All good Cheers! Then you may have the later version of the Humax DTR-T1000, the Humax DTR-T1010: Select the instructions for the Humax DTR-T1010 instead. . That is, will I still be able to watch iPlayer through it? !function(e,a,t){var n,r,o,i=a.createElement("canvas"),p=i.getContext&&i.getContext("2d");function s(e,t){var a=String.fromCharCode;p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.apply(this,e),0,0);e=i.toDataURL();return p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.apply(this,t),0,0),e===i.toDataURL()}function c(e){var t=a.createElement("script");t.src=e,t.defer=t.type="text/javascript",a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)}for(o=Array("flag","emoji"),t.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},r=0;rYou View Box After I Leave Bt Digital Spy Youview box functionality after cancelling BT contract YouView Community If you have an Internet Mode enabled box, or the BT TV Box Mini you don't need to have the aerial plugged in, it just needs to be connected to the internet. well see about useful life. If you cant there might be some other fault with the box such as failed RAM or flash storage. Using Ultra HD - YouView Support Thanks for the info which was clear and easy to follow and saving me a load of cash. and that I would need to return the YouView box to BT (almost certainly wrong!). }); I found the solution is to change the partitioning to MBR rather than GPT. Just to add my thanks for the superbly clear instructions ! Thanks, good guide. Is it possible to subscribe to bt tv if you dont take there broadband ? Teslin Fake Id, Connected drive to computer with a SATA to USB cable and removed the NTFS formatting, try again but still no Maintenance mode. It has probably always done this but I didnt notice as the stock drive was quieter. If youd like to join in, please sign in or register. How to Connect Youview Box - Wirelessly and Wired Guide We always conscious about the amount of energy we use. By continuing to browse, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. YouView with BT BT offers three main options for TV with YouView, and they're all available as part of a bundle with phone, broadband, and mobile as well. You can also access Netflix, Now TV, and other quality content from it. The PCB is covered with a heatsink/RF shield. Havent tried the option with removing recordings yet. All you'll do is end up getting frustrated and angry with BT. Any suggestions how to keep the recordings before I try that option as a last resort? Some boxes were fitted with a Seagate 500Gb drive instead, part number ST500VT000. Ktm Rc16 2021, Would the solder failure be visible? If it is within the coverage of a main transmitter, or one of the bigger relays, you should get the lot. HDMI - After this, you're going to want to connect both the audio and video of your TV to your Youview box. Get in touch Need more help? Need more help? Gripper, Very helpful instructions thanks so much! Welcome to our best TV experience yet. Switch on the power switch on the back of your box and a red light should appear on the front. var removeEvent = function(evt, handler) { In the end after speaking the with the second CS agent I decided on balance to keep the anytime call package but Im still shocked that a CS agent could mislead a customer so badly. It requires a username and password to unlock it. As I said above I unplugged the Internet from it for that day but that's probably not required. Great instructions! Thanks for your very clear easy to follow instructions which helped this 69yo silver surfer fix his box in minutes!! FOR SALE! Ethernet - Next, you'll want to go ahead and connect your ethernet port to your Youview box. 3 July 2013, 12:08PM edited 19 March 2017, 10:46PM in Archived Posts. I have decided to cancel bt tv as we are moving house. As you say, there is no need to create new partitions or format them. height: 1em !important; I tried all 5 options in M mode and kept getting the same answer. Sometimes, you may experience weak signals due to poor weather. I installed my new HDD into my 4k box. All I want to be sure of (preferably from someone who has done it) that following cancellation, the box will still work for recording, pausing, rewinding etc., that the EPG will update, and that the catch-up services will still work. These drives are also quieter and cooler than standard 2.5 computer drives so should last longer in continuous use. The sticky pad was the culprit! Leave BTTV Keep The Box - Digital Spy Or maybe not. Just tried this. Ordered a new hard drive and have installed using your clear instructions. The maximum is probably 1Tb or 2Tb as there is some sort of addressing limit on some computer systems for drives above 2Tb. People have best results with a brand new drive but if they buy a refurbished one they