Group XIII Function: Extension of hip and flexion of knee. Occupational and social impairment with reduced reliability and productivity due to such symptoms as: flattened affect; circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotyped speech; panic attacks more than once a week; difficulty in understanding complex commands; impairment of short- and long-term memory (e.g., retention of only highly learned material, forgetting to complete tasks); impaired judgment; impaired abstract thinking; disturbances of motivation and mood; difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships. Criterion March 10, 1976; criterion February 3, 1988.
eCFR Evaluation March 1, 1989; evaluation August 30, 1996. Toes, other than great, with removal of metatarsal head. Ratings of the genitourinary system - dysfunctions. For even routine and familiar decisions, occasionally unable to identify, understand, and weigh the alternatives, understand the consequences of choices, and make a reasonable decision. cm.) Retinal dystrophy (including retinitis pigmentosa, wet or dry macular degeneration, early-onset macular degeneration, rod and/or cone dystrophy). Objective evidence on testing of mild impairment of memory, attention, concentration, or executive functions resulting in mild functional impairment. 4.129 Mental disorders due to traumatic stress. Rate as renal dysfunction or urinary tract infection, whichever is predominant. Major or mild vascular neurocognitive disorder. 7018 Implantable cardiac pacemakers. Each ear will be evaluated separately. Baseline weight means the average weight for the two-year-period preceding onset of the disease. For example, the combined evaluations for disabilities below the knee shall not exceed the 40 percent evaluation, diagnostic code 5165. These ratings were based on Range of Motion for each joint. Self-induced weight loss to less than 85 percent of expected minimum weight with incapacitating episodes of more than two but less than six weeks total duration per year. With amputations, sequelae of fractures and other residuals of traumatism shown to be of static character, a showing of continuous unemployability from date of incurrence, or the date the condition reached the stabilized level, is a general requirement in order to establish the fact that present unemployability is the result of the disability. 6520 Larynx, stenosis of, including residuals of laryngeal trauma (unilateral or bilateral). Social interaction is frequently inappropriate. 5319 Group XIX Function: Abdominal wall and lower thorax. 5165 At a lower level, permitting prosthesis. 6200 Chronic suppurative otitis media, mastoiditis, or cholesteatoma (or any combination): 6201 Chronic nonsuppurative otitis media with effusion (serous otitis media): 6205 Meniere's syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops): Hearing impairment with attacks of vertigo and cerebellar gait occurring more than once weekly, with or without tinnitus, Hearing impairment with attacks of vertigo and cerebellar gait occurring from one to four times a month, with or without tinnitus, Hearing impairment with vertigo less than once a month, with or without tinnitus, Deformity of one, with loss of one-third or more of the substance, 6208 Malignant neoplasm of the ear (other than skin only). I also have 20% disability for instability of the knee (medical discharge) due to anterolateral rotary instability (in effect for 23 yrs). Any change in evaluation based upon that or any subsequent examination will be subject to the provisions of. [29 FR 6718, May 22, 1964, as amended at 43 FR 45349, Oct. 2, 1978; 67 FR 48785, July 26, 2002]. 9412 Panic disorder and/or agoraphobia. is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR The percentage evaluation is located at the point where the row and column intersect. Or rate according to pulmonary impairment as for chronic bronchitis (DC 6600). between the thumb pad and the fingers, with the thumb attempting to oppose the fingers, With a gap of one to two inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm.) When the involvement is wholly sensory, the rating should be for the mild, or at most, the moderate degree. will also bring you to search results. Accurate measurement of the length of stumps, excursion of joints, dimensions and location of scars with respect to landmarks, should be insisted on. Criterion October 23, 2008; title August 13, 2018. 6200 Chronic suppurative otitis media. This adjusted level of corrected visual acuity, however, must not exceed a level of 5/200. Evaluate subjective symptoms that are residuals of TBI, whether or not they are part of cognitive impairment, under the subjective symptoms facet in the table titled Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment and Other Residuals of TBI Not Otherwise Classified. However, separately evaluate any residual with a distinct diagnosis that may be evaluated under another diagnostic code, such as migraine headache or Meniere's disease, even if that diagnosis is based on subjective symptoms, rather than under the Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment and Other Residuals of TBI Not Otherwise Classified table, Evaluate emotional/behavioral dysfunction under. (b) A through-and-through injury with muscle damage shall be evaluated as no less than a moderate injury for each group of muscles damaged. Hear from fellow Veterans just like you, with many of our Veteran Success Managers having gone through our programs. The combined value, exactly as found in table I, will be combined with the degree of the third disability (in order of severity). This imposes upon the medical examiner the responsibility of furnishing, in addition to the etiological, anatomical, pathological, laboratory and prognostic data required for ordinary medical classification, full description of the effects of disability upon the person's ordinary activity. 