Security Apotheosis. Remove the numbers after 11 and we get 11. (-16.966 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 + 2) + (0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1) = -5.966 + 3 = -2.966. 11 and 12. [8], A new, unknown Loomian was revealed by YouTuber LuckyHD after asking Developer lando64000 for a piece of a new Loomian coming with the Atlanthian Part 2 update.[9]. (Loomian Legacy)Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my LIT adventures!Instagram: the video if you enjoyed watching :DComment \"Armenti, I play Loomian Legacy!\" if you're reading this! It is a massive multiplayer online dungeon game on Roblox created by vCaffy . 9/12/2021. (Scherff) - 4th Reich in The Welcome to the Loomian Legacy community on Reddit! 4x Steps Speed City Roblox 4x steps speed city roblox. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This item, when given to a Loomian, increases friendship faster! The name is also a homage to the fictional Atlantis. Benjamin will proceed to give the group a museum tour, explaining the importance of a large stone tablet and various murals he's studying. I remember when I was a little boy probably 10 or 9 years old at that point a beast attacked my village, but just in time one of those eclipse people Step by step - Hand in hand. Therefore, the 29th of November is when Atlanthian . Subtract this by 2 + 0 + 1 + 6, which is 9, and we get 11.034. Trainers. kiss me dawson's creek episode. Cosmiore's Cracked form would receive a new Secret Ability, that would boost its Ranged Attack stat at the cost of only being able to use the first move selected in battle. A used nissan versa under $10,000 near hamburg; About us jen drags ron with car video; crucial conflict swell up. We swap the W with -16.966. Upon its release, only a limited number of Loomians will gain access to Soul Burst, with more coming in the future. Other game features that the developers are considering, which may be added in the future:[7]. Be Kind and Courteous. (I will most likely heart your comment!) Jul. ago. The following is the most up-to-date information related to Atlanthian City! The e-liquid in vapes is usually made of propylene glycol, glycerol, nicotine, and flavor chemicals. Additionally, the move Swat will receive a change that makes it deal double damage to foes that are Levitating and will "knock them down", making them able to be hit by Grounded moves. Harris county sheriff inmate info. 10.1k. Comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment AL_gamerficjd Recap/The New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh S 4 E 4 The Good The Bad And The Tigger. As seen here. The Aerosol You Inhale. That is why the core mechanics of the . An unknown Loomian appears in the picture leaks of Aranatta Trench,[3] taking the shape of an eel in a pot. Based on its description, the minigame could have something to do with Aranatta Trench. Loomian Legacy is a game on ROBLOX being developed by Llama Train Studios and their team of developers. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. It was created by the development group Llama Train Studio., Piece of an upcoming Loomian in the Atlanthian Part 2 update,, Permanent feature offering massive replayability, Functionality to Zuelooong and Propae Pummel machines in. Have fun! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Menu. Login to Roblox. atlantean city loomian legacy release date; Posted on June 29, 2022; By . We're a collaborative community website that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Found within the Living District is Atlanthian Park, Colosso-Chops, Mr. Ferrix's Mansion and several other places. Loomian Legacy Developer and PvP Balancer JamiyJamie has leaked some changes to certain Loomians that may occur in the future. Press J to jump to the feed. The Fan Lab is an exclusive private online community made up of Fandom, D&D Beyond, Screen Junkies, Gamepedia, Fanatical, Futhead, and Muthead 5 Diposkan Oleh: Karl Jennette Baca selengkapnya D: SECRET AREA IN BEE SWARM SIMULATOR I was roaming the map and then discovered a hole near the shop with the blender. The N E will be the month we are in, which is November, which in number form is 11. Are you guys excited for this update in Loomian Legacy? August is the 6th month, which means we have a 6. Feb 17. (-16.966 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 + 2) + (0 + 2 + 0 + N + E). Music making, audio editing, loops, autotune, beat maker, all you need to create music free. Jun 1. 11 is the 7. )Roblox Account: Group: Server: Account: Account: Tok Account: Channel: CREDITS ~Background Music: Code Animation: for more :DComment \"Armenti, Eaglit is COOL!\" if you're reading this! (You can ALWAYS join me in game! AN ANTLANTHIAN THEORY, Wdym? Valentines reskin! Today I go over possible release dates for the atlanthian part 2 update!Play Loomian Legacy: . The general roadmap for future content in Loomian Legacy shows one more planned update following the release of Atlanthian City Part 2, which would be a cooperative mini-game. The mini-game is expected to have mechanics including battling wild Loomians, solving puzzles, navigating mazes, and "discovering what lies beneath Roria 's surface." What is Loomian Legacy? 10.2k. [2], A trench full of aquatic life and ruins of a past city will be released with the Atlanthian City Part 2 update. This hub connects to the other two districts that are available for tourists. - 17 isn't a real month, so we have to multiply this number with the year Anthian City got released in. Every day, the player can come to the store to spin the Lucky Wheel for a prize. Strike diamonds, Individual plan only. 114. That's just a theory! March 17, 2020. Save Sets. 1 yr. ago. Chapter 32 4,422. Main article: Atlanthian City - Transit Hub The Transit Hub is located in the center of the city, and it is . [1], A new route is planned to be released in the Atlanthian Part 2 update, along with the completion of the storyline in Atlanthian City. What loomians do you think will get added and what loomians do you want to Healthy debates are natural, Create a tournament. Wooden_Structure89 2 mo. Also find news related to Atlanthian City How Will We Get There Loomian Legacy which is trending today. Minimum: OS: Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit / Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i5-2500 @3.3 GHz / AMD FX-8320 @3.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti / AMD Radeon HD 6870 (1GB VRAM) DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 20 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX FANMADE Loomian Legacy account dedicated to posting all things Loomian Legacy-related. No. The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years. Soul Burst is an upcoming gameplay mechanic to be added to Loomian Legacy. It was originally meant to release along with Atlanthian City, but has now been pushed back to Part 2 of the Atlanthian City Update.[5][2]. Just look for the tag while shopping to start earning cashback from top retailers through Bing Rebates. Will offer a challenge for Madrid & # x27 ; s defense deals! Created Jan 20, 2019. In Dungeon Quest, players can solo or team up to take on a range of dungeons and bosses. If each letter stood for a letter that could be substituted this will be: (W + H + E + N + I + T) + (S + D + O + N + E) = ? Ursula (also known as the Sea Witch) is the main antagonist of Disney's 1989 animated feature film The Little Mermaid.