might have to use a computer to delete all the partitions from the drive. BT VISION+ PACE DiT7431/05_2B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder - $26.61. My box got into the loading loop and beeps several times after switching it on. Liz3 Member Posts: 1. Get in touch Need more help? BT Vision+ Pace DiT7431/052B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder The 165960205623 BT VISION+ PACE DiT7431/05_2B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder - $24.71. The BT TV Box Pro - BT Broadband I let it run for about 4 hours and it wasnt even 1% complete and every sector so far was bad. Bought the 500gb seagate drive, 30, fitted it, and box was up and running in 10 minutes! Youview recording failed This is another one that is usually caused by either your internet connection, or also possibly your broadband connection too. We need to access Maintenance Mode from the start up screen. YouView is supposed to be a box you can use without a subscription. It happened fairly soon after the latest update that was released at the end of Jan 2021. Refit the lid loosely and turn the box over. Hi . perfectly quiet, its lovely. It does take several minutes for the maintenance menu to appear. Really helpful & informative, well written. After slotting the new hard drive in place fit the lid and turn the box over again so the new drive and PCB are resting in the lid. addEvent(evts[i], logHuman); Sourced one from eBay for about a tenner. Hi, I have just received my first YouView box with recording facility from BT (500gb) and having read your really excellent instructions I cant wait for it to fail so I can fit a larger hard drive just a joke! Thanks Russell. Thank you again! I can view but not hear SD channels, but cant see any HD ones at all. Announcements, Guides & Community Updates, Here's where you can . Thanks again for these instructions, and good luck to anyone else fixing their YouView box . Just repaired my box with a new hard drive from eBay for 23 following your instructions and works a treat! I hope it still works ok cos I've not long since bought one it's better for entertainment than freesat I think. Carefully lift the lid up pivoting at the front of the box, revealing the insides, but dont yank the cable connecting the lid to the PCB! I can confirm also that my youview box supplied from BT still functions as normal and my 30 days notice ended 27th December. It's been confirmed by both BT and by YouView that these threats are entirely unfounded. I have a brand new WD 1tb drive waiting. YouView TV Ltd 2023. margin: 0 .07em !important; I can confirm also that my youview box supplied from BT still functions as normal and my 30 days notice ended 27th December. Instead once you have removed the partitions your computer will not recognise the drive but you view will and success , removing the partitions and not formatting the hdd is the same as a brand new drive, once I found this out took less than 10 mins with the youview apart already. You might also be able to upgrade your 500Gb box to a 1Tb hard drive or higher and although this has not been tested by us, our readers have reported success. This guide covers the 500Gb models made by Humax for BT and Plusnet. BT's YouView boxes allow you to watch live TV let you seamlessly watch live or on-demand TV across multiple services, including Netflix, iPlayer and NOW TV. A YouView box is a set-top box, a device that converts the signals into something that your TV can read and display. I then initialised the drive but didnt format it (using Windows 10 disk manager) but that made no difference. NetGem), but a lot of consumers today still have one of their boxes installed. if (window.removeEventListener) { Would have thrown the box away without finding your site. If you've been inactive for a certain amount of time, we'll give you a nudge and say your box is about to go into standby. The four longest screws go in the bottom of the case. My box wasnt initially recognising the new drive. Please leave and tips, comments or questions about replacing YouView hard drives below. just fitted sandisk ultra 3d 500gb ssd to my Humax hdr1100s. YouView boxes cannot receive all of the Internet-based channels that are available on Freeview, although it does receive some of them. 1 March 2023. After the recent price increases I chose to take advantage of leaving penalty free as my Wife has been complaining to go back to Sky for most of the last 2 years. Software reset and factory reset still failed, taking me back into maintenance mode. width: 1em !important; Even a link to the correct hard drive at the best price too!!! YouView TV Ltd 2023. If you cant get into maintenance mode then perhaps the fault is with the main PCB/circuitry rather than the hard drive However I also have a BT TV UHD YouView box plugged