The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". bt openreach working up a pole today. Read about our approach to external linking. on Is there an Openreach Engineer in the house? - Page 1 - Jobs I have no doubt the public will show their support to workers and struggling families by turning up to picket lines, dropping off goods and standing side by side with people fighting for dignity.. Well let you know how quickly you could be up and running when you order fibre broadband. When the union voted to strike last month, BT said that it was disappointed and would "work to keep our customers and the country connected" if staff walked out. BT Openreach Engineer - if you can't book a visit try an independent BT said in a statement: "We have tried and tested processes for large scale colleague absences to minimise any disruption for our customers and these were proved during the pandemic. The installation takes around three hours and the Openreach engineer will need access to your property. on 13h08. That's usually four or five days a week between Monday and Sunday. Find out more about the BT Business app and how to download it. Examples are forced overtime, bullyboy management, and a productivity philosophy which encourages shortcuts. 01-04-2021 ", Monday 9th June 2014. If you cant change your appointment, chat online or call us and we'll do it for you. We need our broadband but have been told that it could take days to fix. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); BT said it had engaged in "exhaustive discussions" with the union, before finally deciding on a 1,500 payment which is said is its "highest pay award in more than 20 years" for workers. They will discuss this with you before starting any work. If you already have an ONT, its very quick to get connected. He took a look and said it was related to the amount of extensions, which we said had been cut down after the fun and games of last year (My previous thread is here & with the help a lot of Neil, a great mod here, we actually got some resolution: Openreach engineer appointments run from either 08:00 - 13:00 or 13:00 - 18:00 Monday - Saturday. Ask questions and share tips with other people 24 hours a day. If the work is not complex, theyll carry out all the external work required. This situation is very frustrating and all caused by this engineer and we have been left to try and fix the issue that he has caused. 2. They will try and get you . All in a day's work | 17 comments on LinkedIn Suppliers charge us for each visit but give you more certainty of the costs we charge a flat rate covering the visit. BT SFI2 Engineer Visits - activereach Ltd. Everything at our end is fine and he put his cable tester on the line to find there is a fault 34 meters away from our test socket. Your just as rude! Missed appointments. 'Openreach' Engineer walked out after unable to re - BT Community BT said it had made its best pay offer and would not be re-opening the 2022 pay review. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. - Providing support for Service and Commercial inventory. Well, by fiddling around on the Internet you have found me! He has great customer service skills within a domestic and commercial environment and is very polite towards everybody. Openreach Civil Engineer Interview Questions | Glassdoor Sustainability, Northern What is BT Openreach? Everything you need to know Members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), including call centre workers and engineers, will hold a 24-hour strike, after similar action on Friday. Contact BT for help and support with your BT broadband, TV, home phone or mobile. My dad is the account holder and trying to contact BT due too the unprofessional engineer and also we need the line downstairs to be working, not upstairs. You can view these money saving ideas by clickingHERE. Engineers from Openreach managed to cut our telephone line while they were working on our road. Fibre Engineer - Within 10 working days, Openreach will have completed their survey. 30-03-2021 Phone Engineer My background-why I left the BT Openreach Job I loved Its hoped the experience gained will be a valuable addition to their CVs and could help secure permanent jobs in the future. Hence, the addition of working experience gained from Openreach can truly be like a milestone . Thank You). Damage to equipment within your premises caused by lightning or power surges. Openreach UK Rebranding All its Logos and Engineering Vans If the fault isnt with any BT service or equipment or we have to carry out the work at a time not covered by the terms of the agreement or guarantee, then a charge will apply. Working at Openreach: 444 Reviews | Diploma for Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals at SCQF Level 5 Employer Name BT Business Type Telecommunications Wage 20,000 Hours Of Work 35 hours Duration 12 months Age Limit 16 - 19 Proposed Start Date September 2018 Related Job Profiles Telecommunications Engineer Closing Date 02/04/2018 Positions Available BT Openreach was established in 2006 . Openreach hiring Openreach Engineer - Trainee in London, England Work programme gives an insight into life as an Openreach engineer National press office If you have a media enquiry, please contact the External Communications team at Tl: 0800 9177550 Address 1 Braham Street London E1 8EE Customers If you are a customer, please call our customer service number Tl: 0800 800 150 Your contracted to 37.5 hours a week for work which your are field based. It's back to the future trying to get my BT broadband to work I'm wondering will there be engineers working on a saturday? Of course im not too fussed as I have my broadband working, but a bit of a pain when I booked the afternoon off work to wait for them to come. Those striking are largely Openreach engineers and call centre workers. So confused as heck, we waited until yesterday afternoon and an actual Openreach engineer turned up. Openreach engineer appointments run from either 08:00 13:00 or 13:00 18:00 Monday Saturday. Please only call if you have a letter from the government saying you are high-risk. 