3.) This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. Aspiration Fix Update: Added two new Bust the Dust Goals with time based interactions, Bust the Dust Tweaks Update: Added Lower Fire Chance 11% and 3% (default 33% and 10%) plus Addon for no Fire at all. At this point your sim has the option for them to just keep working at their current level or to go to university and obtain a degree. Hide OFB mascot clothes & hats Hide all of the OFB mascot clothing & hats. Updated for patch 1.90! 7.) University Mods Going to college opens up many different paths for you. Faster university graduation by mrzmary at Mod The Sims. 6.) This will help to make the game more realistic. I am obsessed with this game and have been for decades and love to share my love of the game with all of you. So hopefully youll have no more lost homework. Swim Around in Pools by Teknikah at Mod The Sims, Romantic Victorian Starter Home No CC by Christine11778 at Mod The Sims . You can find it here: The new mod prevents the hobby leaders from showing up in the vacation hoods and are restricted to their own hobby lots, allows Young Adults to visit downtown lots as well as shopping on the businesses owned by your Sims and allows teens to stay later to about 12 AM and return after about 7 AM. If your Sim wants to cover less than that limit, they will not be allowed to use an auto bike. So make sure to read all the details before downloading this mod. What do we want? Fun Gain When Writing Term Paper This mod allows sims to gain fun while writing their term paper. Additionally, theyll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable. Sims 4 Updates - Daily finds from custom content sites and blogs since 2009! Only high level Spellcaster can use this Spell and the Charge Gain is very high when using this Spell. Your sims traits effect so many parts of their lives and if you have the genius teens can apply to university mod youll have them matter even more. This is a rabbit-hole task, which takes 5 HOURS to complete! This mod changes all that forcing them to do their homework at their desk. This mod gives your teens the chance to jump straight into university. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Since 2019 I've been working on this website to help sims players get the most out of their gameplay and have the best time playing The Sims 4. Faster University 1.) Hire certain Sims (incl. While in Break mode, the time to finals does not count down, and the students will not be called to class. You will struggle a lot and face rejection many times. Like all late teens and those in their 20s in the United States (sadly this is a US only problem) we have crippling student debt. Classes, Finals and Grades Sims 4 Updates - The Sims4 custom content downloads! This is a great way to make the game more challenging. Why are roommates in the game always playing music? DOWNLOAD NOW 12. Only high level Spellcaster can use this Spell and the Charge Gain is very high when using this Spell. Hate the roommate, youre randomly paired with and want to pick your own? 1.) SIMS 4 4.) 59. r/Sims4. This Sims 4 University mod adds in 7 new aspirations for your Sims. Your email address will not be published. There are a number of aspirations in this university aspiration pack that will let your sims be a specific type of student. Scholarship Mods This also applies to sims who finished elementary school with an A grade before aging up to a teen or any teen who gets an A in school, those smart kids deserve to move on in life! University less credits. 9.) You can change how the college building, campus, features, etc., look to be exactly how you want it to be. Mods While a student at any of the two Universities, your Sim has the option at any time to tutor their own class in any skill that they have discovered, by clicking on a University building and selecting ' Tutor '. Faster university homework mod WebLet's all give a round of applause for all the amazing modding community! Anushkas a bibliophile with a love for words and has completed her graduation in English Honours from a distinguished university. The skills your sims have also matter but only for the charisma skill, the logic skill, and the writing skill. Sims 4 Discover University: Mods to Enhance Your University Experience Sims 4 Discover University: Mods to Enhance Your University Experience November 2019 in Gameplay Mods. 295 Apr 02 2021 Mod Updates & Translations Added Addon which sets Skills needed for Jobs to max for NPCs. Yes, youve read that right your Sim will finally do homework at a desk. WebRelations. They have three levels and teens and elders can find them in the newspaper or computer. With the no roommates summoning trash mod will stop these roommates from filling your entire dorm or home with garbage that only your sim will deal with. Gameizmo.com 2021 is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Expansion to work with: Discover