The brain waves associated with REM sleep, outlined in the red box in (a), look very similar to those seen (b) during wakefulness. Despite recent changes in laws designed to make obtaining pseudoephedrine more difficult, methamphetamine continues to be an easily accessible and relatively inexpensive drug option (Shukla, Crump, & Chrisco, 2012). The freebase version of cocaine, known as crack, is a potent, smokable version of the drug. These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, and insomnia (i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a month's time) (Roth, 2007). Our lives involve regular, dramatic changes in the degree to which we are aware of our surroundings and our internal states. Participants were told they would not feel pain, but they could press a button if they did; while they reported not feeling pain, they did, in fact, press the button, suggesting a dissociation of consciousness while in the hypnotic state (Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994). Because GABA has a quieting effect on the brain, GABA agonists also have a quieting effect; these types of drugs are often prescribed to treat both anxiety and insomnia.
Identifying Internal States of the Brain | Technology Networks Users can experience physical symptoms that include nausea, elevated blood pressure, and increased heart rate. While this is an intuitive explanation of sleep, there is little research that supports this explanation. Marijuana may also have some promise in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions (Mather, Rauwendaal, Moxham-Hall, & Wodak, 2013; Robson, 2014; Schicho & Storr, 2014). Access for free at AK-complexis a very high amplitude pattern of brain activity that may in some cases occur in response to environmental stimuli. Furthermore, these types of behaviors ultimately disrupt sleep, although affected individuals have no memories that these behaviors have occurred (Arnulf, 2012). typically follow the example of their parents more than their friends. Dreams and their associated meanings vary across different cultures and periods of time. Although there are a number of different techniques in use, the central feature of all meditation is clearing the mind in order to achieve a state of relaxed awareness and focus (Chen et al., 2013; Lang et al., 2012). In addition, these individuals may wake up several times during the night only to find that they have difficulty getting back to sleep. Aches and pains, such as severe headache and muscle and joint pain. Sleep deprivation, in general, is associated with a number of negative consequences (Brown, 2012). Brainwave activity changes dramatically across the different stages of sleep. Therefore, it is quite likely that new medications that are developed to treat narcolepsy will be designed to target the hypocretin system. These behaviors vary widely, but they can include kicking, punching, scratching, yelling, and behaving like an animal that has been frightened or attacked. Instead, sleep is composed of several different stages that can be differentiated from one another by the patterns of brain wave activity that occur during each stage.
Quiz 1.docx - PSY-352 Health Psychology Quiz 1 Complete the following Early attempts to treat her condition with a stimulant drug alone were unsuccessful. Other depressants include barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Research indicates that included among these possible benefits are increased capacities for creative thinking (Cai, Mednick, Harrison, Kanady, & Mednick, 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born, 2004), language learning (Fenn, Nusbaum, & Margoliash, 2003; Gmez, Bootzin, & Nadel, 2006), and inferential judgments (Ellenbogen, Hu, Payne, Titone, & Walker, 2007). When he told me, I made him go see the college therapist. It is typically consumed in pill form. Insudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)an infant stops breathing during sleep and dies. This section will consider these questions and explore various explanations for why we sleep. Humans have an endogenous opioid neurotransmitter systemthe body makes small quantities of opioid compounds that bind to opioid receptors reducing pain and producing euphoria. While hypnosis may be useful in enhancing memory or a skill, such enhancements are very modest in nature (Raz, 2011). 1. This hypnogram illustrates how an individual moves through the various stages of sleep. Stimulantsare drugs that tend to increase overall levels of neural activity. While disruptions in circadian rhythms can have negative consequences, there are things we can do to help us realign our biological clocks with the external environment. This will be followed by brief descriptions of the effects of some of the more well-known drugs commonly used today. They named each of the three states: "Close," when a male is closer than average to a female and approaching her slowly; "Chasing," when he is approaching quickly; and "Whatever," when he is facing away from her and moving slowly. Describe the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders, Identify the neurotransmitter systems impacted by various categories of drugs, Describe how different categories of drugs affect behavior and experience, Understand the similarities and differences of hypnosis and meditation. Aside from their utility as analgesic drugs, opioid-like compounds are often found in cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and anti-diarrhea medications. We might even describe consciousness as a continuum that ranges from full awareness to a deep sleep. Toleranceis linked to physiological dependence, and it occurs when a person requires more and more drug to achieve effects previously experienced at lower doses. The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. In such instances, the individuals schedule changes so frequently that it becomes difficult for a normal circadian rhythm to be maintained. However, the success rate of such treatments is questionable. Perhaps our ancestors spent extended periods of time asleep to reduce attention to themselves from potential predators. When we do this, we often experience jet lag. Many college students struggle getting the recommended 79 hours of sleep each night. Ahallucinogenis one of a class of drugs that results in profound alterations in sensory and perceptual experiences (Figure 4.18). Recent adaptations (e.g., Hobson, 2002) continue to update the theory based on accumulating evidence. Stage 2 sleep is characterized by the appearance of both sleep spindles and K-complexes. These will soon, in all ordinary cases, subdue the most distressing symptoms, and effect a perfect cure in a day or two. Surprisingly, sleep apnea may exacerbate cardiovascular disease (Snchez-de-la-Torre, Campos-Rodriguez, & Barb, 2012). Among a variety of neurobiological evidence, John Hobson