'Openreach' Engineer walked out after unable to reconnect one of the phone ports, Re: 'Openreach' Engineer walked out after unable to reconnect one of the phone ports, (If I have helped you in any way please click the thumbs up. Caught between BT and Openreach over our cut telephone line Well arrange a convenient appointment when both you and the engineer are available. But it changed its tune when the Observer got involved. Why Alex Murdaugh was spared the death penalty, Why Trudeau is facing calls for a public inquiry, The shocking legacy of the Dutch 'Hunger Winter'. 0 Ratings Ibz I have seen them working on cabs before on a saturday, Broadband Providers since 2005 Aol/O2/Virgin Media/BE/BT. 1. Very rarely. The engineers work to 2 time slots, 08:00 - 13:00, and 13:00 to 18:00. . BT on Twitter: "@richthestag I've checked with Openreach and they've However the test carried out is only for a few seconds and its just as likely that the fault is in the external telephone network and you could be entitled to have it fixed FREE! Answered 26 October 2019 You will work long hours and not get paid for them . A specific time cannot be given and access must be available for the entire slot. Normal for Openreach is 5 days a week 7.12hours a day. Log into order tracker using your BT ID or order reference and postcode. If a charge is likely, well let you know. Now there is light at the end of the tunnel! Ask questions and share tips with other people 24 hours a day. Openreach | LinkedIn Anyone else had this? Well remotely activate a port on the ONT. Civil Engineer Jobs | Openreach 22h52, Hi. Openreach did not have anything to add to the BT statement. Sockets becoming damp due to flood, spillage or exposure to high levels of steam. You can view these money saving ideas by clicking HERE. The North East Triage was set up to encourage engineers to make the correct decisions regarding all form of civils requests and in doing so engineers would be encouraged to make the right decisions on . Noisy faults often dont show up on a line test result. Graduates & Apprentices - Early careers - Careers | BT Plc Not really a good service from BT. The engineer then looked at the port in the wall and started complaining about how he has no idea what they have done, as in the previous engineers. If you arent available, someone over 18 will need to be around. A company that was engineering-led is now run by business(wo)men with the resulting chaos. 10. CER / Field Insights - North England. This is in addition to the 1,500 pay award BT paid staff from April, which is the source of the conflict with the CWU and led to eight strike days between July and October. He could not find an issue with the BB and couldn't do too much digging as my dad was in a work meeting, but provided me a line of contact with him if we have extreme amount of drops again. Working Hours at Openreach | Technical support. @bt_uk. They will call you to confirm their arrival time and to find out about any access requirements. Paul Clark at Bt Openreach Find out why I quit my Job and left BT Openreach to become a successful Independent Phone Engineer. A man whose body was recovered following a major river search has been named as 32-year-old Alun Owen. Video, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims, US-made cheese can be called 'gruyere' - court, AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore dies at 61, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus, Walkie Talkie architect Rafael Violy dies aged 78, Alex Murdaugh's legal troubles are far from over, Mother who killed her five children euthanised. & Broadcast. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". You'll work as part of a two-person team, undertaking small civil engineering work in both highway and customer property, helping us to connect people and build the best digital future for the UK. Were pleased to say his line is fully repaired and he is happy with the full refund to apologise for the delay in restoring his service.. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. We have tried-and-tested processes for large-scale colleague absences to minimise any disruption for our customers, and these were proved during the pandemic.. Installation day: What to expect I have sent a pm with my information and description of the situation. The experience with Openreach and the references I have been given will really help when applying for jobs., Arran was teamed up with Openreach engineer Luke Murden who said: Arran is very keen and motivated towards work. Sat and sun are classed as normal days but there is 4 day weeks or even 9 day fortnight. BT Group workers unionised with the CWU stand at a picket line outside the BT Tower in London during the strike on 29 July. There is a standard cost of 140 for a new BT Openreach phone line installation, but not every provider charges the customer for this. Later in