into HDMI1 and this is. PS. Visit our full contacts page here 1 Service Alert Using Ultra HD A YouView Box FAQ Go beyond Full HD and see the difference with Ultra HD. There is no point even trying. Replaced the hard drive with one pulled from an old laptop. Is it worth me opening up the box to see if I can spot a lose wire or blown capacitor etc? Watch Shop Bd, Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publie. Watch the most popular free-to-air channels as well as the channels in your package. Ignore the above. Only some main power transmitters have the COM 7 and COM 8 mux and these are lower power than the other Mux. I couldnt figure out why I couldnt slide the drive out after removing the screws and had to use a little more force than I was comfortable with. What are things against if so The box light will turn blue, Press the button on the top of the box. 2 weeks ago I rang up and cancelled just the TV package but kept the broadband and the woman I spoke to was adiment I would need a new box to watch TV. YouView is now the OS behind the BT TV, TalkTalk and Plusnet set-top boxes. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. Or is there a message on the TV screen? Its a 750Gb Toshiba drive. Right everybody at IONIC and Bloggers big thanks for diagnostics to confirm my YouView problem with unit cycling on switch on . Watch Shop Bd, Below is a photo of the original YouView drive which is a 500Gb Western Digital disk from their AV-25 range. Weber County Sheriff Jobs, You can now lift out the old hard drive, carefully sliding it away from its connector, and fit the new one which is available new on eBay here. To help this run smoothly, make sure: Your box is plugged into the mains and the power switch on the back is switched on. The 320GB HDD in my neighbours Talktalk DN372T failed. Not tried the BT Vision option but I wouldn't expect that to work. Phone opening hours are: Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm Saturday, 8am to 8pm Sunday, 9am to 6pm Notification We'll always notify you when your contract ends. I followed your easy to follow instructions & have successfully fitted a new hard drive ! Due to the 30 day's notice I won't know until 29th December but to be safe I've unplugged the Ethernet from the box until that date has passed. It now appears to be working fine. A red light should appear on thefront, Press and hold the down navigation button on your remote for 5 seconds until you see the Enter Maintenance Mode Y/N (Y:POWER)prompt. However once in maintenance mode I keep getting sorry selected option failed. Switch on your TV and pre-select the correct HDMI input for your YouView box so you can see what the box is doing while it powers on. for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) { } YouView TV Ltd 2023. Is the soldering easy or should I take it to a hifi repair shop? Had already begun ordering a new box, and about to get my failed box recycled when I found your instructions. youview box after leaving bt - I have spoken to them already about something else. I am stuck with scart interface. Thanks for the advice worked like a dream got a WD 500Gb WD5000LUCT on ebay for 29.95 inc del. if (window.wfLogHumanRan) { return; } Im not sure why all the previous steps failed, but that last method with a cloned drive worked for me. All rights reserved. Many thanks. Hi, I have tried your method and my 2100 youview box just goes to black screen after I press the power button to enter maintenance mode. Not sure what box model you have? I expect so, but you won't receive any of Plusnet's pay tv services. The hard drive will work fine with the box on its side. The box light will turn blue, If you still require assistance, or have any feedback, please leave a message on the YouView Community, Need more help? The constant writing to disk by the Youview box, even when not recording a programme, will quickly wear out an SSD and it will fail. If you take the bare hard drive out of the portable enclosure the disk might well work. "pluginVersion": "1.6.0" Thanks for the indepth information. You can pause live TV and record up to 150 hours of HD TV, or 300 hours of SD TV. I have swapped HDMI leads and still does not work. Not tried the BT Vision option but I wouldn't expect that to work. She then said she would need to check with her manager and after being on hold for a few minutes I was cut off. Is that to be expected? Thanks. If so what file type.? Thanks in advance! It seems unlikely. If it does then you have the original Humax DTR-T1000. Thanks for the guide! Followed direction to eBay to get a Seagate 500gb New replacement hard drive , and was delivered next day (thanks to eBay ). If you're not able to get into settings, you will be able to find the box model printed on the back or on a sticker on the bottom of the box.