cites research on lucid dreams as an opportunity to better understand dreaming in general. As scary as it sounds, many sleep researchers believe that homicidal sleepwalking is possible in individuals suffering from the types of sleep disorders described below (Broughton et al., 1994; Cartwright, 2004; Mahowald, Schenck, & Cramer Bornemann, 2005; Pressman, 2007). The heart rate slows . All of the following are true statements concerning the health of Americans EXCEPT: a. mortality rates from smoking have declined. Ethanol, which we commonly refer to as alcohol, is in a class of psychoactive drugs known as depressants (Figure 4.15). Another evolutionary hypothesis of sleep holds that our sleep patterns evolved as an adaptive response to predatory risks, which increase in darkness. Comparative research indicates, however, that the relationship that exists between predatory risk and sleep is very complex and equivocal. c. Parasomnias can occur in either REM or NREM phases of sleep. People vary in terms of their ability to be hypnotized, but a review of available research suggests that most people are at least moderately hypnotizable (Kihlstrom, 2013). As the dose increases, people report feeling sedated. The brains clock mechanism is located in an area of the hypothalamus known as thesuprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biological rhythmsare internal rhythms of biological activity. Drug use disorders are addictive disorders, and the criteria for specific substance (drug) use disorders are described in DSM-5. Recent research (Horikawa, Tamaki, Miyawaki, & Kamitani, 2013) has uncovered new techniques by which researchers may effectively detect and classify the visual images that occur during dreaming by using fMRI for neural measurement of brain activity patterns, opening the way for additional research in this area. Consider a patient who believed that as a result of his sleep apnea he had three car accidents in six weeks. (b) Heroin is cooked on a spoon over a candle. Hypnosisis a state of extreme self-focus and attention in which minimal attention is given to external stimuli. Some people might turn to over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed sleep medications to help them sleep, but this should be done sparingly because many sleep medications result in dependence and alter the nature of the sleep cycle, and they can increase insomnia over time. Freud made distinctions between the manifest content and the latent content of dreams. The term was first coined by a physiologist named Walter Cannon in 1926. Nicotine is highly addictive, and the use of tobacco products is associated with increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and a variety of cancers. describes our awareness of internal and external stimuli. The following describe internal states of symptoms EXCEPT? Upon a search of the premises, police found blood-stained clothes and a bloody knife in the trunk of Falaters car, and he had blood stains on his neck. Individuals with insomnia often experience long delays between the times that they go to bed and actually fall asleep. Sleep apneais defined by episodes during which a sleepers breathing stops. As we move intostage 2 sleep, the body goes into a state of deep relaxation. In addition, if a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, her infant may be born with a cluster of birth defects and symptoms collectively called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Increased alertness, mild euphoria, decreased appetite in low doses. These effects can occur as a function of accumulated sleep debt or in response to more acute periods of sleep deprivation. If you get peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis symptoms also may include: Cloudy dialysis fluid. By the end of this section, you will be able to: Consciousnessdescribes our awareness of internal and external stimuli. Train your body to associate the bed with sleeping rather than other activities like studying, eating, or watching television shows. This figure illustrates some of the negative consequences of sleep deprivation. Like hypnosis, meditation also shows promise in stress management, sleep quality (Caldwell, Harrison, Adams, Quin, & Greeson, 2010), treatment of mood and anxiety disorders (Chen et al., 2013; Freeman et al., 2010; Vllestad, Nielsen, & Nielsen, 2012), and pain management (Reiner, Tibi, & Lipsitz, 2013). Psychometric analysis indicates that the ISS is composed of four principle components, producing four subscales. As you have learned, drugs can act as agonists or antagonists of a given neurotransmitter system. This created a black market for the drug, where prices soared to $80 or more for a single pill. For example, repeated use can lead to overall depletion among the monoamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). Some sleep-deprived individuals have difficulty staying awake when they stop moving (for example sitting and watching television or driving a car). Some can cause heightened sensitivity to physical stimuli. It is quite possible that sleep serves no single universally adaptive function, and different species have evolved different patterns of sleep in response to their unique evolutionary pressures.
c++ - What is internal state? - Stack Overflow Elements that are known to make PTSD more likely are the following: Perceived life threat Personal injury Interpersonal violence, particularly perpetrated by a caregiver Past and present vulnerability, including genetics, childhood trauma, insufficient emotional support, concurrent causes of stress Example: Childhood abuse and rape To date, people have used a variety ofnicotinereplacement therapies in addition to various psychotherapeutic options in an attempt to discontinue their use of tobacco products. Freud was not the only theorist to focus on the content of dreams. For example, she and her colleagues published a study in which women going through divorce were asked several times over a five-month period to report the degree to which their former spouses were on their minds. The pineal and pituitary glands secrete a number of hormones during sleep. c. deaths due to accidents have increased. Disorganized Thinking.
Test 3 (Chapter 8) Flashcards | Quizlet (credit sleeping: modification of work by Ryan Vaarsi).
Peritonitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic It is also common for these types of drugs to cause hallucinations of body sensations (e.g., feeling as if you are a giant) and a skewed perception of the passage of time. This section will present information relating to the use of various psychoactive drugs and problems associated with such use. Methadone clinicshelp people who previously struggled with opioid addiction manage withdrawal symptoms through the use of methadone. The hypnogram below (Figure 4.12) shows a persons passage through the stages of sleep.