Yet, for quite some time, many of us believe this is totally ok. We thought it was the RIGHT THING to turn in our neighbors, to view everyone with suspicion, and to consider people having a dinner/birthday party as potential killers. Los Angeles County's Covid-19 Test-to-Treat Program With Healthvana A reporter is accusing Dr. Barbara Ferrer of not disclosing a conflict of interest. WKKF spearheaded the first National Day of Racial Healing on January 21, 2017, the day after President Trumps inauguration. "I did not even know there was a field called public health at the time, and he said, 'You know, I think you might be really interested in that,'" she said. Dr. Barbara Ferrer Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. As a result, Ferrer is 55 years old and will shortly be becoming 56 by the time September 2021 comes to a close. I have an amazing team of public health practitioners, including over 100 physicians who work here. And they are paying Ferrer handsomely for her providing opinions not based on medical training or experience. This biographical article related to medicine in the United States is a stub. Delivery or takeout! #FIREFERRER As someone with no medical training, she is clearly in over her head. And I do want to note that, you know, Im one person, but behind me is an amazing team of accomplished clinicians who have medical degrees. The home of Los Angeles County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer was surrounded by dozens of protesters angry about the latest round of COVID restrictions. <> And I also think theres a large group of public health practitioners. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Judging from your comment it appears you are. Julie Hamill, an attorney representing the Alliance View Complaints Submitted on Oct. 4th, 2022 HERE, View 1411 Complaints Submitted on Sept. 27th, 2022 HERE, View 565 Complaints Submitted on Aug. 30th, 2022 HERE, View 262 Complaints Submitted on Aug. 9th, 2022 HERE, View 24 Complaints Submitted on Aug. 2nd, 2022 HERE, View 3683 Complaints Submitted on Jul. Ferrer's date of birth lies on the 30th of September 1965. [7][8], In January 2017, Ferrer was appointed to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to replace interim director Cynthia Harding after previous director Jonathan Fielding retired in 2014. Internal Medicine, Psychiatry (14) 3 Awards . Hey!! ", "Some cities are discussing returns to indoor masking. The students showed how masks were highly effective in curtailing the spread of COVID-19 in LA County schools, but had been co-authored by Ferrers daughter with no disclosure showing any relationship between the two. [4], After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in community studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz, Ferrer went on to earn a Master of Public Health from Boston University and a Master of Education from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. [15] However several cities in LA County including Beverly Hills announced they would refuse to enforce her new mandate. When she stepped down as the Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Authority in 2014, she noted aggressively tackling health inequity in Boston as her favorite achievement, according to the Jamaica Plain Gazette. A cluster RCT in Bangladesh was negative for cloth masks, and very modestly positive for surgical masks. Therefore permanently intrenching his personal ARMY of swamp rats. So I do want everyone to understand that, you know, this isnt me. That is offensive to all wicca! In addition, WKKF awarded major grants to the George Soros Open Society Institute and La Raza during Ferrers tenure. Barbara Ferrer on latest COVID numbers in LA County Add your name to the petition to remove Ferrer from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health. While pandemic is over, we cant allow again. This comes as the reporter points out that a study cited by the CDC on school mask mandates was co-authored by . Barbara Ferrer says no conflict of interest over mask study Barbara Ferrer is Responsible for Every Suicide in Los Angeles County From July 15 On. Los Angeles County Health Director: Not "Realistic - RealClearPolitics However, despite many refuting Ferrers assessment, including the LA County Chief Medical Examiner, who called it media hype, others still support the Countys public health department, with businesses now bracing for a return of the mandate. Positive emotions, like love, joy, and . If you want to cover your face I public go ahead. LA County's top medical professional says she's getting death threats The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is transforming the way we design, build, maintain and operate our buildings, homes and communities. American public health leader serving as the Director for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Ph.D., MPH. Since Dr. Fauci (NIAID/NIH), Dr. Deborah