University. Submit a YouTube video. Only high level Spellcaster can use this Spell and the Charge Gain is very high when using this Spell. College YA Aging Fix-Fixes a bug that could cause the game to hang when sims are arriving at Uni in the taxi and attempting to age to young adult from teen. Children, toddlers and babies will be ignored. Faster university graduation by mrzmary at Mod (You can use it without the bulletin board) This is an excellent method to keep your Sims student housing clean and tidy. WebFaster University Education mod Complete each semester in either 24, 36 or 48 hours. Stops sims living in dorms from wanting to buy a car Then the last one is a special scholarship. Expansion to work with: Discover University (It doesnt affect homework faster homework mod was created by Scarlett and is currently updated by LittleMissSam) Conflicts: Yes, we pay for University. When your sims start to ride a bike in the game they are going to have a random helmet assigned to them and a lot of the time these are just not matching your sims personality. November 2019 in Gameplay Mods. Mod The Sims Mods / Traits: Shorter University Degrees by peridew. Instead of 12, maybe 10, 8 or 6. So I made this mod to reduce credit hours to make the process of study less annoying. With the help of this, your Sim can turn into a professional criminologist. Landscape Escapes Loading Screens by xSwitchback at Mod The Sims, No Venue Requirements by MizoreYukii at Mod The Sims . 1.) How do you use Sims 4mods?Extract the two files within the . For example, your sim has already graduated with 4 credit hours and applies for a second degree. Relations. Sims 4 Updates - The Sims4 custom content downloads! With this rejection letter possible mod your sims are able to be told no depending on a number of factors in the game. Pets at University This mod allows young adults and university residents to: Pregnacy & Adoption The Sims is a global game. TIL that kissing your cat counts toward the "kiss 10 sims" requirement of the Serial Romantic aspiration. No Finals Warning Suppresses the finals in 5 hours warning. Install. This Sims 4 university mod allows your sims university application to be rejected. This is a rabbit-hole task, which takes 5 HOURS to complete! College campuses are usually very big and large. Pets 1.) Sentrybots shock coaches We all know that the best use for the sentrybot is at college, where it effectively removes the annoying cow mascot in an amusing way. Completely compatible. With the help of this mod, your Sims will get a bicycle, making it easier for them to travel around. Named after Sheldon Cooper from the popular sitcom Big Bang Theory, The Sheldon L Cooper Project brings in brand new scholarships for your teenage sims to earn. Expansion to work with: Discover University (It doesnt affect homework faster homework mod was created by Scarlett and is currently updated by LittleMissSam) Conflicts: Sims 4 School Mods Just like my Uni mod for no tense homework (and faster), I bring you my no tense homework for children and teens! This mod will help to enhance your college experience. Uni- Aging Playable sims age and grow up while living on campus (all except young adults). Also if you find any broken mods, please let me know in the comments and Ill update this post. It really depends on how many levels of these skills your sims have. This is a little outdated because you can use a few other bigger global tools but could be handy if you dont want them. Mods This mod will disable all the housing restrictions to have all the freedom you need. NOW! College Diploma Replacement with automatic Campus Name and Custom Major detection Have your diploma have your own custom University name in the title! Want to live on the wild side? Well, this Sims 4 university mod will speed up the process. Will streak in what they are currently wearing. Maternity outfit fixed for young adults With this fix, pregnant young adults will properly wear maternity outfits. The best way for your sims to pay for university without having to struggle is to get themselves scholarships but the scholarships in the vanilla game are so low. Cookie4sims Posts: 149 Member. Faster university homework mod However, if you graduate from home, be sure to set the honors and major othewise youll have no honors in philosophy by default. Now, both electives and main classes are more expensive, which is more realistic. This Sims 4 university mod allows you to choose your roommate. by Taylor O'Halloran | Feb 18, 2022 | Mods, Mods and CC | 2 comments. Expansion to work with: Discover University (It doesnt affect homework faster homework mod was created by Scarlett and is currently updated by LittleMissSam) Conflicts: Expansion to work with: Discover University (It doesnt affect homework faster homework mod was created by Scarlett and is currently updated by LittleMissSam) Conflicts: Have you ever been living in university housing and just hated one of your roommates or wanted one of your sims besties to join you in living there? College life can get messy and chaotic. They range from 5,000 to 15,000 simoleons which is a huge chunk of your university tuition. 