5306 Group VI Function: Extension of elbow. Residuals of diseases or therapeutic procedures will not be cited without reference to the basic disease. May be unable to touch or name own body parts when asked by the examiner, identify the relative position in space of two different objects, or find the way from one room to another in a familiar environment. 6042 Retinal dystrophy (including retinitis pigmentosa, wet or dry macular degeneration, early-onset macular degeneration, rod and/or cone dystrophy). 5053 Wrist replacement (prosthesis). Infectious Diseases, Immune Disorders and Nutritional Deficiencies. 9403 Specific phobia; social anxiety disorder (social phobia). One or more neurobehavioral effects that interfere with or preclude workplace interaction, social interaction, or both on most days or that occasionally require supervision for safety of self or others. It is provided further that the existence or degree of nonservice-connected disabilities or previous unemployability status will be disregarded where the percentages referred to in this paragraph for the service-connected disability or disabilities are met and in the judgment of the rating agency such service-connected disabilities render the veteran unemployable. The exam aims to gather more information about your shoulder condition and how it affects your daily life. Added February 17, 1994; criterion November 14, 2021. (i) Type of injury. 7824 Keratinization, diseases(including icthyoses, Dariers disease, palmoplantar keratoderma, Dyskeratosis follicularis and Ichthyoses). 9905 Temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Erectile dysfunction, with or without penile deformity. Evaluate physical (including neurological) dysfunction based on the following list, under an appropriate diagnostic code: Motor and sensory dysfunction, including pain, of the extremities and face; visual impairment; hearing loss and tinnitus; loss of sense of smell and taste; seizures; gait, coordination, and balance problems; speech and other communication difficulties, including aphasia and related disorders, and dysarthria; neurogenic bladder; neurogenic bowel; cranial nerve dysfunctions; autonomic nerve dysfunctions; and endocrine dysfunctions. Youll also receive a higher rating if the injury impacts the arm of your dominant hand. Ratings for inactive nonpulmonary tuberculosis initially entitled after August 19, 1968. The combined rating for disabilities of an extremity shall not exceed the rating for the amputation at the elective level, were amputation to be performed. Subastragalar or tarsal joint, ankylosis. 7918 Pheochromocytoma(benign or malignant). 7344 Benign neoplasms, exclusive of skin growths: Evaluate under an appropriate diagnostic code, depending on the predominant disability or the specific residuals after treatment. 8612 Neuritis, lower radicular group. There are five general classes of bradyarrhythmia: Sinus bradycardia, including sinoatrial block; atrioventricular (AV) junctional (nodal) escape rhythm; AV heart block (second or third degree) or AV dissociation; atrial fibrillation or flutter with a slow ventricular response; and, idioventricular escape rhythm. The cardiovascular system includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Indications on palpation of loss of deep fascia, muscle substance, or normal firm resistance of muscles compared with sound side. WebAs reported in the VAs most recent Annual Benefits Report, musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly claimed condition in the VA disability benefits system, making up 36.9 percent of all disability claims. 4.17 Total disability ratings for pension based on unemployability and age of the individual. 18, 1976, as amended at 79 FR 2100, Jan. 13, 2014]. Criterion May 13, 2018. Service department record or other evidence of in-service treatment for the wound. When evaluating any claim involving complete organic aphonia, refer to 3.350 of this chapter to determine whether the veteran may be entitled to special monthly compensation. Table II - Ratings for Multiple Losses of Extremities With Dictator's Rating Code and 38 CFR Citation. 2. When the examiner indicates that additional testing is necessary to evaluate visual fields, the additional testing must be conducted using either a tangent screen or a 30-degree threshold visual field with the Goldmann III stimulus size. 9917 Neoplasm, hard and soft tissue, benign: Rate as loss of supporting structures (bone or teeth) and/or functional impairment due to scarring. 7822 Papulosquamous disorders not listed elsewhere. Note (1): Examples of supraventricular tachycardia include, but are not limited to: Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, sinus tachycardia, sinoatrial nodal reentrant tachycardia, atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia, atrial tachycardia, junctional tachycardia, and multifocal atrial tachycardia. "Published Edition". Addison's disease (adrenocortical insufficiency). My hip and thigh conditions have worsened. VA DISABILITY FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES, IMMUNE DISORDERS AND NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES. Total disability ratings for pension based on unemployability and age of the individual. What is the Digestive System for VA rating purposes? This 76 will be combined with 20 and the combined value for the three is 81 percent. Renal disease caused by viral infection such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Vulva or clitoris, disease or injury of (including vulvovaginitis). (i) Type of injury. Criterion August 30, 1996; title, criterion, note August 11, 2019. WebSocial Security Disability or SSI For Bursitis If your bursitis is severe enough, you may meet the requirements of Social Security's disability listing for joint dysfunction. If a diagnosis is not supported by the findings on the examination report or if the report does not contain sufficient detail, it is incumbent upon the rating board to return the report as inadequate for evaluation purposes. It is essential that the examination on which ratings are based adequately portray the anatomical damage, and the functional loss, with respect to all these elements. Metatarsalgia, anterior (Morton's disease). 