the evening my dad received at the exact same time, an automated phone call and a text from BT saying there would be an engineervisit between 1-6pm Wednesdayand the other stating someone was coming Thursdaymorning. First, Openreach will send an engineer to assess how much work is needed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The fault isnt due to fair wear and tear. 12h52. Civil's don't have to give the hrs travel time as you have to start at a yard. Talk about pass the buck BT! Your browser either does not have JavaScript enabled or does not appear to support enough features of JavaScript to be used well on this site. BT argued that you still received a partial service. If the fibre cable is not near you, it may need major external work (involving road closures for example) before an engineer can install an ONT. Theyll need to get in touch with you, so please give us your mobile number for us to share. Message 3 of 4 (2,131 Views) 0 Anoush Aspiring Hero Posts: 2,568 Thanks: 571 Fixes: 139 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I worked at BT for 23 years and now freelance as a Telephone, WiFi and Broadband Engineer. The adviser, often from Outer Mongolia just reads from a script, and in some cases gives them misleading information. Do openreach/ BT engineers work 24/7 ? Ireland, BT Group completes multi-million pound revamp of Belfast HQ, BT Group adds 740 million to economy of Wales, BT Group adds 1.5 billion to Scottish economy, BT Group adds 24 billion to wider UK economy, A partnership built on quality and results, New BT Group hub for 2,500 people opens in Bristol, For BT Openreach SFI2 Engineer Visits. as per usual ,engineers working across the road and our broadband goes down. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I think Openreach work 7 days a week, and on bank holidays. Instal a new Telephone Extension Socket Yes, please make sure you or someone in your business is available to give the engineer access to your premises. Asked 8 September 2022 Management Answered 8 September 2022 Answer See 1 answer Can you do overtime as a wifi engineer straight away,or how long before you can do overtime ? Ive talked to customers who have had problems with their Broadband or Telephone Service and just wanted a Telephone Engineer to call and investigate the fault. Openreach to hire 5,000 engineers to bolster broadband rollout | BT There are a number of tests you can do yourself before calling your Service Provider and booking a BT Openreach Engineer or an Independent Telephone Engineer like myself. So confused as heck, we waited until yesterday afternoon and an actual Openreach engineer turned up. BT Openreach What a great place to work! . Delayed repair following loss of service. BTinvests 5m in plan for drone superhighway across southern England, Cautious BT may boost cash support for its 47bn pension scheme, BTawards tens of thousands of staff 1,500 as strikes end, BTtells staff it could help those hit hardest by cost of living crisis, BTwarns of more job losses as rising bills force bigger cost-cutting drive, BTis feeling the squeeze as inflation clouds its future, BTs pension fund fell by 11bn after mini-budget, Kwasi Kwartengs opaque stance on BT ownership is not helping, Billionaire Patrick Drahi allowed to keep BT stake after security review. - Experienced on order journey and Asset & Inventory Management.<br>- Complete knowledge of Asset & Inventory build . Hi Dave, the Engineer's work for our suppliers at Openreach but if you DM over the name on the account, BT account number and full address with postcode I can have a look and find the Engineers details and arrange to send feedback over to their manager. BT won't send no one out because @SkyHelpTeam are my provider. The phone stopped working, and our broadband was down for about three hours but then came back at very slow speeds. Whilst I know this is true, I am always suprised that these larger companies seem to put people off, encouraging them to look elsewhere! "This is not a case of an employer refusing to meet a union's demands - this is about an employer refusing to meet us whatsoever," he said. Edited by XRaySpeX (Sat 05-Apr-14 22:35:46). Four rookie recruits have just been presented with a certificate and job reference after completing an eight week placement organised through Jobcentre Plus and in partnership with Nottingham City Council. It was reported a yesterday (I think). - Providing data governance through all operational teams in order to maintain and improve data quality. . BT Openreach apprentice engineer Tom Dickenson: A Day in the Life The re-branding exercise actually started, in a very low-key way, a few short . Please enter at least 3 characters to search. If it turns out the problem is the cause of damage not reported and covered when the report is made, then there can be a charge that we couldnt initially inform you about. Log intoorder trackerusing your BT ID or order reference and postcode. If an engineers needed to install FTTP, well be able to estimate your installation date when you place your order. As a field engineer in other telecommunication companies I've found my time at openreach really bizarre. The BT subsidiary Openreach is to hire more than 5,000 engineers to accelerate the rollout of next-generation full-fibre broadband across the UK. The working pattern of Openreach is quite good as it is more of an employee-centric firm rather than a Customer-centric firm. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.