3 Versions, choose only 1. Images. 2. Paste your link and hit Submit. Hey, Boo! bhdo72413 1 yr. ago Alien Orphan Scholarship Doesnt consider the Polly Tech to be a parent so if their other parent dies, it lets Aliens be considered orphans. So Id just recommend using it as a guide. Faster What do we want? Getting into colleges is not a piece of cake. Family Members) at Restaurants. YA-move-out-of-college-Sims have more choices for when and how they move out of college. Faster WebDON'T PLAY UNIVERSITY WITH OUT THIS MODS! Theyll also be certain requirements like going to a specific university or getting honors. There are 3 new bike styles, all of which can be found in buy mode. This term is a field of study that excels in learning criminals and their world. Expansion to work with: Discover University (It doesnt affect homework faster homework mod was created by Scarlett and is currently updated by LittleMissSam) Conflicts: Description. She has a passion for writing and her love for creativity reflects in her writing style. When you are in university, you are old enough to work and get jobs to pay for your own financial needs. Annoyed that your sims have to wait until theyre a YA before theyre able to attend university? Custom Content. From mods that make it easier to get good grades to mods that add new objects and interactions to campus, weve got you covered. Faster university graduation by mrzmary at Mod While a student at any of the two Universities, your Sim has the option at any time to tutor their own class in any skill that they have discovered, by clicking on a University building and selecting ' Tutor '. Sims 4 Faster Uni-teens-stay-teens Prevents the game from turning teens into young adults on university lots, other than dorms. ModsHost is a dedicated modshosting. Majors Made Easier This is new game object that allows you to select custom majors. Faster Term Paper & Presentation (University One of the aspirations is a sporty scholar aspiration where your sims are going to try and be a soccer star while also getting their degree. 1.) This mod will allow students to use technology and create robots. With the help of this mod, colleges will not easily accept your applications. 5.) by danburite2 at Mod The Sims, Purchase Overhaul: Wellness Items v. 1.0 by andiberlin at Mod The Sims 4, Pets Auto Fill Hygiene Needs by yakfarm at Mod The Sims, Autonomous Beekeeping Club Interaction by siriussimmer at Mod The Sims 4. The first factor is your sims traits where sims who have traits like lazy, clumsy or goofball are less likely to get in but sims who are a genius, perfectionist or bookworm will get in easier. Our goal is to provide you with the best Sims 4 content possible, so you can enjoy the game to the fullest. Family Members) at Restaurants *** Added Upgradios to Terrains which will Upgrade all Objects on the Lot. Graduate faster college cc No Alumni Walkbys Prevents University NPCs (professors, cheerleaders, etc.) Community Lots You can check them out here! In this case, you should replace the existing mod file reducing credit hours to 4 with the mod file reducing credit hours to 8 (4+4). Playing the game with aspirations can be really fun but for whatever reason we havent been getting enough aspirations added with new packs. You can now do this in Sims 4 with the help of this teens go to college mod. We cover everything about gaming and aids gamers around the world. Shorter University Degrees by peridew at Mod The Sims. The appropriate number of hours will be added to the sims final timer. Theyre just so noisy. Yes, we pay for University. Additionally, theyll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable. 2.) University students will complete their homework in about 10, 25, or 50 minutes depending on which one you choose. This is a great way to make the game more challenging and realistic. Cookie4sims Posts: 149 Member. Genius Teens Can Apply & Enroll To University Anytime: Creator ilkavelle. This includes extra credit, mentoring, and makeup work as well! Why does every sim in Discover University get an acceptance letter? Write Term Papers Faster This mod makes writing term papers faster half the normal time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Getting jobs is not easy in the real world. Files. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9f7eedd8-4b83-4297-9cd6-64ffeab46fbc"]); }). 5.) Conflicts This mod will conflict with any mod that edits the same resource: Name / Instance sims.university.degree_tracker.DegreeTracker.SimData B0141CC0FEA163AA. No Finals at Night If a final was scheduled to start between the hours of 9:00pm to 7:00am it will be rescheduled to begin at 8:00am. Fixes Many of us sims players are just desperately looking for ways to make The Sims 4 more difficult and have our sims struggle financially. This is not a university specific mod but here you can find Scarlet's mod that improves all homeworks. 