In the Russian dub, Michelangelo's nickname, Mikey, is pronounced "ickey". Baby Blue Although the two are very different, they bond over shared interests outside of ninjutsu and are often seen spending time together. Typically, Leonardo wields a pair of katana; one Dait (), a catchall word for the larger sword in a daish pair (the word itself refers to the length of the blade, which was usually 70-90 cm) and one Sht () or Kodachi (), a catchall word for the shorter sword in a daish pair. He is always openly playful, affectionate and has an honest heart and would accept outsiders like Leatherhead. Raphael's got the most attitude on the team.His introductory line in the theme song. Raphs rebellious behavior gets in the way of thinking before going into the situation. c. 1997 (mutation year) He's the most driven of the four Turtles, training and studying relentlessly. He knows, at least basics, of Japanese etiquette (i.e. He tries appear strong but it can also backfire as he makes rather clich or ridiculous statements while trying to intimidate his enemies, such as introducing the team as the 'Mighty Mutants' or 'Turtles of Justice', while trying to appear heroic, or telling a scientist experimenting on a monkey that they'd had enough of him 'monkeying around'. Let's Make a Height Chart | SpaceBattles When he and his brothers are trying to save Timothy, Michelangelo uses a chain and holds and fights with it in a style similar to his Nunchucks. 5'1" Don't Let Me Down - Hopelessly_Hopeful_XHeart_XFingers - Teenage Mutant He is best recognized for his role as Mickey Milkovich on the famous Showtime series Shameless. The Kraang found him and attempted to kill him, but Yoshi fought back hard. For the most part, he tries to be the mature and responsible older brother, but there are occasional times where he can be a very typical older brother, such as mocking Raph for reading The fantastic four food groups, beating up Mikey after using his comic book as toilet paper, or arguing with Donnie over Donnies robo invention to take down the Kraang invasion. Turflytle It's the gap between his aspiration and current situation that is the greatest source of frustration in Leo's life. Donatello or Donnie is one of the main protagonists of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 television series. Mikey may have a tendency to make a lot of mistakes, but all of his brothers care very deeply for him. He belongs to a diverse family consisting of three other mutant turtles who are his biological brothers: Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Space suit His Sai are given to Donatello. Family members When Donatello and his brothers are trying to save Timothy, he uses a broomstick, holding and fighting with it in a style similar style to his regular b staff. Biographical information He doesnt tolerate offensive teasing from anyone. He is the shortest turtle of the group (~5 feet tall) as well as the youngest of his brothers. theborbes. Concept Art of Leonardo's Katana, "Niten Ryu". He is wise, mature, and highly trained in the art of Ninjutsu. Are you the cool-headed leader Leonardo? Student(s) Mikey is commonly viewed to be closest to Donnie as they interact or are paired together the most. His caller ID on April's phone is "ichiban turtle", which means "number one turtle". Mikey is shorter than his brothers and is considerably shorter than Donatello. Just like his other incarnations, Raphael's weapon of choice is his sai. His catch-phrase was changed from "Cowabunga!" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Despite Donnies smarts, he can be high-strung. 27 Piece Lion King Rafiki Giant Growth Chart Set by Room Mates $26.99 ( 82) Sale Jennalea Monthly Calendar Chalkboard Wall Decal by Ebern Designs $30.99 ( 29) +28 Colors Giant Ruler Growth Chart Wall Decal by The Decal Guru From $42.99 ( 5) Free shipping Sale +1 Color Numbers Growth Chart Decal by Zoomie Kids From $92.99 Free shipping Sale Leos voice sounded exactly like his age. note 2012 | Maturity Rating: 7+ | TV Cartoons. Later that episode Leo sees Mikey get swallowed by the MegaShredder and assumes him to be dead. Male Donatello wields his famous staff and is probably the most centred, sensible member of the group. Leos voice actor got temporarily recasted by Dominic Catrambone for the final 7 episodes of Season 2 (nonetheless, his voice still sounds very similar), and finally replaced by Seth Green from Seasons 3 to 5. MikeyThe Big MDr. Donatello is named for the famous Renaissance master. Turtle (by Chloe)Sensei Leo (by Casey)Hero Boy (by Raphael), "Leonardo's the leader in blue, does anything it takes to get his ninjas through!" Because of his persevering dedication towards ninjutsu, and his level-headed discipline, and partly because he asked for it, Splinter wisely chose Leo to be the leader of the Turtles. He is the third-oldest/second-youngest of his brothers; He is younger than Leonardo and Raphael, yet older than Michelangelo. When something goes wrong, especially with his gadgets and technology, he will snap. Although the . S1, Ep3 6 Oct. 2012 Turtle Temper 7.8 (256) Rate The turtles are caught on a mobile phone's camera and must retrieve it. The Turtles get into another battle with their enemy the Shredder, who has acquired new allies: the mutant thugs Bebop and Rocksteady and the alien being Krang. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! During the scuffle, the aliens dropped a container of mutagen, Yoshi, having to have stepped on that rat, thus mutated into a humanoid brown rat by the name of "Splinter", While Donnie and his brothers, after having been in contact with Yoshi and the clerk of the pet store where they were bought, mutated into humanoid turtles. The Group's Inventor and Weaponeer "Hey. His height ranges between Raph and Donnie's. Leo loves his favorite TV show called Space Heroes. After last fight against the Kraang in the sewers in Splinter overheard the Kraang talking about how it became impossible for them to track Splinter and the Turtles there, Splinter decided to remain there. Yoshi raised the turtles as his own children and to train them in Ninjutsu. When hes not playing games, hes travelling the world in his self-converted camper van. Are they actually the size of small dogs and April ONeil is just really far away all of the time? When their soon-to-be father walked passed a strange man, he felt something odd about him and followed. If you are get ready to be placed into the greatest crime-fighting cartoon of the 2010's! He was also the pet owner of Spike, until he mutated into Slash . Personality: Caring, gullible, childlike, sensitive, self-pitying. Voiced by Weapon: Sai Favourite Colour: Red Hobbies: Hockey, baseball, golf, fighting Nicknames: Raph Favourite Food: Cereal Raphael is the most hotheaded turtle of all. Both physically, and as people turtles you get the idea. He would wear unique creative costumes like Savage Mikey for instance. In the Season 4 finale and the Season 3 episode "Vision Quest", he was shown to fight with a bow and arrows. Gender Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Leo screams out for him, his hands beginning to tremble. Donatello appears for the first time without his mask in ". It is usually straight-bladed, has a square guard, and is shorter than katana. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. I've got 3 rowdy brothers who always give me a hard . Fears: Ending up to be like his father, his anger causing him to do something that can't be erased. He attempts to do impressions of Captain Ryan. In the 2012 series, Donatello is still the brains of the team, but the results of that role as a teenager are played up considerably. Afterwards, when Splinter finds out, he confiscate all their weapons, stating that anything can be useful for true fighters. 1 Informational Heretical Edge, Worm, Little Witch Academia. As Super . During all of these trials, Splinter and the Turtles bonded and after he noticed the baby turtles trying to copy his Ninjitsu training, Splinter decided that there was an opportunity to turn this new life he was thrust into to his advantage, Taking one of his favorite books about the Renaissance art named them after the Artists he admired the most. I know its not a turtle, but you dont tend to get many of those in Yorkshire, UK. Mikey is prone to being silly rather than focusing on his training. He is " The Brains" of the team. He would make jokes about dejected and morose people who are miserable. Take a look at our best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys and our best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games! However, the word was originally coined by comedian. Student(s) When they were infants, the benevolent Hamato Yoshi purchased the four as pets. Mondo Gecko) uses 'cowabunga' as his own catchphrase, and Michelangelo says it's "too old school" but later asks if he can use it from time to time. Hypocritically, he mocks and taunts his family, allies, and his enemies, often coming up with rude remarks. Mikey shouts "Cowabunga!" Leonardo is the most stern, serious, focused, disciplined, responsible and among his brothers, being able to take on much larger opponents quicker and more easily in addition to coping with hectic stress. Eventually giving Donatello his signature B staff "for a thoughtful soul and a peaceful heart.". However, he is shown to like Hip-Hop music better than Polka music. Sometimes when he actually think things through and tells brothers that they need a plan, it can surprise his brothers. Sometimes, he shows his soft side to his family and friends. Raph has a bolt-shaped gap at the upper, left side of his . He is incredibly skilled, having "a way with machines". He usually says this when accomplishing something or attacking an enemy. Leonardo is named for the famous Renaissance master. Mikey is a light green Mutant ninja turtle. Space suit Leonardo is the adoptive son of Master Splinter and adoptive brother of Karai. During all of these trials, Splinter and the Turtles bonded and after he noticed the baby turtles trying to copy his Ninjitsu training, Splinter decided that there was an opportunity to turn this new life he was thrust into to his advantage, Taking one of his favorite books about the Renaissance art named them after the Artists he admired the most. During a fight, the turtles become uncooperative with their new weapons and swap back. Karai | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 Series Wiki | Fandom However, he can be very willful, stubborn, incredibly rude, and aggressive. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) / YMMV - TV Tropes Follow YMMV / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Awesome Characters FanficRecs FanWorks Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming Laconic NightmareFuel Radar Recap ShoutOut TearJerker Trivia WesternAnimati WMG YMMV MythologyGag VideoExamples Create New open/close all folders A-C D-H I-R S-W He is also the only turtle to not have an. Later in the episode, Raphael is tending to Spike and says, "Look Spike, Donatello got another stick to break." However, his ninja skills gain a boost as well. He is brave, daring, free spirited, and while Michelangelo is the comedian of the turtle quartet, Raphael is the most sardonic and sarcastic. Raphael is very protective of Michelangelo, shown almost constantly throughout the series. Species He is also the younger adoptive brother of Karai. How tall is master splinter? : r/TMNT - reddit Hamato Yoshi I think we all feel a little like Mikey every now and again. According to the Concept Art of Leonardo's Katana, "Niten Ryu", one sword is longer than the other, and a. Leonardo seems to be the most educated (out of the four brothers) about Japanese culture and etiquette: He understands Japanese when spoken to and is able to speak in this language to some extent. Donatello from the Ninja Turtles is 5 foot 3 inches tall. Donatello (2012 TV series) | TMNTPedia | Fandom He hates being rushed by his brothers, especially Leo or Raph in certain situations. These are the questions we all need to be asking ourselves on a regular basis. When he wins games and duels against his brothers, he will rub it in his brothers faces, much to their dismay. He is the adoptive son of Master Splinter ( Hamato Yoshi) and the adoptive brother of Karai ( Hamato Miwa ), as well as the biological brother of Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Overall hes very helpful. tmnt 2012 height chart - Fifteen years before Rise of the Turtles, Part 1, Michelangelo and his brothers were once ordinary turtles; when they were infants the benevolent Hamato Yoshi purchased the four as pets. He once again retains this costume during Season 3's "Tale of the Yokai". Despite this, he later upgraded his staff by equipping it with a rocket launcher, though it malfunctions and backfires. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge Steam Charts Despite this, Mikeys antics are occasionally able to aggravate even the most calm of his brothers. He is also very social and wants the outside world (humans) to accept him and his brothers. Raphael is the second oldest of his brothers; Througth never explicity stated, it is implied that Raphael is a fan of art, as he gave, Raphael has a bolt-shaped chip missing at the upper left side of his. He has been shown to force himself to face his own fears in order to save his younger brother whenever hes in trouble, as in "Cockroach Terminator". for the first time in ", His favorite comic is about two characters called Wingnut and Screwloose which are based on Batman and Robin respectively, Michelangelo seems to develop his own unique fighting style, which he calls ", According to Greg Cipes, Booyakasha means, "Blessing and love to the very moment.". Teachers and Students He also calls them out for hurting each others' feelings or other people's feelings (e.g. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! TMNT NEXT GEN: Height Chart by Suzukiwee1357 on DeviantArt The two shows marked the first-ever Nicktoons based on preexisting cartoon franchises. In addition, he has a high EQ (emotional intelligence quotient). Just like his previous incarnations, however, he wears an orange mask, though like his 1987 incarnation, the tails of his mask are shorter. His signature weapons of choice here are purely dual twin katana () swords, which he uses and fights in the Niten Ryu (also known as Niten Ichi-ryu "The strategy of two heavens as one") style of kenjutsu, making him a skilled and excellent swordsman (although referred to as katanas, Leonardo's swords are actually much more closely modeled around the "Ninjat" ( ninjat), (also known as ninjaken () or shinobigatana ()), a fictional sword similar to the katana, depicted as being a ninja's version of the weapon. 4'10" TMNT Height Chart by Ithiliam on DeviantArt (Donatello then tells the Sensei that he wishes to upgrade it with modern technology, to make it more effective, and the rest of the episode follows his endeavors, and eventually, he does fight alien technology - and win - by using the so-called "stupid stick".) The sizes below are in reference to the TMNT film Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. During Season 2, when the Turtles try to relax by playing a live action fantasy role-playing game, he reluctantly joined in on the fun. In "The Wrath of Tiger Claw", he even hugs Mikey, considering he is the youngest, and therefore his little brother. When Splinter finds out, he takes away all weapons, stating that anything can be useful in battle. Let's Make a Height Chart | Page 4 | SpaceBattles In "Target: April O'Neil", he briefly used a Kraang blaster that he picked up, and a plasma sword he stole from Chrome Dome, both of which he dropped after he almost hits his own brothers. During all of these trials, Splinter and the Turtles bonded and after he noticed the baby turtles trying to copy his Ninjitsu training, Splinter decided that there was an opportunity to turn this new life he was thrust into to his advantage, Taking one of his favorite books about the Renaissance art named them after the Artists he admired the most. Hamato Yoshi (2012 TV series) | TMNTPedia | Fandom