Birx (CDC/State Dept), and Dr. Robert Redfield (CDC), all medical doctors having decades of experience researching infectious diseases, are the experts advising the federal government response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, its reasonable to assume that public health officials in each state and in major cities have had the same type of training and a similar professional focus. [6] She also served as the executive director of the Boston Public Health Commission (2007-2014) and the chief strategy officer for the W.K. On social media, people circulated a doctored photo of Los Angeles county health officer Dr. Barbara Ferrer that made her appear very ill, with pale skin and deep circles under her eyes. The Centers mission includes advancing racial, social and environmental justice in partnership with committed organizations and residents. Fire Barbara Ferrer - A Collection of Resources to Remove Barbara The county of roughly 10 million . Ferrer faces claims of conflict of interest as L.A. County nears - KTLA Did she consult, or was she merely quoted or Public Health info in the study approved by use by her? Ferrer, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., M.Ed as a new member of their National Advisory Board. Ferrers daughter was the co-author in a mask study despite no acknowledgement of relationship by Ferrer. These facts, combined with prior literature, suggest that confidence even in surgical masks is extremely low. This is a big problem because: 1) Kaitlin Barnes mother, unelected bureaucrat Barbara Ferrer, clearly wants to retain power by harmfully and unnecessarily again reinstituting the mask mandate (which she has repeatedly done over the past TWO-AND-A-HALF-YEARS), and the study Barnes co-authored seeks to show that MASKS WORK, an attempt to bolster Ferrers mask mandate, in spite of a flood of studies repeatedly showing masks DO NOT work; and, 2) Ferrer used her connections with a Boston mayor friend to get her daughter a job with that mayor and other politicos in Boston, indicating she has had a hand in her daughters past employment, which the Red State report also indicates. Hence, Ferrer is 55 years old and will soon be turning 56 by the end of September 2021. LA County schools won't reopen until 'after the election," health "Lots of people are going to be very happy when we start . In addition, the Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents filed a lawsuit against Ferrer and the L.A. Public Health Department, alleging their decisions had been arbitrary, capricious and entirely lacking in evidentiary support, and that the rights of children to the equal protection of the law were being violated. She oversees a budget of more than $900 million and directs a workforce of 4,000 public health practitioners. This lends further credence to the charge that Ferrer is cozy with the County employee who hired Barnes and through that relationship secured the County P.R. . This provider has 38 years of experience. The image shows Ferrer speaking at a coronavirus news conference on May 13; an unedited version of it can be seen in this article here. Dr. Barbara Ferrer, county public . La flecha de Amazon, adems de representar una sonrisa, une This isnt the end of the world for Ferrer, and this will not do anything in stopping the mandate ultimately. If #FireFerrer Babs didn't melt from water, she'd be crying right now. [9] As director of L.A. County Department of Public Health, Ferrer has been prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic. With significant responsibilities comes prominent hatred for some people like Barbara Ferrer. LA County health officer cries while reporting COVID-19 death toll A police chase is underway involving a possible shooting suspect. One week before an indoor mask mandate is likely to be reinstated in LA County due to reports of rising new cases and hospitalizations of COVID-19, new allegations that Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer used a study co-authored by her daughter without disclosing potential conflicts of interest has arisen, adding more public anger to an already controversial move. Imo, these Ferrer people are criminals. Under a new state law passed in 2019 and signed by Gov. [5], Ferrer began with leadership roles in public health with five years at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, where she was director of Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention and later director of the Division of Maternal & Child Health. ",, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 07:51. #FireFerrer. Im very grateful to have our Director of Public Health with me.Dr. Los Angeles County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer started her daily COVID news conference on Wednesday by apologizing for a . 