3.) Sims 4 Mods 11.) This new bicycles mod is great because it adds some new shapes of bikes for your sims to own that come in different adorable colours. Images. Faster University Download Harder Acceptance Here 9. (Update of Portuguese by Jukia)Where are you? 4 credit hours (so degree can be get in one week), 6 credit hours, 8 credit hours. Faster Therefore, to avoid that, this mod will allow you to pick your roommate to be happy with who you stay with. University Mods Sims 4 School Mods Partner site with Sims 4 Hairs and CC Caboodle, Mod The Sims: All Inclusive Luxury Cruiser Storage Box by Teknikah, Mod The Sims: Swim Around in Pools by Teknikah . Sentry Bots Shock Coaches Self explanatory lol Handy mod for university coaches Files. There are options to get rid of a roommate that you dislike or choose a roommate who you love to come move in with you! Colleges have a lot more than just boring classes and studies. I was really surprised when I get an the Discover University and my sim, who was also a member of the football team, had to spend at least 3 weeks having 4 classes a week and play football several times a week and that was quite uncomfortable to play. The Sims 4 Modding & Custom Content February 24th- It's time for our Friday Highlights! Faster University Graduation for Sims 4 Description I was really surprised when I get an the Discover University and my sim, who was also a member of the football team, had to spend at least 3 weeks having 4 classes a week and play football several times a week and that was quite uncomfortable to play. Yes, we pay for University. Download Harder Acceptance Here 9. WebRelations. + frankk You can also call people to watch you play sports. More points for woohoo with professors This mod gives the student 500 points instead of 100, so that guy/gal will have at least enough points to pass the exam without classes or homework. Are you annoyed that when your Sim moves into a dorm theyre just paired with a random Sim? (Added Italian by xISYx)No Outfit Changing | Custom LotTrait & Traits In celebration of the relaunch of MTS2 as MYL2, here is a hacked painting that will give all your sims the chance to live their dreams! Faster University There Can Be Only One (Professor) Game will generate one rather than two professors for each major. Fiances + Lot51, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Download. WebSims with the Rebellious trait will complete slightly slower. Copyright 2023 | The Sims Guide | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy, The Sims 4 Better BuildBuy Organized Debug TwistedMexi, sims 4willa a gshade preset for nighttime, Functional Chipotle Custom Stall Insimnia sims 4, 1.91-1.94 Nisas Wicked Perversions 2.2.6i 25.01.2023. So make your Sim is keeping on top of their grades when using this mod. Maxis Match Majors University Majors to Match all Maxis-Made Careers There are a total of 25 Maxis-Made careers created a University major for each one of them, each with the same title and icon as the career, so picking the right one is easy. And when and if they move out, they can take other sims and pets with them and manage funds with maximum precision. This Sims 4 university mod adds chores for students. But they can catch up on their assignments if they wish. TIL that kissing your cat counts toward the "kiss 10 sims" requirement of the Serial Romantic aspiration. Dormie Gender Controller Allows you to control whether male or female dormies move into your dorm. If the Greek household only has kids (unlikely, but still), your sim will not be able to join it. Your email address will not be published. There were a few bugs in the sports spectrum of the university. With the help of this, your college life will feel a lot more fun and eventful. Since Sims 4 tries to make the features as realistic as possible, the acceptance criteria of courses will also be difficult. This mod gives your Sims new cafeteria options to pick from. 7.) WebDON'T PLAY UNIVERSITY WITH OUT THIS MODS! Even with Discover University in your game there are no required degrees for these more complicated careers which just doesnt make sense to me. They will have a minimum of 3000m to use their bike. Mods The Sims 4 Faster Homework March 25, 2022 The Sims 4 Faster Homework By Scarlet University students will complete their homework in about 10, 25, or 50 minutes depending on which one you choose. Faster university graduation by mrzmary at Mod + LeRoiDeTout Only high level Spellcaster can use this Spell and the Charge Gain is very high when using this Spell. Sometimes teenagers dont want to attend high school and wish to skip directly to college. + Nisa K. Additionally, theyll be able to complete their homework even while Tense or Uncomfortable.