The board of education needs to get back to business at meetings, not promotional videos, and keep the community informed about progress on these challenges every step of the way. 6. Further progress for our district on reducing the number of days our students miss school for any reason. We then have parents fighting the use of digital devices. Tax Payment Options All cultures are not the same and the products of those cultures cannot be expected to be represented in equal numbers in all endeavors. I believe that its never too late to go back and choose to do the right thing, even if that thing will be difficult, so I know I am up for the challenge. My goals is to get a real equitable plan for AAPS, one that states /define the problem,has measurable outcomes, SMART Goals, and objectives with assigned accountability. Additionally, it is crucial that we ensure equitable funding throughout the district schools.Some of my priorities include: 1. Its time our spending aligns with the districts stated values of equity and belonging. One thing that contributes to that is representation especially for BIPOC students, students in the LGBTQ community, and students with special needs. Predicting the future is tough. For our students, we need an all-hands-on-deck approach that invites the community to be a part of reducing disparities in learning outcomes and restoring much needed public school services to families, such as before-and-after school-based childcare. Were finally recognizing the importance of having mental health resources available for our teenagers, but I want to work on ways to increase those resources at the elementary level now, too. As a single mom with a full-time job outside the home, Ive experienced firsthand the frustration of not having the time or resources that other families have to be the squeaky wheel to get their students needs met. Publication of candidate statements and opinions is solely in the interest of public service and should NOT be considered as an endorsement. Together.
PDF Preview Ballot - 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. She has been a communications professional in health care for nearly two decades. Paulette Metoyer commented on Contact 2020-06-22 11:50:16 -0700. . Though I am not one of them, my reading of the educational research literature suggests that days in school, consistent family engagement, committed teachers, and equitable resource deployment (where its needed most) are four variables that can contribute to improving student achievement.
Paulette M Metoyer, Ann Arbor Public Records Instantly The League never supports or opposes any candidates or political parties. Preparing AAPS students for a modern global workforce by engaging stakeholders to craft, high-quality, student-centered systems for AAPS. Based on the data, I plan to implement interventions and initiatives that can address these gaps and provide increased resources and support, such as dedicated time for teachers for development/training and extra tutoring for struggling students. The couple, who live in Ann Arbor, have two children and 4 grandchildren. Addressing inflation and staffing shortages -- which includes addressing teacher pay, satisfaction and well-being -- must be a priority. Ann Arbor MI 48105 Paulette M. Metoyer, MD earned a degree of a Doctor of Medicine . He also serves as vice president of The University of Michigan Professional Nurses Council. Analyzing DEIA needs and implementing sustainable interventions to ensure these needs are addressed. Overcoming its own dysfunction. Stalin! Although my background is not in finances, I am aware that 85% of the approximate $300 million tax revenue for the Ann Arbor Schools, go to teacher and staff salaries, medical costs and retirement funds. I am running to continue to keep our students and staff safe and successful.
Dr. Paulette M. Metoyer, MD | Ypsilanti, MI | Internist | US News Doctors Re-establishing relationships with other key stakeholders in the community. Dr. Paulette M. Metoyer has 14 years of experience in internal medicine. What should be done to improve student achievement in Ann Arbor? She was in her early 20s at the time, and served in that part-time role through 1988. See a full list of all candidates in Washtenaw County, including candidates for uncontested races and other school board races, here. Information on other state, county and local primary races can be found at The achievement gap is really an opportunity and resource gap. I want schools to stop teaching critical race theory, and start teaching kids how to critically think. I will advocate for high-quality research into the issues facing public education, and ensure that the voices of Michigans rank-and-file educators are part of any proposals to help our students succeed.Make Schools Community Centers Again. Do you have an issue you especially care about? Heres a quick look at contested races on ballots in different parts of the county, excluding races where candidates are unopposed.