6064 No more than light perception in one eye: 6066 Visual acuity in one eye 10/200 (3/60) or better: Or evaluate each affected eye as 20/70 (6/21), Or evaluate each affected eye as 20/50 (6/15), Or evaluate each affected eye as 5/200 (1.5/60), Or evaluate each affected eye as 20/200 (6/60). 8714 Neuralgia, musculospiral nerve (radial). In making such determinations, the following guidelines will be used: (a) Marginal employment, for example, as a self-employed farmer or other person, while employed in his or her own business, or at odd jobs or while employed at less than half the usual remuneration will not be considered incompatible with a determination of unemployability, if the restriction, as to securing or retaining better employment, is due to disability. 7508 Nephrolithiasis/Ureterolithiasis/Nephrocalcinosis: Rate as hydronephrosis, except for recurrent stone formation requiring invasive or non-invasive procedures more than two times/year, Frequent attacks of colic with infection (pyonephrosis), kidney function impaired, Frequent attacks of colic, requiring catheter drainage, Only an occasional attack of colic, not infected and not requiring catheter drainage, 3. invasive or non-invasive procedures more than two times/year. Evaluation of disability from mental disorders. Added March 10, 1976; criterion February 3, 1988; Title August 4, 2014. Knee, resurfacing or replacement (prosthesis). Limitation of motion must be objectively confirmed by findings such as swelling, muscle spasm, or satisfactory evidence of painful motion. 8104 Paramyoclonus multiplex(convulsive state, myoclonic type). Examiners must use either Goldmann kinetic perimetry or automated perimetry using Humphrey Model 750, Octopus Model 101, or later versions of these perimetric devices with simulated kinetic Goldmann testing capability. External popliteal nerve (common peroneal), paralysis. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) (chronic myeloid leukemia or chronic granulocytic leukemia). Retinopathy or maculopathy not otherwise specified. Neuritis, external popliteal (common peroneal) nerve. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! Take advantage of a FREE VA Claim Discovery Call with an experienced Team Member. Marked contraction of plantar fascia with dropped forefoot, all toes hammer toes, very painful callosities, marked varus deformity: All toes tending to dorsiflexion, limitation of dorsiflexion at ankle to right angle, shortened plantar fascia, and marked tenderness under metatarsal heads: Great toe dorsiflexed, some limitation of dorsiflexion at ankle, definite tenderness under metatarsal heads: 5279 Metatarsalgia, anterior (Morton's disease), unilateral, or bilateral, Operated with resection of metatarsal head, Severe, if equivalent to amputation of great toe. L. 90-493 apply, the former evaluations are retained in this section. You will probably only receive one rating for your condition per shoulder. 7115 Thrombo-angiitis obliterans (Buergers Disease). The term incomplete paralysis, with this and other peripheral nerve injuries, indicates a degree of lost or impaired function substantially less than the type picture for complete paralysis given with each nerve, whether due to varied level of the nerve lesion or to partial regeneration. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. On 18 June 2019, the VA published a final rule effective 11 August 2019, to amend the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) by revising 7718 Essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis: Requiring either continuous myelosuppressive therapy, or, for six months following hospital admission for any of the following treatments: peripheral blood or bone marrow stem cell transplant, or chemotherapy, or interferon treatment, Requiring continuous or intermittent myelosuppressive therapy, or chemotherapy, or interferon treatment to maintain platelet count <500 10, Requiring continuous or intermittent myelosuppressive therapy, or chemotherapy, or interferon treatment to maintain platelet count of 200,000-400,000, or white blood cell (WBC) count of 4,000-10,000. 4.96 Special provisions regarding evaluation of respiratory conditions. 8727 Neuralgia, internal saphenous nerve. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! It is the defined and consistently applied policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs to administer the law under a broad interpretation, consistent, however, with the facts shown in every case. Note (1): Evaluate compensable complications of diabetes separately unless they are part of the criteria used to support a 100-percent evaluation. (a) An examination for hearing impairment for VA purposes must be conducted by a state-licensed audiologist and must include a controlled speech discrimination test (Maryland CNC) and a puretone audiometry test. 7530 Chronic renal disease requiring regular dialysis: Thereafter: Rate on residuals as renal dysfunction, minimum rating. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. What are ear disabilities for VA rating purposes? (b) Except as otherwise provided in this schedule, the disabilities arising from a single disease entity, e.g., arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular accident, etc., are to be rated separately as are all other disabiling conditions, if any.