2 0 obj Dr. Ferrer had a crucial role in providing strategic directions for deploying methods and showing leadership. Those of us on the conservative side of the spectrum already know that many scientific fields have been highly politicized. Jul. Boston health commissioner expected to resign - The Boston Globe Apart from this, Dr. Ferrer also has two grandchildren from either her son or daughter. "My son is a physician, actually works in a federally qualified health center in Albuquerque," she said. As in the study was done not by a doctor or scientist rather a group of people with an agenda. Theres another 50 physicians here who advise on all of the other sort of interrelated aspects of managing a pandemic. With COVID-19 boosters for children age 5-11 now available in Los Angeles County, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, L.A. County's director of public health, was at the Public Health vaccination pod at the . Theres no way I, by myself, would be either reviewing the massive amounts of data thats out there or making independent decisions from the clinical team thats really doing a stellar job.This is really, you know, a vast collaboration with an enormous amount of clinical expertise to help make all of these decisions. endobj Dr. Farah Ferrer, MD | LOS ANGELES, CA | Internal Medicine - Vitals Barbara Ferrer, LA County Public Health Director- who is not a medical doctor- was on Fox 11 with Elex Michaelson, who asked her question that is clearly on the minds of Los Anglenos - is it really optimal for the person leading the COVID response, to be a PhD in Social Welfare rather than a actual physicianSee the exchange below: A press release described its purpose as (emphasis added): [T]o ensure all individuals have access to the opportunities and resources needed for optimal health and well-being. Dr. Leave everyone else alone. Fluent in Spanish, Ferrer said she started her career as a community organizer. He was hired by Los Angeles County in 2018 and was previously the Alameda County Health Officer. LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer said Monday that she, and other county health officials, have received . Rachel Carson '78-Community Studies, Director LA County Department of Public Health . It just looks bad right now.. LA County Public Health Director Isn't an M.D. Most recently, Dr. Ferrer served as There is no financial gain for either party. Just an example, on another level, of pervasive DEMOCRAT corruption supported and promoted by their backers in the media. She faced criticism for her response, with 233,000 residents testing positive and 5,500 dead by August 2020, with the number of deaths rising up to 24,000 by June 2021. ; she gained the title of Doctor by virtue of her Ph.D. in Social Welfare from Brandeis University.Ferrer is paid more than $500,000 a year by the financially-strapped county, and one of her top priorities is "advancing health equity." Even if the study is good, which now there are questions about because of this, it still should have been noted.. "I love my children, I love my grandchildren like everyone else. Health Equity - Los Angeles County, California By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Ferrer then went on to earn a master's degree in public health from Boston College and a Ph.D. in social welfare from Brandeis. 2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Los Angeles Countys Health Officer, under whose authority Public Health Orders are issued, is Dr. Muntu Davis. All Rights Reserved. endobj Home; Carpet Cleaning; Upholstery Cleaning; View menu and reviews for Gopuff Liquor & More in Redding, plus popular items & reviews. Required fields are marked *. stream Thank you for posting, Fed Up. CA Gov. Please! I appreciate the concerns, and certainly this is a tough job for anybody to have to do. Story tips: [emailprotected]. Above: Photo by Halbergman, Getty Images. A press release from the Massachusetts Public Health Association on Ferrer's departure said:. Anti-lockdown protesters on Monday night gathered outside the home of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and shined strobe lights, as the county's numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths continue . A public health official in California named Barbara Ferrer was recently caught on tape saying that schools will likely remain shut until after the election. Ferrer noted that some requirements -- such as mandatory mask-wearing at health care facilities -- are state orders, not county. Evan V. Symon is the Senior Editor for the California Globe. I, among many, am not going back. View 24 Complaints Submitted on Aug. 2nd, 2022 HERE I never thought I would have to put out this again, an anonymous Glendale restaurant owner told the Globe Thursday, motioning to a masking sign. LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer slammed speculations of not publicly disclosing conflict of interest after a report revealed a CDC-backed stu. Meanwhile, there are no RCTs in kids, a catastrophic research failure.. Director of the Los Angeles Public Health Dept, the fake dr Barbara Ferrer, has mishandled Los Angeles' response to covid from the start by putting her woke 'social justice' agenda before the health and well being of the citizens of LA.Use to get educated on her political relationships that are keeping the kids of LAUSD schools in a never ending 10 day backdoor masking mandate. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health was quick to comment on the story on Thursday. However, it is disclosed that Dr. Ferrer is living with her husband in the Southland. While the county has a disproportionate number of positive coronavirus cases and deaths compared to the rest of the state, by golly, it has a Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Data & Strategies Report for COVID-19 completed. They are using basically the same strategy employed by the corrupt FBI conspirators to circulate fake-Russia-collusion documents created by Christopher Steele, in order to investigate Donald Trump and his associates. After our story was published a common reply from shutdown apologists was, She didnt say she was an M.D. Perhaps not, but there are a disturbing number of references to her as an M.D. Barbara Ferrer is Responsible for Every Suicide in Los Angeles County Barbara Ferrer continues to stir up unsubstantiated fear about COVID There are also many real doctors at John Hopkins, Stanford and other institutions that say mask cannot protect you against the airborne virus. LA County Feels Blowback on Statement by Docs Refuting Current COVID-19 Get Barbara Ferrer's email address (b***** and phone number (617-833-..) at RocketReach. Were often pretty invisible unless theres a big crisis but we, too, have a lot of rigorous training around the science and the epidemiology of public health, around how to manage outbreaks, about how to, in fact, organize ourselves to really prevent diseases from overwhelming healthcare systemsthose are degreed and accredited programs that many, many again, hundreds of people here have gone through, including myself, and I think, you know, you do have to marry both sides of the house when youre really trying to advance opportunities for us to safely move forward. In response to critics who have questioned her credentials as director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Barbara Ferrer cited the collaborative process involved in leading the . Although she was born in the United States territory of Puerto Rico, Dr. Barbara Ferrer is a native American. It is as clear as day that Dr. Ferrer wants to keep a low-profile personal life. Dr. Barbara Ferrer leads the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health which works to . She's got all the credentials a leftist needs . The fact that Ferrer nor Barnes did not disclose their relationship beforehand has raised many alarm bells in LA County, as well as nationally. By Andrew Ryan Globe Staff,September 4, 2014, 12:00 a.m. 5. General Manager & Advertising: Kevin Sanders, rising new cases and hospitalizations of COVID-19, leaving just two weeks for the rates to drop or else a mask mandate would return on July 29th, including the LA County Chief Medical Examiner, LA County Public Health Directors daughter, whos also is not an MD, New Bill To Prevent The Covert Release Of Sexually Violent Predators Into Communities, California Legal Commission Weighs In On Changes To State Bar Exam, U.S. Supreme Court Turns Down LA County Flavored Tobacco Ban Challenge, Los Angeles County Announces More COVID-19 Restrictions, Curfew, Sacramento County Supervisors Failed to Disperse COVID-19 Funds According to Grand Jury Report, LA County Chief Medical Officer Rejects COVID-19 Media Hype, Barbara Ferrer daughter conflict of interest allegations, Barbara Ferrer daughty COVID-19 study controversy, Ferrer masking study conflict of interest, Los Angeles County Public Health Department, Californias Electric High Speed Rail: No Power, No Money, No High Speed, California Public Works Project Peer Review,, LA County Public Well being Director Barbara Ferrer Faces Battle of Curiosity Allegations - Techno Valleys, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay | The Daily Wire, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay True News Hub, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay skyreportnews, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay | Down Right News, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay Lafayette Paper, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay Real News (LA) Los Angeles, Two CA Public Health Directors Earned Over Half A Million A Year, Doubling Newsom Pay | The compensation packages of two Commie California public health directors are double what Governor Elitist Gavin Newsom (D-CA) earns in a year. RELATED . Barbara Ferrer, the executive director of the Boston Public Health Commission, is expected to announce her resignation next week .