Dr. Paulette Margaret Metoyer M.D. - PDF Washtenaw County Voter Guide November 3, 2020 One important challenge right in front of us is keeping our district staffed to serve our community to the level of excellence we all expect. Safe to share ideas, take risks, to fail sometimes and to know their emotions and individuality is valued. McClary gets 109,321 votes (68.53%) compared to 49,537 votes (31.05%) for Chockley. The issues I care about especially is Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Justice- which teaches children yes, we make mistakes, we all do. We need to evaluate student learning and learning loss, teacher resources and development, student resources and support, and other factors such as the inequities, especially in people of color, refugees, students with disabilities and other underserved populations. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. 1998 - 20079 years. I am passionate about addressing the issues facing our city and public schools, especially surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism, transparency, community engagement and curriculum assessment. Paulette Metoyer's activity stream. Nov. 2, 1982: Defeats Republican Karl J. Edelmann to win re-election to her another two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing District 9 in Ann Arbor. Technology that gives schools more data on which students need additional support is obviously something that the AAPS will pursue. We can solve these problems if these groups feel appreciated and included. As a child of refugees whose family struggled, Mohammad said she has been dedicated to addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, including opportunity gaps and curriculum assessments. Some of these will be both critical and urgent in terms of needing to be solved. Nov. 4, 2008: Wins re-election for a fourth four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer. We are a progressive county, a blue dot in the state of Michigan, and we need to do better. 2. I am passionate about addressing the issues facing our city and public schools, especially surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism (DEIA), transparency, community engagement and curriculum assessment. What needs to be done is to keep focused on doing what is right. Academics should be no different. A community in which privileged families could choose in-person learning while families that depended on public schools could only choose virtual was against every progressive value I know. Re-electing me will provide for proven leadership and institutional knowledge providing stability and continuity. In-person quality public school is simply essential and cant be compromised. 4. Why should we continue to benefit from our white privilege, while so many brown and black children who live just outside our school district, remain trapped in failing schools? One major priority that I have is around making sure that we have counselors, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and specialized teaching consultants to make sure that all learners, elementary students in particular, are learning to their maximum potential, particularly in reading and writing. As a psychotherapist, he said he is very aware of the mental health challenges of children today, post-COVID.. November 1974: Wins election to her first two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners representing District 15 in Ann Arbor. Schumer worked in public schools for 23 years as a clinical social worker, working with children with emotional and behavioral problems, as well as students with educational disabilities. I am the only incumbent running for re-election. Equity, equity, equity. (Photo from The Ann Arbor Chronicle.). 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Paulette Metoyer Water Resources Commissioner Vote for not more than 1 County Commissioner . Susan .
Paulette Metoyer at Citizens for Free Speech Coming from a home where my father did not graduate from high school and my mother was raised in an orphanage, I learned the importance of an education. The current plan is unsustainable. Prior to her election as Washtenaw County treasurer, McClary worked in the private sector as a stockbroker and investment advisor. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. We live in Anns Arbor. By virtue of her role as treasurer, McClary also serves on the county's election commission. As a researcher, clinician and educator, I have strong critical thinking and analytical skills that can help assess opportunity gaps in education and factors associated with these gaps. Catherine McClary at an October 2012 candidate forum. Please do not place tax payments into the green Clerk's Office mailbox located directly outside the front entrance. Also, our top-notch educators need to be trusted to do their job in ways they know are best for students. Washtenaw County treasurer Catherine McClary (Dem) Paulette Metoyer (Rep) District 1 county commissioner Jason Maciejewski (Dem) Rod Anderson (Rep) District 2 county commissioner Sue. Baskett is joined on the ballot by Kai Cortina, Jacinda Townsend Gides, Jamila James, Lena Kauffman, Jeremy Lapham, Paulette Metoyer, Rima Mohammad, Susan Ward Schmidt, Barry Schumer, Andrew Spencer, Leslie Wilkins and Alex Wood. Treasurer/Washtenaw County Paulette Metoyer Clerk & Register of Deeds Gary Greiner Washtenaw County Commissioner/1st District Rod Anderson Washtenaw County Commissioner/2nd District Scott Inman Washtenaw County Commissioner/3rd District Ken Seiler Washtenaw . Im also eager to learn what else we can do in Ann Arbor beyond what I know today. For one thing, Im excited to be in a position to directly impact equity-focused decisions, and make sure people from historically excluded backgrounds have a voice in those decisions.
2020 Nov 3 :: General Election :: County Treasurer :: Washtenaw County. Learn more | He is a graduate of Washtenaw Community College and Wayne State University, with two masters degrees from University of Michigan. Her age is 74. An organizational budget is, effectively, a statement of values- we spend money on the things that are important to us. My wife and I have two sons that attend AAPS, and she has many, many patients that see her at C.S. Spelling and grammar were not corrected. I will prioritize teacher and staff salaries. I can teach a few lessons on how to develop a strong and cohesive school board. Internist. While in high school, she volunteered to tutor elementary school children who were behind in their classwork. I want schools to stop pulling kids away from their parents influence.
Property Taxes | Washtenaw County, MI Even with greater funding for public schools this past year, we are hardly out of the woods. Im especially concerned about incidents where the district wasnt listening or taking action when racially hostile experiences were brought up. see prior response: We need a flexible intensive tutoring system free of charge for low achieving students. Join Facebook to connect with Paulette Metoyer and others you may know. For example, students at Pathways get the old Chromebooks while students at Skyline get newer ones. Van Havermaat to win re-election to another two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing District 9 in Ann Arbor. Should I be re-elected my goal is to continue the work already in progress. She also has served as president of the Head Start Parent committee, as a room and band parent and has completed Diversity and Inclusion training including Unconscious Bias and You. These strong foundational skills give children the ability to access other subject areas and to become knowledgeable about the world around them, all things that need to happen to build critical reasoning skills. I would be grateful for your support and vote to help carry this work forward. Fostering community input and discussions at all levels. ANN ARBOR, MI Voters across Washtenaw County have a long list of local and state-level races and ballot proposals to decide in the general election Tuesday, Nov. 8. There is no one main issue on which Im running, but I believe public schools are critically important to education, democracy, and building community. I and the district have suffered through several iterations of school boards. 2. The Board will need to think ahead on processes to enable rapid shared understanding of challenges and how to move forward. She also has served on other nonprofit boards for the last nine years. Kids first, politics last. 4. How do we make it better?- that aids in teaching ac-countably, Mental Health and Social Work support, Skill Trades, Teacher Autonomy to do the jobs they went to school to do, and teaching our children to respect and honor our environment. This will also positively impact student achievement. As I said in the last question, improving air quality and ensuring students are fed has been proven to show increases in positive educational outcomes. 7th Congressional District representative, 12th Congressional District representative, University of Michigan regents (two seats), Michigan State University trustees (two seats), Wayne State University governors (two seats), Dexter City Council (three seats, nonpartisan), Saline City Council (three seats, nonpartisan), Ann Arbor Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Augusta Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Dexter Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Lima Township Board of Trustees (two seats), Northfield Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Pittsfield Township Park Commission (five seats), Scio Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Superior Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Sylvan Township Board of Trustees (two seats), Webster Township Board of Trustees (four seats), York Township Board of Trustees (four seats), Michigan Supreme Court justice (two seats). How long will it take to reduce tensions and increase trust amongst ourselves? ANN ARBOR, MI In addition to helping decide the nations president for the next four years, Washtenaw County voters will decide dozens of contested races for local, state and federal offices in the Nov. 3 election.
Who's running in the November 2020 election in Washtenaw County Rima Mohammad. Taxpayer Assistance Find out what resources are available for taxpayers. She has spent 25 years working with families and doing nonprofit board and advocacy work. Prior to her election as Washtenaw County treasurer, McClary worked in the private sector as a stockbroker and investment advisor. Address Opportunity Gaps in Education. The Board of Education will need to prioritize recruitment and retention of high quality educators and continue their work to create a professional learning environment where these educators can grow and develop.